Is leaving them, the only Way?

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Meanwhile, Victor travels back to his dream world as the sky becomes dim in evening darkness. The sun fades faster and the clouds becomes darker while the brown dried bushes slowly fades into ashes as Victor stays in the lonely land of terror in disappointments and over raged anger. DARK VICTOR: Just take a look at you… Suffering and running due to your monstrosity madness that has brought you awe and frustrations. Now, what is left for you…? (Appears in front of Victor as he answers directly) Your wrath. VICTOR: (Mute and disappointed) Your darkness might have been stronger than the light of this world but I …will not fall until I personally…! DARK VICTOR: (Adds in) Destroy me?! (Scoffs) You never give up, don’t you? Well, I can see someone is having a hope when there isn’t! (Rounding Victor slowly while talking) How much more will I be able to prove to you that you are losing, huh? Should I start with…your friend…, Kolade… (Victor suddenly glanced at his alternate version of Kolade standing a few kilometers away as he walks away from Victor with frustrating anger while Victor becomes weak then Dark victor adds in) … Or should I say…, your mother who had already forgotten about you because she’s tired of your insanity… (Victor immediately sighted his mother in the other side of the land as she walks away from Victor with rigorous disgust while he tries stopping her then Dark victor continues) … If that isn’t enough, then, let’s talk about your dearest friend…, Abigail. But is just that she had already seen you as a monster and I believe she hates you now… (Victor turns his worried face to Abigail as he tries calling her. Abigail takes a few steps backward and run away from him in fear and panics while they all disappears into the thin air) VICTOR: (Stretching his hand) No, Abigail… (Glanced at Dark victor) You’ll regret doing this to me, you imposter! DARK VICTOR: The only one that would regret this, is you, Victor. Did you even think I was sent to you? (Pointing at himself while yelling) I am you, Victor! This is what you truly are. I am the mirror of what you are truly made up of! We are both the same with a different goal in our minds. VICTOR: Yes, you are right! We both are the same but my goal is definitely different from yours. So with that, I will do whatever it takes to take you down! DARK VICTOR: (Scoffs) What else do you need to have in this…world (Pointing his hand to Victor) when you have already take it all. VICTOR: I never took anything! DARK VICTOR: Really? (Victor kept mute for a second and turns back sighting his young aged elder brother standing behind him as Victor becomes terrified in great fear) VICTOR: …Brother? DARK VICTOR: This was what we did together and that will be the only thing we would all continue to do as our bond of likeness. (Victor rushed to grab his elder brother as he immediately burst into splashes of water. Victor kneels on the ground with sadness as he cries aloud) VICTOR: Noo! No, no, didn’t mean to… (Mourning) I didn’t mean to do it… DARK VICTOR: (Holds Victor’s shoulder) This is what we are. Let’s just accept it. VICTOR: (Turns to Dark victor with anger) Never! (Yells) I will win and I will destroy you myself! (Pointing at himself as he moves closer to Dark victor’s face) Whatever you do or say to me, I will never ever back down because I know I have imposter like you but me myself. You are nothing like me and you will never be me and I will never be you! DARK VICTOR: I rule this world now, Victor. There is nothing left for you to expedite. VICTOR: Yes, I do. And it’s fighting you to death. DARK VICTOR: And what if you do not win…? VICTOR: (Panting heavily as he thinks) –“This will be my last chance in getting rid of this imposter for good and I have to lay down everything I got in my energy and fist to beat him up before the sun finally fades to voids of horrors in my life-” (Talks) If I do not win…, Then accept that this fight is going to be my last. Dark victor smile broadly as he immediately lands a punch at Victor while making him fall to the ground. Dark victor tries hitting him again as he swiftly stand up on his feet and starts to punch Dark victor in the both sides of his jaw. Victor continues the blow with raging anger as he charged up his whole energy into his fist and gives Dark victor a powerful blow in the face while making him fall to the ground. DARK VICTOR: (Standing up after the fall) I didn’t know you had this much energy in you. (Turns to Victor while massaging his jaw) But…, that was just an itch to my face. (Victor becomes irritated as he rushed to Dark victor while trying to land another fist bomb. Dark victor immediately kicks Victor in the face with a surprising move as he forcefully back flip to the ground. Victor tries to gain balance after the sudden kick as Dark victor lifts him up and rash him with few punches in his face while making him feel whirly) What’s the matter, Victor? Feeling sleepy already? VICTOR: (Trying to gain balance of himself as he continues to feel whirly) You are not…getting away with this… DARK VICTOR: (Adds in) Oh, yes I am. (Rushed to Victor and gives him a devastating uppercut as Victor flies to the air with a slow motion glanced at the fading sun and falls unconscious to the ground) Light fades till the next day at Abigail’s church and her grandmother reading her bible as she suddenly have an intuition against her granddaughter Abigail. She closed her bible and set to meet Abigail in the church immediately. ABIGAIL: (Sweeping the church congregation as she sighted her grandma coming in) Good morning mama. ABIGAL’S GRANDMA: Good morning my daughter. How was your night? ABIGAIL: (Answers directly) It was fine, mama. ABIGAIL’S GRANDMA: Uhm. Why don’t you pause what you are doing. I want to speak with you. ABIGAIL: (Immediately stopped the sweeping) What happened…? Any problem? ABIGAIL’S GRANDMA: No, there isn’t. I…I just had a vision about a friend of yours. (Abigail amazed) It’s not that serious but I suggest you know about it before that friend of yours does. ABIGAIL: Whose friend? I mean…, who? (Confused) ABIGAIL’S GRANDMA: I don’t know. I didn’t know how he or she looks like but I am well guaranteed that the figure in my vision was a dear friend to you. ABIGAIL: If I may ask, mama. Please, what is that vision all about? (Anxious) ABIGAIL’S GRANDMA: Well, let me start from this. That friend of yours has been going through struggles and mania illnesses. That is, an excessive desire of insanity and derangement. However, that person terribly needs your help but he/she doesn’t even know how to express that feeling and needy desire unless you finally give in. ABIGAIL: (Still confused) I… I don’t get it. My help…? Who could…? (Paused for some while and remembers something) Victor. ABIGAIL’S GRANDMA: Wha…what did you say? ABIGAIL: It’s Victor, mama. Victor is that friend you were talking about. Yes, he is the one I noticed going through those struggles and pains after his friend enlightened me but…his actions prove to be some kind of an… ABIGAIL’S GRANDMA: (Adds in) Unreasonable anger? (Abigail surprise) Whatever situation he is right now that irritates you, you still need to accept him and find him so he can be save and free from his emotional t*****e. ABIGAIL: (Looking guilty as she faces aside) Yes, mama. I have to find him. He needs to know the truth and be free. (Turns to her grandma) But I how does this…vision come about? Or have you seen Victor anywhere before telling me all these? ABIGAIL’S GRANDMA: (Laughs) No, my child. Vision is just part of the gift God has given us in this world. It is quite different from talent because, talent is just a perfected skill imposed on someone’s states of abilities. But when we talk about gifts, especially the one of a vision, it is a spiritual impact directly from extraterrestrial beings because most gifted people didn’t directly have it from God but maybe from demons or other entity. But I know that the gift I possess right now, is mainly from my father in heaven. (Pointing above) So, Abigail. I didn’t see Victor anywhere. It was only shown to me some few hours ago. Besides, I didn’t even see his appearance but I was only told spiritually that a friend of yours is going through a lot and also needs your help. ABIGAIL: (Hugs her grandma) You are so amazing mama. And thank you so much for everything. ABIGAIL’S GRANDMA: Thank God. ABIGAIL: Oh, mama. Once I tried finding him, can I bring him here? ABIGAL’S GRANDMA: (Smiles broadly) God won’t insist. (Abigail smiles and rushed off to her room as she takes her phone and went on her search in finding Victor) Meanwhile at Victor’s house, Victor’s mother stays helpless in her room with her night gown worn. She looks pale and depressed as she holds an alcoholic gin in a glass bottle and starts to drink out of it. Victor’s mum continues to drink from the bottle as she goes on a flashback to her divorced husband quarreling at about 9 years ago in their bedroom. (FLASHBACK) VICTOR’S MUM: …What?! Are you serious with what you’re saying?! How can you do that to him? Unbelievable! VICTOR’S DAD (THE HUSBAND): After what he had done? You know I won’t seat back and watch him continue like this. Not until we discipline him so cruelly! VICTOR’S MUM: Discipline? We have already done that countless times, already. I mean, how much “cruel” discipline did you want to give him? Tell me?! VICTOR’S DAD: Let’s take him to an iron handed dictatorial or a psychiatrist or…, anywhere… You know, let’s just take him away from all this miserable life he has given us both. VICTOR’S MUM: You. You want to take our only surviving son away from me? Because you feel he has caused our lives miserable…? But we both know so clearly that he is the only one we had and you want to take him away?! What do you think you’re doing? VICTOR’S DAD: Why are you thinking like this? Just imagine this, honey. That son (Pointing at the room exit) murdered one of our son; his only brother! (Placing his hand on his chest) He did that to us without thinking through and for no damn reason! VICTOR’S MUM: Oh, I understand now. I have seen that you have hated him for so long, now because he made a mistake, huh? VICTOR’S DAD: It’s a grief mistake, honey. And that, I can’t take in my home or life! VICTOR’S MUM: Aren’t you realizing he is always part of us? Whatever crime he committed to us or anybody, he is still our son and you don’t have to throw him away like. Why are you being so inhuman at this rate?! VICTOR’S DAD: Yes, he is part of us. But that son you are talking about has now become divided at this rate. (Victor’s mother amazed as he yells) As I leave, I can’t accept a murderer as my son! This action he took might be the first but I have truly seen the monster he would become starting from that tender age…! (Immediately, Victor’s mum slaps her husband as they both went mute) VICTOR’S MUM: He. Is not… A monster. (Walks away to her room window) I want a divorce. (Turns her head slowly to her husband) Now! VICTOR’S DAD: (Confused) Why? For…for what? VICTOR’S MUM: For the pain you are infesting on me and the only child you’re trying to take away from me. VICTOR’S DAD: I am not taking any child from you. Besides, we can make new ones… VICTOR’S MUM: (Turns angrily to her husband) Then, what of him? What about Victor?! So, you’re just going to imprison him now and take him to a torturing room? VICTOR’S DAD: You know I can’t bear to see him like that because we both know his capabilities when it comes to his unexplained anger against everything around him. In fact, I had to watch the CCTV I placed in the house to know the true death of his elder brother and what eventually caught my eyes was Victor using his own hands against him. (Comes closer to Victor’s mum) If you still want that child you are trying to save for no reasons, just do but let me tell you this..., what we have just had in there… (Pointing at the room exit) …Is a lunatic. (Victor’s mum glancing angrily in disappointments at her husband) Honey, you sincerely know I can’t tolerate that in my home so, I would be glad if we don’t continue the way it used to be. Excuse me. (Walks away as Victor’s mother sat so helpless in the bed and begin to sob) (PRESENT DAY) VICTOR’S MUM: (Depressed) What can I do, now? Who is out there to help me… Who…? (Meanwhile, Abigail continues her search for Victor while she tries calling his phone number with her phone) ABIGAIL: Why isn’t he picking? (Paused walking) Where…where could he have gone to…? Where else would he be around this…world… (Biting the tip edge of her phone as she remembers something) (Flashback) Victor: -“…I just love this view because it draws me to freedom of what I’m facing on earth. Abigail: And what kind of freedom do you mean? Victor: A freedom that would definitely take me away from everything including my life, Abigail…-” (Present day) ABIGAIL: The bridge! I need to get to the bridge immediately! (Picks her race to finding Victor at the express runway bridge. Night falls as Victor stands alone at the bridge exit guarded with poles at each edge while looking at the sea levels with depression. Victor then, takes a deep breath and walks slowly to the poles. Shortly after, Abigail arrived quickly at the bridge walkway while panting so hard in search of Victor as she glanced her eyes at him some few meters away near the poles edge) Oh, no. Victor! (Yells at him as he paused) Remember I told you your life is not yours to take away…! Please, do not lose everything by giving up. (Victor keeps mute and takes another step closer) You are not a monster Victor! You…you’re never born a monster! So please, understand that! (Victor paused as Abigail moves a few step closer) Everyone needs you, Victor. In… Including your mum and… (Without hesitation, Victor placed his leg on the poles while fully prepared to jump) No! (Abigail screamed while waving her hands to Victor) No, wait! Please…please realize that everything that had happened to you wasn’t your fault. The fight, the run.., VICTOR: Enough, Abigail. (Abigail immediately keeps quiet) It’s all over for me, now. I lost in battle and now, in reality. The world is better off without my life roaming about so pointless… So, today…, I’m going to gain that freedom I have always been after. (Victor tries taking the next step to jump off the bridge as Abigail rushed from behind and grab him by his chest) ABIGAIL: No, Don’t leave me! (Cries) Please, don’t go. I beg of you… (Victor stops as bitter tears rolls from his eyes) VICTOR: Abigail… ABIGAIL: No, am not letting go of you. Never. (Sobs continuously while holding Victor tight in the chest as he got down from the poles and turns around hugging Abigail as they both cries)
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