Chapter 4

965 Words
MAURICE I am left dumbfounded. Who is the woman who just dropped me in the outskirts of the city? What were her motives and why did she rescue me? Those are the questions that keep on bothering me as I sit under a tree near the road, thinking of the events that have taken place in the park. Were it not for the woman, who I'm convinced is the same one leading the ghosts in the park, I am sure I would be dead. Her accomplices wanted my blood and only her intervention made me escape. The moon is gone and darkness reigns over the edges of the park and I follow the tarmac road to the edge of town. It's quiet except for noise from crickets and other night insects. It's still very cold and I zip up my jacket, hanging Josh's camera on my neck. It may contain clues as to what those creatures could be. Josh had a tendency of photographing everything he saw and I am sure the film inside this camera has some answers. I get into the city and look at my watch, it's four o'clock in the morning. I just want to get to my house and sleep, my mind needs to rest because I have seen enough already. The streets are deserted except for a few drunk people trying to find their way home. I easily find my way to my house and open the door. Inside everything is just the way I left except for a window which is open, letting in a breeze which bows the curtain inside. I walk there and close the window then I place Josh's camera on the table and head to the bedroom, switching off the lights to the table room. Minutes later I get into the bathroom and take a quick shower. As usual, after every tour I write a report but this time I can't do it because I am not in my true senses, I need to sleep and freshen up. In two minutes I am already in bed when something bizarre happens, the lights in the sitting room come on again by themselves. I get up to investigate only to encounter a frightening scenario. The same lady who drove me from the park is standing by the table, looking at me. I am wearing my pyjamas and on my bare feet. “I am not afraid of you.” I say, pulling a seat. She looks at me closely and I notice that the chalk whiteness has gone, the teeth too. The girl who stands before me now is so beautiful to be associated with what I have gone through. She moves towards me and I can see she wants to talk. “I found your house because I wanted to talk to you.” She whispers. “Okay, do you want some coffee?” I ask, already aware of the answer. She shakes her head. “I need to tell you about us, what you just saw, so that you understand why I wanted Josh to die and why I let you go.” She's standing close by me, looking me direct in the eye. “Please do. Everything is a puzzle for me. Help me unravel it.” I tell her. “Josh had to die, to become like us because I love him, I would not have let him walk out of that forest alive.” She says. A cool breeze flows through the window, the one I had closed earlier, shaking her dress and making her hair flutter. “Don't ask me what I am because you will never understand. Just stay away from the park. Never come there again because you will be on your own, I won't help you again. I helped you because I liked you, but you're human and I am not. Stay away from the park for your own safety." She smiles slyly then lifts up the camera and smashes it down, breaking it into smithereens. She takes out the tape in one hand and walks through the stone wall and waves at me before disappearing. I am left wondering whether it was a dream, standing transfixed on the spot many minutes after she has left. Later I get to bed and sleep heavily. The following morning I walk to my office and start compiling a report on the events that took place since we left with Josh. Later I walk to the police station and report the incident. I record a statement to the effect that Josh was killed by wild animals and eaten by them. I provide details of where the incident took place and one police officer claims that two more incidents of similar nature have been associated with the same spot. I request them to bring my belongings from the park if they find them and they assure me that there's nothing to worry about. I can't accompany them after what I have gone through. I get back to my office and write an email to Josh's embassy detailing his death in the park, regretting that even his body may not be found. My staff in the office keep on asking me why I am back so soon but I can't reveal anything. I have hidden the detailed report deep inside my safe and locked it up. Later that afternoon a group of four people are ushered into my office. They need our services as they tour the park for camping purposes. I advice them to choose another park and when they refuse I decline their business, directing them to seek for services from our competitors. When they are gone I pick up my phone and call my doctor. I need psychological help.
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