Chapter 2. Satite Envoys to the Dark Daylight Throne.

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  There was to be a high profile international summit meeting in the heart of the Dark Sunlight Woodland Kingdom. Officially, the summit was being mediated by a neutral organisation called the Bronze Flag between the Sunite and the Satite powers to discuss issues such as a potential mutually beneficial crackdown on bandits and the reopening of some trade routes between the Empires. Officially, this summit might be a turning point that stopped the two empires going to war. Officially, this summit was being held in the Dark Sunlight Woods because it was a neutral territory that was neither allied to one Empire or the other. That was the official reason. It was NOT, however, the real reason! The real reason was that both empires, for various reasons, wanted a war. Both empires were no longer going to tolerate any kingdom or faction sitting back and claiming to be neutral. (Unless they were the Bronze Flag faction.) The real reason for the summit was to pressure and force, not just this dark elf kingdom, but the whole of the Dark Fey Racial Collective into choosing a side once and for all! Almost everyone among the top fifteen levels of high society down. (Almost everyone other than perhaps the lowliest five social rungs of peasants of all lands,) knew this open secret! The Dark Elf Queen (Glad-Or-real’s estranged mother) was NOT, I repeat NOT, the head of all the Dark Fey, not even close. The higher dark fey political power levels of rank were at least ten deep higher, way above her head! This local queen was not even the queen of all high elves, just the dark elves of these Dark Daylight Woods. There were many other, larger, dark elf kingdoms in the world. The dark elves were just one race of many in the vast racial collective of the Dark Fey. However, This local Dark Elf Queen HAD been empowered by those higher authorities to listen and negotiate on the dark fey’s behalf, but every six hours she had to report to those higher dark fey powers to report and receive updated instructions.      The Dark Daylight Queen was, originally, to negotiate with only three groups of envoys. The Satite Empire, The Sunite Empire, and the supposedly neutral Bronze Flag faction. However, the Light fey had also invited themselves and had also sent their own envoy.   The Dark Daylight Queen was to sit on the seat of the throne and greet each envoy in turn. Each public throne room presentation would set the initial tone of all future negotiations.   The first presented was the Envoy of the Satite Kingdom. A large muscular man wearing light-weighted armour strode in confidently and deeply bowed. A servant's voice announced. “Envoy Fam Eyely, Second of the Dexterous of the Outer Council of the Empire of Satite, and his daughter Ent…” A little six-year-old blonde girl dully walked up next to her dad and gave a slightly clumsy curtsy. Ent was the cutest little thing, all done up pretty and obviously excited to see elves for the first time. There was a large mix of adoring sympathetic voices whispered in the throne chamber. All along the lines of, “Awwwh! Bless, Isn’t she sweet.” The Queen Of Dark Daylight leaned forward and smiled at the small child. The little cute girl Ent, looked up back to meet the Queen's gaze with the most perfect doll-like blue eyes. “Welcome my sweet,” Said the queen. “Thanks you, Your majethity,” the little girl had lisped, the word ‘Majesty’ “Thank you for coming dear” the queen smiled and nodded. A small bunch of pretty purple flowers were presented to the little girl who responded by beaning with delight. The Satite Envoy Fam Eyely laughed a hearty friendly laugh and picked up his daughter into his large arms and held her onto his very broad shoulder. He then bowed with his little girl in his hands and duly exited. Envoy Fam Eyely, second of the Dexterous of the Outer Council of the Empire of Satite, unlike the queen of Dark Sunlight, did not have to report to any higher authority. Whatever Fam Eyely said, WENT! Fam Eyely was, In every way, the voice of the Satite Empire, in all respects! Whatever Fam Eyely negotiated or decided was ratified as soon as it left his lips. Apart from this immense amount of political power, he also had enough personal magical power and training to smite any large, charging, diving, ancient dragon without bothering to even turn his head in its direction. Fam Eyely was one of the very rare holders of a soul bound imperial seal!   There was a brief break before the next presentation. The Dark Daylight Queen ran, not walked to the Moom Mirror to report the Dark Fey council immediately, even though such a report was not yet due for another three hours.   In their private diplomatic quarters, Fam Eyely flopped down onto a giant luxury cushion. Ent seemed to be on the floor playing with her new purple flowers. “She knows” Said Ent. “Of course she knows!” Replied Fam Eyely, “She knew before your name was even mentioned,” “She is of the highest dark fey blood,” “How could she not know!” The little girl looked up with her sparkling eyes. The flowers in her had instantly blackened and wilted. “Watch your tone!” the little girl said, mildly,  Fam Eyely shivered in a brief fit of dread. “Sorry…” He said respectfully and regretfully. The little six-year-old girl smiled, the brightest cutes smile imaginable. “You are forgiven.” She said sweetly. Deep inside, Ent also knew that the Dark Daylight Queen had seen ar more than Fam Eyely was ever supposed to know. The queen was bound to be already telling her dark fey masters. She needed to see the Dark Daylight Queen and strongly suggest that she kept her mouth shut and not tell Fam Eyely what the Elf Queen had instinctively revealed to herself. The Satite Empire did not need to know THAT secret, yet! The larger plans of The Evil Void depended upon it!     The Dark Daylight queen looked in the moon mirror, a portal of communication with other fey, then quickly turned and vomited violently, before turning back. She was shaking and sweating, two things that even the most common elves, seldom, ever did! She was terrified! The pool glowed a bright silver, The Queen then said, “YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE WHAT THE SATITE ENVOY BROUGHT WITH HIM!”
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