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876 Words
- Do or do not there is No try -  "Ummm.........hi?" Was all I could muster as the lights turned on and a voice interrupted our steps.We turned around flinching as we came across a tall girl. She had curly green hair and bright blue and confused eyes.  "Mitsuki it's 1 am what are you doing awake?" She asked in a cute shy voice. Three more figures appeared from behind. One was a girl, two of them where boys.  "And who is she?" One of the boys asked smirking at us. He had short crimson hair and bright teal eyes. "Is she your girlfriend?"  "No she isn't shut up!" Mitsuki yelled at him. The other boy hit his head and he whined in pain.  "Shut up you are gonna wake everyone up idiot." This one had a cold sharp voice. He had long teal hair in a ponytail and sharp crimson eyes. Both boys looked like twin brothers or siblings I think.  "Guys maybe somethings is wrong that's why he brought her." The other girl shut them up. She seemed kinder, she had short peachy hair and and reddish-pink eyes. "Tell me what is your name?" I was gripping onto the white jacket tightly. I was nervous, I mean I don't know these people what are we gonna do?  "Don't worry don't be nervous look I'm Mirai Mayhem." She said while nudging the crimson boy.  "Hey-Oh sup pretty lady my name is Itzuka Kamachi but you can call me the man of you-OUCH!" He was once again chopped by his brother.  "Shut up, my name is Toru Kamachi brother of an idiot." The teal haired boy said bowing.  "And I'm Lily Haruka." The green haired girl smiled slightly. Everyone was warming up to me and I felt safe and protected with them.  "So what is your superpower?" And all the good vibes drained away. I looked down at then floor sadness flooding me. Mitsuki noticed my sudden change of mood and brought me into a hug.  "This is Luna Shigeki and she is not from this world." Mitsuki said while stroking my hair. I felt a blush for on my cheeks. Why why do I feel like this...I don't like the feeling....but and the same time....I do? "So you are from another dimension?" Lily asked surprised.  "Well yeah you can say that." I replied shyly. "We don't have superpowers though we are normal human beings.  "Wow, you are the first human person I met you are awesome!!" Itzuka said trying to wrap an arm around me but his brother stopped him. "So you are basically useless."  "So straight forward........" I sweat dropped.  "No she is not." Mitsuki interrupted. "While patrolling I encountered a two villains along with Crossbow, Shimura and Nightcrawler." He mentioned. "We where having a hard time, but Luna, even without a superpower helped us."  "Chill dude, so over protective with your girlfriend." Itzuko taunted Mitsuki.  "He/She is not my boyfriend/girlfriend!!" We both yelled at the same time. We looked at each other and then turned away. "Anyways.....I don't know how to go back to my earth."  "Well by the looks of it you can't go back." Lily said as she kneels down and presses her hands against the ground green and blue light emitted from them. "It's as if this earth is attracted to you or you are attracted to the earth."  "So I can't go back?" I asked. "Nop."  "YAY!!!!!" Everyone looked at me confused. "This place is awesome...YOU guys are awesome with all these superpowers and stuff...tell me what are your superpowers?" I asked intrigued. "Mine is mind reader." Mirai said while jumping up and down. She then brought a hand towards my shoulder and and orange-pink light was replaced on it's touch. "When I touch you I can read your thoughts......wow you sure are excited 'bout being here." She giggled.  "My super power is ignite!!" Itzuka smirked as his palm burst into flames. I looked at them in awe as they gently moved in the small breeze of the room. "Come on Toru show them your power!!"  "It's frost-bite." He mumbled as he rose his palm towards his brother's flames which immediately froze into a solid blue. "Wow are your quirks like....a combo or something?"  "You can say it like that." Itzuka replied. "We are stronger when we are together that's a fact."  "What about you Lily?" I asked her as she backed up nervously." "My-y qui-irk well,.....it's called Terra." The green haired girl extended her palm towards the ground as baby flowers and grass grower out of the floor. "It's not that powerful but...." "You're kidding right IT'S AMAZING!!!" I practically screamed. "It's better than not having anything......"  An awkward silence filled upon the room.  "Sooooo....how is....the climate?" Mirai chuckles nervously.  "Hey I'm hungry how about something to eat?" Mitsuki offered.  "Yeah!"  "Hold on a minute." A voice interrupted our cheers. We turned towards a man in his early....30's looking at us in a lazy manner. He had short brown hair and a very well cut beard. His lazy baby blue eyes piercing ours.  He walked over towards me as Mitsuki and the rest backed up. "Who are you and why are you at the dorms of Academy?"  Frick. 
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