Chapter 4 - Do It? Or Do It.

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*Zefra's POV* --- "Mom, I'm about to do something helpful or awful, tomorrow. It's somebody's wedding, and I am gonna ruin it. But, there is someone that will suffer if I won't do it, and I promised her that I will do it because I wanna save her life and her baby. What do you think should I do?" I asked my unconscious mother as I tightly hold her right hand with both of mine. And yes, I am aware that she can't hear me nor answer me, but I just want to say this to her. If she is just awake, she would know how to deal with everything, especially in advising me on what should I do that is right. But, I guess what I am about to do tomorrow is right. Hopefully. "Zef, how long have you been here?" A voice by the door asked me, and I know that it is Molly. "I just arrived about five minutes ago. How's school?" I replied and asked as I turn to look at her. "Good. How's your hunting? Did you find anything?" She answered and asked as she sits on the other side of our mother's bed. "Uh, yeah! They will just call me, tomorrow, to tell me if I got hired or not. Convenience store cashier and it starts at eleven in the evening and ends at five in the morning." I told her, and her eyebrows met. "What? I thought you wouldn't want to work night shifts anymore? How will you sleep then if you still have diner works until nine?" She asked in frustration, and I giggled. "Daylight. But, that would only happen if I will be hired as a vampire." I answered and joked that made her scoffed. "No, f**k that, Zef! Don't accept that. That's torture." She let out, and I chuckled softly. "What? I was the one who applied, Mols. And, it is so f*****g hard to find jobs. But I will still try to find a day job tomorrow." I uttered, and she pointed a finger at me. "I got hired for a job, Zef. Tutoring a seventh-grader. And, I'll start on Monday. Don't f*****g argue because we will just have two hours sessions daily and it will even make me learn more. And, I could earn about ten dollars an hour." She stated, and I raised an eyebrow at her. Ten bucks? That's the same rate with my diner works. But yeah, this kid is smart and it's good that she found one. "Okay. Do what you want. But be home before seven, okay?" I told her, and she rejoiced. I just don't know if should I tell them about my mission, tomorrow. But maybe they'll oppose it because it is something big and bad or good. I don't know. Maybe I'll just keep it for now. --- Saturday, ten o'clock. It's the time that the wedding will start, and I should be there before that. It's still nine in the morning but I feel like s**t because I haven't slept properly, last night, because of overthinking about the words that I will say by the time that I will stand up and object. Damn, what the f**k did I just put myself into? But, I am doing this for someone's life, no, sometwo's life. Yeah, that b***h shouldn't have stolen that Timmy boy if she wants to live a peaceful life. But, I just hope that this will go well as planned. My phone rings as I'm about to ride a bus to finally head to the church with my gayest outfit and my auburn hair covered with a wig that is blonde in color. It's actually a disguise so that I could just get away with it and live a normal life, after all of this shitty scandal. Then, I tapped the answer icon, and it's a call from an unknown number. "Hi, this is Zefra Killian, who is this?" I asked the other line, and the person cleared her throat. "Hi, good day, Miss Killian! This is the manager of the convenience store that you have applied for a job, yesterday, and I'm glad to tell you that you got hired. And, I am expecting you to be here, later in the evening, and you will have your orientation and will start with the job, right away. We are looking forward to working with you." The woman stated, and that's good news. "Oh, wow! Umm, thank you so much, Ma'am! And, yes, I will be there, later. Thank you again!" I answered, and she finally hung up after telling me what to wear. They will just be giving me some uniforms there that are in my size. "Zefra, is that you?" A voice called out to me as I step inside the bus. And, I tried to find the person, and I spotted a familiar face right in the middle beside a vacant seat. She has been smiling so wide and waved at me, so I went to sit beside her. "Hey, look at you now! Blonde, huh? You look great with it." She greeted me and asked bout my wig. Hmm, who again is this creature? She looks familiar, but I just forget if where and when did I meet her. "Yeah, thanks! It's good to see you, too." I uttered while trying not to make this ride awkward with the fact that I don't remember her name. "You still remember me, don't you?" She asked while grinning, and maybe, she has sensed my uneasiness. "Umm, uh... Ka-Karen?" I asked unsurely, and she started laughing as the bus starts to run. "What the hell? Oh, my gosh, Zef! You really are impossible." She let out in disbelief as she has recovered from her laughter. "Ah, Kelly? Kelsey? Hailey?" I asked again, and she took a deep breath as she holds her laughter. Who the f**k are you? Can't you just tell me? "I just can't believe you. We freaking dated for three weeks. Have you dated those girls with those names, too? I really don't know if you did take me seriously, though. But yeah, I wouldn't tell you my name unless you will remember." She uttered, and I am totally having a difficult time recalling. We dated? f**k, is she an additional to the number? Or, I have just forgotten her name? Who...? "Aha, Marlene! Right?" I let out, and she nodded her head while giggling. I remember now. That was such a freaking long time ago. Junior high. Damn, she's the student council's vice president, and she's three years older than me, but I scored. And, yes, indeed, and add to the number. "At last! Damn, how are you doing now? That was such a long time." She asked with her bright smile, and we talked about a few things, catching up until we reached the bus stop near the church. And, I was a bit surprised that she also went down, and has mentioned that she is going to the church and is attending a wedding of her relative. The groom. --- It's still a quarter before ten, and I am standing near a flower shop that is a block from the wedding venue. I'm actually waiting for any signs of Monica since we agreed to meet at this place, and she will be just waiting for me out here to whatever happens at the event. And, I finally got the sight of the girl in a headscarf and sunglasses. Mmm, she really loves to hide her face. Or, maybe she is just being discreet. "Hey, you came!" She greeted me with a bright smile, and I nodded my head while my hands are in my jeans' back pocket. Honestly, I am nervous as f**k, right now. "Yeah, I promised, remember? So, umm, are those pictures and videos ready?" I asked, and she showed me a thumbs-up. "Yep, the operator has it already, and he knows what to do. Good luck, Zefra. And, thank you so much." She replied as she hands me the invitation card, and I took a deep breath. Yep, I can do this, and I will do this. --- It's finally time, and I need to go inside the church now. And, I sat at the groom's area at the very back part of the venue near the aisle where the decorations are just wow. It's so grand, and I bet that these people that are about to get married are wealthy as heck. There are only a few people inside, and I guess these are just the closest relatives of both parties. But damn, I hope that I could get away from this scandal that I am about to make. The march has begun and I got the sight of the groom. He is indeed looking fine, and I can sense here from afar that I don't like him. I just don't know but I have an ugly feeling towards him. Well, because if he really loves Monica then he will make way for them not to be separated and not be married to whoever woman is his bride. Then, after all the other people that walked in the aisle, I finally got the glance of the bride, and I thought I saw an angel at first, but I shook it off. Damn, I know I got a special eye for women, but I shouldn't be adoring this creature's features. But yeah, fine, she looks so f*****g breathtaking. And, with that dress? I don't know anymore if how to describe her. Damn, I just can't believe that I'm gonna ruin this girl's special day. I'm so sorry, Bella.
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