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Hi, this is my second book under Stary writing, and I would like to thank everyone for your support and encouragement. I have always wanted to write a book, but life gets in the way, so I have to put aside my writing passion. I can never thank the people behind Dreame/Stary Writing enough for this opportunity and my editor, Miss Cherry, to believe in me. I lie awake at night with all these ideas and stories running through my head. Then one day, I stumbled into the app of Dreame; that's when I got the motivation to write again. I started with my first book, which was quite challenging because I'd never written a fantasy story before. I loved reading them, but I've never really tried writing one until now. But thanks to all the fantasy story fans, I was able to apply for the 'pay to read program .' The number of readers of that book is still rising every day. Please note that all the characters, places, and names are fiction only, a product of my imagination and originally written by me. If there are any similarities to any book or story of a true life story, I assure you it's merely coincidental. So, without further ado, here's my second book entitled " Year of Goodbyes". Enjoy!
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