Prologue - Depression

305 Words
Ana Two years - two heart breaking, guilt filled, arduous years. As the rising sun shone through an opening in the dark curtains of Ana's bedroom she pulled the covers over her head wishing for a few more moments of peace only sleep could provide. Instead, she was tortured by anxiety, depression and guilt inevitably eating away from the pure light once engulfing her heart. Gently her bedroom door creaked open and a small face made an appearance. “Mama?” the sweet child whispered as she entered the room. “Yes doll?” Ana replied sleepily to her daughter Eva, attempting to hide the tears forming in her sky blue eyes. This became a daily ritual every morning since the phone rang two years prior. “It’s time to wake up Mama!” Eva loved the mornings and cheerfully rushed to her mother's side avoiding the mess strewn throughout the bedroom. Food containers were scattered across the wooden floor and a dirty pile of laundry appeared as the door slowly closed behind her. “I love you Mama, always and forever.” Always and forever. Those three words were all it took to send tears streaming down Ana's beautiful features.Through her clouded eyes she looked over at the family photo on her nightstand while pulling her daughter in for a hug. “I love you always and forever, to the heavens and beyond my sweet girl," whispered Ana while wiping the salty droplets from beneath her eyes. “Mama will be okay. Why don't you get dressed while I pull myself together? It is a big day at school!” Ana reminded Eva who eagerly ran across the hall to her own room in search of the perfect outfit. Her daughter was her everything, truly Ana's sole reason for remaining on Earth.
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