Victor Fears.

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The next day, Victor and Kolade takes their walk in the school premises as they were both heading to their class. Victor, on the other hand, takes his stumbling walk while pocketing as he kept silent without showing off a stabled expressions to whatever is going on around him. Kolade watches Victor closely as he brought up an idea of bringing his friend back to reality. KOLADE: So, uhmm… What did she say yesterday? She accepted the date? VICTOR: (Sighs) I didn’t even ask her for a date nor having a good time with her. KOLADE: (Both stopped walking) What?! So, she hates you now? (Scoffs) That’s cruel. VICTOR: No, it wasn’t like that Kolade. KOLADE: Then, what happened? VICTOR: (Scratching his head) Actually…, I suspected that she had a boyfriend but eventually…, she told me he wasn’t her boyfriend at all. But just a senior choir college to her grandmother’s church. KOLADE: Did you really ask her that before you noticed? (Continues their walk slowly) VICTOR: Yes, I did but she noticed something that I found it quite odd and that is me being… jealous. KOLADE: Jealous?! VICTOR: Yea… I shouldn’t be. I mean, how does she knows, I was jealous… (Pointing at nowhere) That girl is really something else to me… She is like a sidekick when it comes to human feelings. KOLADE: Wait. Wait. You haven’t asked her out, get her like you or take her on an outing and suddenly…, you just become jealous? VICTOR: I know, I know. I was such a jerk when that happened but… (Pointing at himself) I only felt like I have known her for a very long time, that’s why. KOLADE: By stalking her? I can’t believe it. VICTOR: Ouf. Now, you’re beginning to sound like her. KOLADE: (Hangs his arm on Victor’s shoulders) You see, Victor. If you really have that desirable feeling for that girl, you need to approach her in personal and make her feel special; tell her what you like about her and… VICTOR: (Adds in) Since when did you become a date therapist? KOLADE: Shut up and let me continue. (Victor smiling faintly as Kolade proceed his uncertain advises) Now, as I was saying, you need to be very close to her and like what she likes and enjoy what she do enjoys. VICTOR: Like Zobo? KOLADE: Yes, zobo. But all in all, you need to make her feel so special before someone else does. I mean…, someone like that senior choir dude you were convinced about… (Viewing Victor as he flashed back to the scene of Daniel holding Abigail’s arms and scene of when he talked: / Daniel: …“she meant senior boyfriend”…/ While Kolade still continues his explanations on advises) …Or the super crush head prefect in her school, probably… Or me. (Pointing to himself) She could also run up to me because I know how hot and entertaining I could be for girls like Abigail. (Turns to Victor) Hey. Let’s pay her a visit together someday. Maybe during her church service, what do you think? VICTOR: That would be later. Let’s just prepare for the next subject before the teacher comes in to our class. KOLADE: Yes, but before we do that…, I need to get to the toilet. (Rushed off while unfasten his belt) I will be back. Victor got to his class and noticed that there are no teachers near to the marker board hunged to the wall as the class students makes their fun in groups. Suddenly, Victor glanced at Lola having a gist along with her friends at the extreme end of the class and walks straight to her. Unknowingly for Lola, Victor forcefully turns her to his side and lands a heavy blow on her nose while making everyone in class get shocked at Victor’s action move. LOLA: (Staggering on the floor) Jesus Christ! Victor! (Without a word from Victor, Victor carries Lola by dragging her uniform as he pushed her to the class wall and lands another blow on her jaw) EVERYONE (students): Aaah! (All screaming as Victor continues to beat Lola as she tries to struggle off the traumatic events she had been having. While the beating goes on, few students bravely moves forward to stop Victor from his unreasonable belting) FIRST STUDENT: (Dragging Victor) Hey, Victor...! (On trying to calm him, Victor suddenly lands a punch on the first student’s face as he lands unconsciously to the ground. This drove the other boys annoyed as they rushed to Victor while trying to both stop the fight and teach him a terrible lesson) SECOND STUDENT: (Yells) Is this guy crazy or what?! THIRD STUDENT: Why don’t we just teach this coward some beating lesson! (Meanwhile, Kolade emerge from the toilet unknowing what have been happening as the scene caught up a class war against Victor. Every volunteered male students were all beating up one by one by Victor as Lola gently crawls away from the conflict) KOLADE: (Walking straight to his class as he sees a lot of students standing at the door entrance) Uh...? Is someone doing a merriment party there? (Suddenly, Kolade sighted two teachers rushing in to his class as he became quite surprise of what is going on) TEACHER1 (FEMALE): Who are they fighting with?! TEACHER2 (MALE): It’s… It’s Victor! The students are all having a fight with Victor! KOLADE: (Amazed) Victor...? (Rushed to his class and sighted Victor standing with shattered uniform while the other male students stumbling on the floor with severe pains and aches) Are you…, kidding me? LOLA: (Rushed to teacher1) He… He is the one trying to kill me, Teacher! (Pointing at Victor) TEACHER1: Victor. How could you? TEACHER2: (Pointing his finger to the class exit) To the staff room, Now! (Victor still continue to stand as he brought up a manic smile to the teachers) Didn’t you hear? Or are you deaf, victor?! LOLA: That is how he is. He’s a lunatic fool! KOLADE: (Looking at Lola) Why won’t you just shut up already. (Speaking in silence as Victor adds in) VICTOR: I’ll show you how a real lunatic does. (Walking speedingly to Lola) I’ll show you how they foolishly break their foe from limb to limb. Teacher2: (Walks to Victor) You stop right there or I… (Without hesitation, Victor lands a terrible blow on the teacher’s face as the whole students screamed in surprises while he fell unconscious to the ground. Victor then, grips Lola’s neck and tries to choke her to the verge of death) TEACHER1: (Turns to the students standing at the class exit) Someone should report this to the principal, Now! (Two students went for the teacher’s command as Kolade rushed to Victor while trying to push him off from Lola) KOLADE: Stop this already, Victor! That’s enough! (Victor continues to choke Lola without any concern while Kolade still insisted on pulling him away from finally strangling Lola in the school premises) Victor, come on, Enough...! (Victor suddenly turns to Kolade and hit his nose making him stagger to the ground as the female teacher immediately drags Lola away from Victor while she coughs uncontrollably trying to catch her breath. Victor continue to stare at Kolade on the ground as he sits up right with a bleeding nose while making him come back to his senses due to the regretful incidents) VICTOR: Ko… Kolade… LOLA: (Holding her neck while feeling whirly) You… you insolent maniac! … You almost killed me! (Yells at Victor) TEACHER1: It’s okay, Lola. TEACHER2: (Stands up while feeling giddy from the blow) You… You disobeyed my…my orders! And…and the school rules…, Victor. (Victor felt terribly sorry and bad from all what he had insanely done so far as the school principal comes in to the class along with few other teachers and the two students) PRINCIPAL: What is going on here?! LOLA: Principal! It’s Victor, he… PRINCIPAL: Shut up, girl! I didn’t call you to answer me! (Lola immediately kept quiet) TEACHER1: I only came here seeing Victor and the other students having a fight, principal. PRINCIPAL: (Looking so surprisingly at Victor and the few male students gaining balances from after the class war) I want all of you that is involve in this fight to go to my office, now! (Yells so loudly as he directs his finger to the class exit. Immediately, the students who witnessed the fight disappears to their various classes as the conflict victims slowly moves out from the class while blaming Victor) VICTOR: (Looking at Kolade while moving along with his mates) Am so, so sorry, Kolade. Am really sorry… (Victor feels guilty and deeply sorry as Kolade looks away in disappointment) Few hours after the principal’s disciplines, Lola’s parents made their way to the office while beginning with their arguments and disagreements against the school board as Lola stands along side with her parents with bruises and swollen face. She appears so dirty and hair ruined while folding her arms waiting for fair justice. LOLA’S FATHER: My daughter doesn’t deserve this kind of disgrace the school have given to us! (Yelling while pointing his finger at the office table) PRINCIPAL: Ple… Eh. Please sir. This disgrace you meant wasn’t given to you by the school. It’s…it’s just one of our students who has broken the school rules and that is; conflict. LOLA’S MOTHER: Students or no students! Isn’t he part of the school?! (Speaking with practical mourn) LOLA’S FATHER: This school must Pay! (Pointing his finger at the office table as he continues to yell) LOLA’S MOTHER: Look. (Pointing her hand to Lola’s swollen face) Just take a look at my daughter’s face, principal. My daughter has always been the most prettiest girl in our family linage but you people… (Starts to sob) You people made that unwanted child destroy it for us…( Immediately, Victor’s mum comes in to the office while appearing in her coded white t-shirt and a black trousers and her law suit hanging in her arm ) VICTOR’S MUM: He is not…, an unwanted child. (Lola’s mother and father Victor’s mum glorious appearance) LOLA’S FATHER: And who are you, young woman? VICTOR’S MUM: Obviously, I’m Victor’s mum. LOLA’S MOTHER: (Pointing her hand to Lola’s face) See. Look at what your son did to my daughter’s… VICTOR’S MUM: I have clearly seen your daughter’s situation, madam. (Shutting off Lola’s mother dramatic complains) So, let me handle this in my own way… (Turns to the principal) I had to leave my office at the law house after I heard the terrible news. So please, Mr. Principal... (Looking at Lola’s parent as she glanced back at the principal) …can we talk in private...? LOLA’S FATHER: (Stands from his seat) Young woman. Whatever you want to say, you say it right here with us! LOLA’S MOTHER: (Adds in) Yes o. VICTOR’S MUM: If it’s about detentions and expels, I won’t sit back and witness that to happen to my son. Until I have a significant explanation of what really happened before the fight! LOLA’S MOTHER: What else do you want to know? My innocent daughter was just on her own until your son lands some terrible punches on her fragile face! PRINCIPAL: (Stands from his chair while trying to separate the upcoming rashness from the both parents) Please, we do not need to begin all these when there is still an unsolved case in our midst. VICTOR’S MUM: I know my son very well when it comes to situations like this. He wouldn’t have attacked your daughter without any reasons! Maybe somehow, your so called precious daughter did something quite horrific before he could carry out such rasping revenge! LOLA: (Adding in to the disagreements) What kind of horrific activities did you or your son think I did? I was only right about him being a proud monger and a maniac…! VICTOR’S MUM: (Pointing her arms to Lola and her parent while facing the principal) You see...? Those statements were certainly made right before the fight. And possibly, those statement triggers a lot of worries and pains in the mind of my son! (Faces Lola and her parent) I know that my son doesn’t have any right or authority to beat you up so mercilessly but your attitude towards my son back then…, is a grave mistake. (Lola looking elsewhere) LOLA’S FATHER: (Stammering) Eh… Did…did you think that’s…that’s enough? VICTOR’S MUM: Oh yes, it is. (Nods her head) PRINCIPAL: (Facing Victor’s mum as he adds in) If I may oppose. Your son really went too far back at the fight scene. He didn’t just only take the fight on Lola but also on…eh, the male students who had tried stopping him from causing more damages to the victim and a teacher. (Victor’s mum grieved in surprises) Victor’s actions against this school didn’t only affect the Lola and her parent but also, the school board as well. VICTOR’S MUM: Ehm…uh… Is there anything I can do to make this up? Please, tell me there is a solution. PRINCIPAL: (Sigh) There Was…, a solution but it would be left for you and your son to decide. (After the long conversation, Lola and her parent left the principal’s office while they irritatedly glanced at Victor seating near to a receptionist office. Few minute after, Victor’s mum comes out from the office with a paper in her hand while approaching him) VICTOR’S MUM: Let’s go home, Victor. (Without any word, Victor slowly stood up from the chair, takes his bag and followed his mum to the school exit) (FLASHBACK) VICTOR’S MUM: (In the principal’s office) Then what is that you are leaving us to decide, Mr. Principal? PRINCIPAL: After I informed the board about this, they told me to prepare a letter of strict statements concerning your son’s actions. (Bringing out a paper from his locker) it’s a four week suspension letter forged for the violation of the school rule, hitting few innocent students and a teacher. VICTOR’S MUM: (Disappointed) Four… Four weeks (Takes the paper) PRINCIPAL: Yes, madam. The remaining students who were involved in the fight were also given their own punishments. But you know, for attempting to break the school rules as well. VICTOR’S MUM: Four weeks...? But it’s exactly a whole month and that’s like you are firing him away from the school. PRINCIPAL: It was the board’s final say. So, that is why I said it would be left for you to decide whether to remain in this school and serve the complete punishment or… Leave. (Victor’s mum becomes weak from the terrible news as present day emerge while viewing Victor and his mum in the house) VICTOR: I…Shouldn’t have… VICTOR’S MUM: (Turns to Victor with rashness) Don’t...! Even say a word. (Victor immediately kept quiet) Victor! What do you really want? (Coming closer to Victor as he slowly steps back) Tell me, Victor?! What did you ever wanted so badly that I haven’t given it to you?! In fact, what wrong with you, Victor?! Tell me! VICTOR: (Feeling terrified) Am…am sorry, mum… VICTOR’S MUM: Yes, I understand. You are always sorry and compunctious with full of mistakes but…you need to remember that with those same mistakes, I have always moved you out of many schools because they don’t want you anymore. (Victor feeling disappointed) It’s been two terms, Victor… (Demonstrating her two upper fingers) Two good terms in that new school and you ruin yourself for me…! (Victor’s mum paused for a while) You…you know what...? We will talk about your life later. I am heading back to work. (Walks away while leaving Victor standing pointless in the leaving room) VICTOR: (Walking around his room alone while thinking in depression) –“I think I have finally broken a record in getting kicked out from schools for over a hundred times. Which are both in the overseas and here in Nigeria… (Sighs) With this same anger burning excessively from my body had made me become a monstrous doomsday to everyone including my friends and myself…-” (Remembers something as he talks so quickly) Yes. He is the one… That same guy that looks exactly like me in my dreams. He told me if I can’t win him, he would surely take over my life. (Squeezes his fist in revengeful anger) This time…, I will never hold back until I finally eradicate his existence in my life… (Changes expression) And also in my dreams. Night falls as Victor enters his dream world of dried bushes and sunshine as it was planned for him but this time in his surprise, Victor noticed the sun fading off to dawn as it looks very strange and absurd to him. While Dark victor appears to Victor from the thick grasses as he expected his arrival. DARK VICTOR: It looks pretty strange that the sun couldn’t wait for us any longer. (Victor surprise to see his appearance) That’s to show that we have been growing old in here. VICTOR: You still look the same. DARK VICTOR: When I mean Old, I meant that the sun symbolizes a countdown of the time we would never see each other again. VICTOR: Well, cool. Am really glad to hear that from you. DARK VICTOR: Yea. I’m also happy that once the sun finally fades…, you will never be the same Victor your mother and friends had always sees you. That is, you will completely become the monster you have been trying to prevent. (Victor being terrified) That sun, (Dark victor pointing at the fading sun) was the only chance you had to keep you standing and strong from what you really are inside of you in reality. That sun was only a privilege to your destiny and now, it is fading away from morning to afternoon and from afternoon…, to dawn of Night! VICTOR: (Terrified and confused) No…, no it can’t be… DARK VICTOR: Victor, Victor. We are already wasting a lot of time while talking too much. (Steady for combat) Why don’t we just shut up and get to business. VICTOR: (Soliloquizing) No…, No, no. It mustn’t be… I have to win… I need to win… (Glanced at Dark victor with rage and yells in charging anger) Yaaahhh! DARK VICTOR: (Smiling broadly at Victor’s range) Yes… That’s the spirit. Scene cuts away with the dream world’s sun fading off its light in the sky above. The next day in the world of reality, Kolade and his friends emerge from his school after closing hour as he bids them goodbye and walks alone to his house. On going there, Kolade meets Victor standing uncomfortably near a fence. Victor glanced at Kolade’s plastered nose and suddenly recalls the time he punched his nose so hard that it started bleeding. KOLADE: (Displeasured) Yea. What’s up? VICTOR: (Playing joke) Kola, Kola. You look fresh, now o… (Kolade still displeasured in Victor’s terrible introduction as he quickly stopped the joke) I… Uhm, I just wanted to know… KOLADE: (Adds in) Maybe I was okay? Oh, yes I am. (Whining) VICTOR: See, Kolade. I didn’t mean to do all those stuff. I wasn’t in my right state of mind at that moment I was belting Lola. Believe me. In fact, I didn’t even mean to fight your friends and the other classmates… Everything that happened back then wasn’t my intention. Everything was like…, as if I was in a lucid dream or like as if I was sleep walking… KOLADE: Yes, I believe that. You know…, upon how that stupid girl has been insulting you, I just felt like she really deserves it. At least, someone so unexpected had already given her a life lesson so right now, she has been keeping that her cockroach mouth shut for a little while now. (Victor faintly smiles) But that doesn’t mean you have to fight everyone and hit my nose just because of her. (Victor feeling guilty as Kolade comes closer to him) You see, Victor. I like you as a friend but you have to know that I didn’t come to you because you’re some kind of a rich kid with a fancy mother and a sparkling car or toys…, but it’s because every time I set my eyes on you, I see loneness written in your face. I do not care what you might have gone through or what Lola and my other friends used to say… I just keep on being a friend to you… (Victor cleaning up his tears) VICTOR: (Sniffs) I… I should have won… KOLADE: (Confuse) Won what? VICTOR: (Smiling faintly) Do not worry. You can’t understand and it’s nothing. (Hugs Kolade) Thanks for being there for me and for being my true friend as ever. (Kolade confuse as he watched Victor leaving him while wiping off his tear drops from his eyes) KOLADE: Why is he leaving so soon and what’s with his odd statements? Victor takes his journey with depressions and disappointments as he stopped at Abigail’s church for a while and smiles faintly due to his glorious moments with his new friend and continued his journey to his house. Few minute later, Abigail came out from the church waiting for the signs or arrival of Victor as she looks left and right of her street ABIGAIL: Why isn’t passing here anymore...? ABIGAIL’S GRANDMA: Who are you expecting, my dear? (Abigail shocked at her grandma’s sudden appearance) ABIGAIL: Oh, mama. I… I was just… ABIGAIL’S GRANDMA: (Making a faint smile) Maybe he has other things doing. ABIGAIL: (Scratching her left arm) You are sounding like I am waiting for my boyfriend. ABIGAIL’S GRANDMA: Me? I didn’t say anything like that. Besides, you are use to having more male friends than the female. But I was just anxious to know the new male friend you were trying to meet and that doesn’t attend our church. ABIGAIL: Mama. Let’s just forget it. I will be off to get the church clean. (Hugs her grandma) We’ll talk later. (Abigail walks away as her grandmother continues to look at her)
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