Pizza and wing woman

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Riley’s P.O.V It was now 7pm and I had spent my day/night getting my dorm organised. But now I was done and just wanted to get some food somewhere and go to bed. That’s when I realised I had no clue where the food places were. I could google it but I knew there was better option, that being asking Denny, though I never really wanted too but I knew I had to suck it up and act like a big girl. I groaned as I pulled myself up off the bed, took a few deep breaths and headed across the hall to Denny’s room. I took a few deep breaths before knocking loudly. He took his time to answer but when he did he was in nothing but a pair of boxers. I found my eyes trailing over his entire body. He was more toned than I first thought, he also had a six pack and I could not take my eyes off it. I wanted to reach over and run my fingers all over the top of it. Without realising what I was doing I bit down on my bottom lip Riley jump him, you know you want too. He won’t mind. No! I thought I had got rid of that little voice but clearly not. “Like what you see Riley? Tell me what you would like to do to my body because by the look on your face you are thinking many different things right now.” He said, making me snap out of it. Just as always I felt myself blush, terribly. I decided I better look at his face before he thought I was a complete creep. “Sorry.” I muttered “So how can I help you? Did you miss me that much you had to just come over and see me?” he said smugly I groaned, throwing my hands in the air and went to walk away from him but before I could he grabbed me, pulling me back and spinning me around to face him. “Sorry I will stop for the time being. So what can I help you with?” he asked looking at me “I need food but have no clue where to go. I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction.” I asked giving him a small smile “I will do one better. I will take you, just let me get some clothes on OK?” he said giving me a smile…a real, proper smile rather than a smirk or a smug look. “OK.” I replied smiling back at him He grabbed my hand, heading back into his dorm, taking me in with him. You could tell it was two guys that stayed here because the place was a little messy and had that man smell in the air. “Take a seat. I will be with you in a few.” He said smiling at me and I nodded I took a seat on one of the beds, twiddling my thumbs as I looked around. I was feeling very nervous for some reason. I looked around, my eyes falling on Denny as he pulled some clothes on and I was a little disappointed to be honest. He bent over to fix his shoes and my eyes landed on his very sexy ass. I had to cover my mouth before a moan escaped my lips. All of a sudden he started shaking his ass and next thing I knew I burst out laughing “I thought I would put on a little show for you since you were checking out my ass.” He chuckled “Thanks. It was much appreciated.” I replied giggling Whoa! Where did that come from? Am I not usually a shy/nervous wreck around him? “I thought you would like it. Just let me know when you are done checking my ass out and we can head out for food.” He laughed “I think I am done now.” I chuckled You Go Girl *does a quick cheer* And for once I had to agree with the little voice in my head. I must sound like a crazy person talking about a voice in my head. “Actually I think I better get changed I look like I have been dragged through a hedge backwards 100 times over.” I laughed remember I was dressed in baggy sweats. “You look fine but if you want to change then let’s go.” He said smiling at me I nodded and we headed back to my room. I grabbed some clothes, going towards the bathroom to get changed “Hey! Not fair. You saw me half naked…only fair I see you half naked.” He said stomping his foot and pouting at me All of a sudden I felt a confidence creep up. I turned around to face him, a smirk playing on my lips and reached for the bottom of my hoodie, acting like I was gonna take it off right in front of him. “Ha yeah right. You could not handle me half naked Denny.” I winked at him, walking into the bathroom and I swear I heard him gasp. High five…go you I smirked pretty proud of myself. I am still a little shocked I done that but he must bring many sides out of me that usually stay hidden. I don’t know if that is a good or bad thing but I am sure I will find out eventually. “c**k TEASE!” He shouted, making me giggle I stripped out of my sweats, pulling on a pair of skinny jeans, a plain back tee. I pulled my hair from my messy bun, running my fingers through it, shaking my head a little and my hair fell in waves over my shoulder. I grabbed my lip-gloss, putting some on and then headed back out to where Denny was waiting for me. He was laying down on my bed, watching me and when he seen me a smile appeared on his face “Well that never took you long did it?” he chuckled and I shook my head “It never does.” I said pulling my converse on “Now lets go I am so hungry. I need pizza, fries and a very large latte.” I said smiling “Yes ma’am.” He said standing up saluting me which cause me to laugh loudly “You are a clown Denny.” I said shaking my head “HEY! That was mean.” He pouted once again Seriously what is with this guy pouting all the time? I flipped him off, heading out and he was soon hot on my heels, his arm wrapping around my waist, his hand landing on my hip, pulling me close to him. I turned to look at him, raising my brow and he just shrugged but kept his hand where it was. I just let it drop as we headed out of the building and out of campus. “There is a pizza place just ten minutes down the street, it does the most amazing BBQ chicken pizza.” He said “I won’t be eating that. I am vegetarian, so cheese will do me just fine.” I said smiling “Really?” he asked and I nodded “Cool.” He added After that it was like we relaxed around each other. We actually had a proper conversation with each other…one that didn’t include any s****l or dirty remarks at all so that has to be a start right? Though you love when he talks dirty to you…you hoe, you don’t even know him. I decided I was just gonna ignore that little voice for the rest of the night since Denny and I were actually talking and acting like normal human beings. Soon enough we arrived and he led us inside, grabbing a seat and giving our order to the waitress who was practically drooling over Denny and I found myself rolling my eyes “Your order will be with you very soon.” She said, licking her lips as she looked at him “Thanks beautiful. Maybe you can give me your number along with that order.” He said “Maybe I will.” She replied winking “That s**t works on you?” I said out loud rather than just thinking it The waitress turned around, glaring at me and I had to stop myself from laughing before walking away "What?" I asked as Denny glared at me "That was a bit rude was is not?" he said raising his brow "or is it that you are jealous Riley?" he added smirking "No I am not jealous. If I wanted you I could have had you in my room earlier." I said and soon regretted saying it I swear I need to start thinking before I speak and oh would you look at that...that smug f**k look is back. "Mmm is that so? You see I think you need to prove that to Me." he smirked "Never gonna happen." I said rolling my eyes Though I was feeling really bad for the way I spoke to her and I decided I should go and say sorry. I excused myself from Denny heading over to her. "Hey I am really sorry about that that was horrible of me. I am a nice person honestly. I really do apologize." I said looking at her "Its ok. Is he your date or your boyfriend?" she asked nodding in Denny direction "No chance...that aint ever gonna happen." I said "You don't sound to convinced.' she giggled "Honestly it's nothing like that just met him today at my first day on campus." I said "Oh ok so would you mind if I gave him my number because he is pretty darn sexy?" she giggled "Go right ahead. Though be warned he is a bit of a player and a male hoe I think so if you are looking for more you will be better finding someone else. You want some fun then he will happily take your number. His name is Denny by the way." I said smiling at het "Fun is enough and thank you." she smiled I nodded my head, smiling back at her before making my way back over to the table. Denny had been watching us both closely so he knew what I was doing. I sat back down, looking and him and smiling "She is up for some fun so just your type of girl." I said winking at him "How did this happen? I wanted to bring you out and try my best moves on you too see if they work and you end up hooking me up with some other girl practically?" he said raising his brow at me "Well you want fun...she wants fun. I don't want fun ...with you so everyone wins." I said smiling like a Chester cat. "You do realise no matter how many woman you use to distract me I am still gonna come after you right?" he smirked "Denny...go f**k yourself." I said smiling sweetly at him. He went to say something but before he could the waitress came with her order, handing Denny her number, smiling at us both "Enjoy." she said and walked away I dug right into my pizza not caring that Denny was sitting there staring at me. What has he never seen a girl stuff her face? Men! I just smiled at him sweetly, making him chuckle at me. He soon took his attention away from me and started eating his own pizza. "This is so good." I moaned "Don't do that Riley." he said glaring at me "What eat my pizza?" I asked confused "No I meant stop moaning you are gonna get me all turned on." he said I just flipped him off and got back to eating, moaning with every bite just to annoy him and I could tell it was getting to him. Serves him right. "Ready to go?" he asked once we were done "I have not decided if I want another slice yet." I smiled widely at him "I will get one to go for us." he replied For us? Where does he think he is going after here and why does he think I am gonna go with him? Only place I am going is sleep. So all your dirty people get your minds out of the gutter. "No it's fine. Once we get back I am just gonna go to bed anyway." I said giving him a small smile "Can I join?" he said smirking "No you can definitely not join. I am going to bed to go to sleep...nothing else." I said annoyed "Aww come on Lovely hang out with me for a bit? I promise to behave. I will be bored." he said pouting, giving me his best puppy dog eyes. "Do you not have anyone else to annoy bar me?" I said raising my brow "Yes I do but annoying you is my new favourite thing." he smiled sweetly at me "Fine! We can hang out for little while and then you will go away and let me sleep Ok?" I said sternly "Deal!" he said getting a little too excited I have a feeling I aint gonna get rid of him anytime soon so I may as well get used to him and his beautiful eyes.
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