CHAPTER 3 – Too slow

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Avery’s POV Those fury eyes were rotating all over the restaurant and finally stopped when they found me. His pair of Sapphires got a satisfied look when they found my black pupils. I leaned slowly to the cashier counter and froze there. My breath was no more peaceful, and my blood curled with the horror of his bullies. My heart was not beating and pumping the blood to my organs, it was like even my heart was looking for a place to hide from this monster. What the hell is he doing here? didn’t he get the satisfaction of torturing me in school? It’s not the first time he ever stepped into the restaurant and it’s not the first time I see him. I saw him four years ago at the high school and I am still seeing him there. He was the reason why I came late to my shift every day because he trapped me anyhow to do his homework and assignments. Don’t be afraid of him Avery, don’t show that you saw him, or don’t change your mood. Take the courage, pump some blood into your organs, and go for the work. I turned back to the cashier facing my back to him and mumbled to myself tapping my index fingers on the counter to release my stress and panic level. “Hey” Suddenly someone rested their hand on my shoulder and a yell escaped from my mouth, but at the same moment I covered my mouth with my both palms to handle the embarrassment. It was one of my work buddies and he was also surprised by my action. “I am sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you Avery, but, is everything OK? You look pale and you were sweating also” Then I realized that no matter how I tried to hide my fear for him, it came out with my actions and appearance. “Oh, it’s n…nothing. I…am fine” I showed my teeth with a fake smile. He curved his lips into a fine smile and forwarded the card he collected from the customer to the cashier. “Avery, table number five order is ready” A girl from the kitchen brought the food tray and kept it on the counter. I took the food tray with my shaking hands and took a deep breath of courage to walk towards table number five. I was so sure that I had to pass the table of that monster was sitting. He was sitting at the middle table of the restaurant. No matter what happens, don’t look at him Avery, just ignore him and walk to table number five. I determined. I can’t even take a break, because it has passed only half an hour from my shift. I saw to my thief eye that a boy walked at him to take the order, but he denied it. Then a girl walked to him showing her healthy cleavage to take his order. It was only me who was scared of him, all the other girls would be flattered by him with his one look. I don’t understand what they see in him. “I don’t want a s*ut to take my food order” I heard his low growl and the girl quickly stepped back. Everyone in the town knew the temper of Trevis Davenport. They didn’t want to be the next target of his wrath. “You” he snapped his fingers towards me. I was passing him and acted like I didn’t hear or see him. I wanted to imagine that he was not calling me. “Are you ignoring me you little Elvy?” his words made me freeze on the spot. That’s how he calls me, now it was confirmed that he was calling me. I was his pathetic Elvy. “Very good, now, come here and take my order” he pointed his index finger toward me. I gulped, to be honest, the courage I gathered melted faster than ice cream. Why do I always see myself as a tiny ant in front of his giant personality? The food tray was shaking in my hand. It was like time had stopped, the entire operation of the restaurant was stopped because of his dangerous aura. Everyone knows his powers and his family background and there will be no good if anyone tackles him. “I…a..m s… sorry sir, I am b..usy” I don’t know how I gathered my words and the melted courage to reply to him while maintaining my gaze on the food tray in my hand. I heard him stand up pushing the chair away. The chair slipped away and fell to the ground. I was startled when I felt that I just invited the devil to walk towards me. “You got a little tongue I guess, look who got the courage to talk to me back” he stood right in front of me. I can see his ankle-high black boots with dark blue jeans. He came to the restaurant right after school, because he wore the same boots and a pair of jeans to school also. You might be wondering how I know his every detail because I am dealing with the devil every day. He was the Satan of my life, the Lucifer of my high school life. I count every day when will this high school life over and fly to college life, so I won’t be able to see his face anymore. “Look at me!” he was gritting his teeth, I can say with his tone. I nodded in no manner, but in the next moment, he squeezed my jaw and lifted my face to look at him. I can see his lava-filled eyes. Those pair of blue eyes were overflowing with hate, disgust, and fury for me. His upper lip was curled into a devilish smirk. His fingers on my jaw were crushing and his nails were digging into the skin of my cheeks. He has large palms, I was a tiny elf in front of him. “How dare you disobey my call? Come to the table and take my order” he brought his face closer to mine and I felt the smell of cigar and mint from his mouth. “I…I need to serve this order, I…am s…oryy” I don’t know why I am doing this to make him angrier. This will make things only worse. “Are you sure that you want to do it Elvy? Because I won’t ask for a second time and I hate repeating things to little pathetic things in my life” so I was a little pathetic thing in his life? By now, everyone’s eyes were on us. We became the center of attention of the restaurant and none of my work buddies wanted to interfere in this matter, because they knew that once they dipped their finger into this mess, wouldill be the last time twoulcomecoming to the restaurant as an employee. The restaurbelongedging to Owen’s father, who is his best friend of Travis. “Hey, young man. Let her go” Suddenly the father whom I was supposed to serve the order stood against the actions of Travis. My eye enlarged to its’ maximum. “Sir, please sit. Avery, I will serve the order” Quickly a co-employee settled the customer back to his seat and took the food tray from my hand leaving me no option other than serving it to Travis. “Get my chair, I can’t stand here for the entire day looking at your pathetic face!” he said with a low growl in his voice. The humiliation I was getting from him had already moistened my eyes. I felt that my surroundings were getting pricked by the tears forming in my eyes. Why should I be scared of him? I can raise my voice against him. This is not the school, he can’t bully me here, but then I realized my class. He can sue me in a second from this job. I found this job very hard after going to every company and knocking on their doors, most of them even didn't go through my resume. More than everything, I have a target now, to be the employee of the month, to save the huge amount they are giving to us. I can’t let Trevis ruin that also. I slowly walked towards the chair which he pushed back and lifted and brought to the closer of the table. “Sir, please sit” I offered him the seat. He pulled it closer from his leg and sat on it while keeping his arms in his jacket pocket. “What are you looking at me? Bring me my favorite and I will give you only five minutes Elvy” I never heard someone calling so disrespectful to anyone. Didn’t his parents teach him to be nice to others? I quickly turned to go to the counter to give the order. His favorites were hot chocolate, chicken, and cheeseburgers with a fish pastry. “Listen, please give me this order within five minutes” I hung on the counter and said with a fearful tone. If I didn’t serve him within five minutes, I am afraid to imagine my next few days. The kitchen staff knew whose order I placed and they did their best to deliver it. I ran to him with the food tray. “Sir, your order!” I placed the food tray in front of him. He looked at me and the food tray and then checked his wristwatch. He showed me the wristwatch. The ba*tard was turned on the stopwatch and it shows that 6 minutes and 25 seconds were passed to serve the order for him. “Too slow Elvy, I am not interested now and my appetite is gone” What the f*ck? what did he mean by too slow? this will go to the Guinness Book, this was the fastest time ever we ever served a customer. Usually, it takes ten to fifteen minutes. “W..hat? But…” “I want to complain about your too-slow service to the manager!” he declared standing up by taking his backpack and starting to walk towards the manager’s cabin. Shit! No, no. he is going to complain against me? this will have a major impact on my objective to become the employee of the month! Hi ladies, How are you, after a few times we meet right? I took a break and came back with a YA book this is the first book I am writing about a bully and this is going to be a book serious. Tell me, how do you feel about the book and how the characters are being developed slowly?
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