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Xavier who was surrounded by many wolves did not show a single bit of fear on his face. He was still holding the Ivar in his hands. Since his right shoulder was injured he held the sword with both of his hands. He did not charge as he did before, the reason was obvious, his leg was also wounded, he could only wait for the wolves to attack him. Usually, the wolves should have attacked him right away, but they did not. They just surrounded him and did nothing. Even though Xavier was craving for the battle, he was still clear-headed. It did not take Xavier a lot of time to know the reason. "Roar" A roar came from the pack that surrounded Xavier. Xavier looked towards the direction of the voice and found that the wolves in this particular direction moving away on both sides, it looked as they were paving a path for someone to walk in towards  Xavier. Soon a path was made, a creature was walking on it, it headed at Xavier. The reason was that all the wolves were under the order of this creature. The creature was big, at least it could be compared to a one-story house, and it was a wolf. Yes, it was a bigger wolf and practically there was no difference between its features and normal wolves except the size. It had the same claws, same hair and same skin and eyes except for the size there was no difference. Although it looked like other wolves, just based on its authority over the other wolves and size, Boss this was the thought that ran through Xavier's mind. He remembered Mona's words that some times he had to defeat all the enemies or sometimes he had to defeat the boss to clear the level. Understanding that he did not have to fight all other wolves if he can defeat this bigger one, Xavier looked at it. Gazing at its eyes, while lifting Ivar and pointing it at the boss wolf Xavier said: " You want to fight, come " "Roar" The wolf could not stand provocation, even though it could not understand Xavier's speech, it was intelligent and understood that the mere human who could die with a single flick from his paw was looking down him. Unforgivable! This could be the meaning behind the previous roar. The boss ran towards Xavier as soon as it was provoked. Animals, after all, are animals, Xavier thought. Xavier understood the current him was not even qualified to defend the attack from this boss, but the inner him want to fight. The wolf appeared in front of Xavier no time,  it opened the mouth to grab Xavier, but Xavier was prepared and avoided it while stabbing at its upper jaw. " Roar" The wolf cried out in pain as Xavier was pushed back a little. The eyes of the boss turned red, The anger it was emitting now reached the peak, it emitted unbelievable killing intent. Xavier also felt it, but he was more excited in return. " yo puppy come here, come" Xavier provoked it again. "Roar" The wolf charged at Xavier again, but this time it was not the wolf that attacked him first, it was Xavier, he made use of the slippery mud and slipped under the wolf as it tried to bite down Xavier into two. After he slipped under the wolf, Xavier stabbed the stomach of the wolf. "Roar" The boss cried out in pain, after retrieving his sword, Xavier stabbed its stomach again. "Roar" Expressing its pain and anger, the wolf jumped to the side and hit Xavier with its claw. Xavier was not prepared and was currently laying down, there was no way for him to dodge it, he put Ivar horizontally to reduce the impact from the claw. But when the claw collided with the sword, Xavier knew he did the biggest mistake, the pressure from claw was enough to split him onto two using his sword. Xavier understood he had to dodge while losing an arm or die while splitting his body into two parts. He chose the former as he pulled his body aside with the help of the corpse lying next to him. However, in the process, he risked his life while releasing the sword and lost one of his limbs, it was his right hand which got separated from his body. Xavier was in pain, the blood flowing out from the sliced off part of his right arm continuously. But the battle spirit in him only increased as he stood up. " You damn wolf is that all you have got?" Xavier yelled. " Roar" The boss enraged after seeing his pray still alive and charged at him. At the moment, the rain did stop also Xavier felt the thing that wanted to come out from his body finally out. The injured Xavier observed the changes that took place on his body. The bleeding stopped and the pain decreased, he also noticed that his body became light-weighted and no longer found himself tired. It looked as if his energy was restored but at the same, he felt much stronger. His body was covered with faint golden colour,  this colour was not visible from afar. Xavier did not know what this colour was, he intended to ask the instructor later, but for now, his priority is to defeat the big wolf. Xavier rushed forward, he jumped up and punched the wolf on its head. " Roar" The wolf cried as it felt the punch, it was painful. When Xavier punched the wolf, he also grabbed hairs of the wolf and sat on its back. Then he landed the second punch on its back. " Roar" Then the third " Roar" The fourth "Roar" The fifth "Roar" The wolf tried to resist and threw Xavier down, but its efforts were useless as Xavier was holding on to it as if he was glued to it. The sixth " Roaaaar" Crack Followed by the painful cry of the wolf, it's bone seemed to be shattered at the place where all of Xavier's punches focused. It fell to the sides, Xavier was not in a good situation either, the golden colour was dimming and his wounds began to bleed again, also his pain returned. Xavier found himself unable to move, the boss was also in the same situation, but there wolves that can still move. They gathered around Xavier, He knew he was done for, so he closed his eyes. The wolves jumped on Xavier, and piece by piece they separated his limbs as they enjoyed their meal. " No.." Xavier yelled as he found himself back in the hall. After experiencing how it feels to be eaten alive, he understood why the rest of the trainees wanted to avoid the training. It was truly a bitter and a kind of experience, he was still sweating because of it. " Brother you are finally back" Molu who was waiting for his brother to come back approached Xavier and patted on his back. Felling the hand on his back, Xavier turned around and replied: " Yeah, I am" " Brother, did you clear that l.v 2?" Molu asked enthusiastically, but his voice was loud, it grabbed the attention of the people who were either sitting or standing and had sad faces. " No, I did not" Xavier was honest. " Hahaha, you mere dragon, this is what happens if you overestimate yourself " Following the voice, the silhouette of Boar4 approached Xavier. Boar4 carried a look of disgust on his face as he was looking down in him. " Boar4, I agree that I couldn't clear the l.v2 room, but how many did you clear? " Xavier asked. " hahaha, how many did I clear? Much greater than you, I cleared two level 1s including the room that you could not clear " Boar4 said while carrying proudness behind his words. " How could you say that I did not clear that room?" Xavier asked, and the room here was referred to the room 6 where Xavier faced the man holding three swords. Hearing this question Boar4 lost in his thoughts. Could it be? Did he really clear it? Impossible! Boar4 thought, then he said: " Stop your bullshit I know you are making it up to distract me " " Oh, let's ask the instructor then, we will know who won and who lost " Xavier said while carrying a smile on his face, he looked to be confident. For the first time, Boar4 doubted his speculations after having a look the confident Xavier. Did he really clear it? Even if he did, it would be a draw With this thought in mind, Boar4 said: "let's do it then " " Instructor" " Instructor" Boar4 yelled while looking up towards the ceiling. As if she knew that she was being called, Mona appeared in from of them. The point to be noted was that she was not there at that place a moment ago, but she was present there now as if she got teleported. " Boar4 and Dragon112, you two did well " " But the winner could only be one, and it is Dragon112" Mona declared as soon as she appeared. " Impossible, how could it be?" " Even if he cleared that room, we both should be equal as we both cleared two l.v1s " " Instructor, you are discriminating " Boar4 accused her of showing partiality towards the trainees. This accusation was not something that could be ignored, the rest of trainees also enraged. According to what they heard, the Gurukul has never been partial to anyone be it a prince or a commoner, everyone was equal in the Gurukul. But now comes, the topic of partiality. Is the Gurukul changed? Then how could they declare Dragon112 as the winner? When both Dragon112 and Boar4 cleared the same amount of levels of rooms. These thoughts ran through all of their minds. " Boar4, as per for accusation I can guarantee that I am not favouring Dragon112" " Indeed you and he cleared two rooms of level 1's" " But, Dragon112 also almost cleared the l.v2 of wolves room". Mona announced. This announcement brought back a huge shock to someone who tried to clear l.v2, especially all the boars, they cleared l.v1 and tried to clear l.v 2, but they hardly could kill two or three enemies before being killed. Every boar out there understood that they could no longer ignore this low ranked man Dragon112. Meanwhile, Boar4 yelled:" Impossible ". " Instructor, you are lying, you are just covering your favour towards him with a lie" Boar4 said as he pointed his finger towards Xavier. " Boar4, enough of your baseless accusations" " scram from here, right now" Mona said as emitted killing intent, engulfed by the killing intent Boar4 no longer questioned and moved away. " Dragon112 come with me if you want to know more about the battle cravings " Looking at Xavier Mona said. How did she know? Xavier thought. As he wanted to know the reason, he decided to go with Mona. " Come here and hold my hand" Mona said as she indicated her right hand. Hearing her, Xavier walked towards her and placed her right hand in his hand, then both of them disappeared.
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