Ch7 Search for a Prince

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King Percivus Sullivan* "Somebody better tell me something!! It has been almost three f*****g days and you continue to bring me no news about the whereabouts of my son." I was pissed, I was ready to kill any of them. How can they call themselves trackers and not have located their prince? Considering the amount of money that I was paying them. They should not have returned without my son with them.I rubbed my temples, "What about the whereabouts of Beta Earl and Harry?" I watched the trackers look at each other with uneasy looks. "Your majesty, we have not scented them either." I let out a loud, angry growl full of frustration, anger and some fear."Please tell me why the f**k are you here in my face instead of out there finding my son?" I roared at them I did not know what to feel. I had heard rumors since the first day that he had not returned home. Commoners were saying all types of things. When we heard the rumors that Malcolm may have been captured, we immediately sent out the trackers. It had been three days now. My wife and myself had no sleep. Our hearts were filled with worry. When we had heard that the trackers had returned, we rushed to meet them. Yet, they greeted us only to tell us that they did not have any word about the whereabouts of our son. They could not even tell us if he was alive or dead. I had stormed off in frustration. When I got to the sitting room, I stormed across the room. I had so much anger and fear bottled up inside of me that I kicked the glass floor vase and watched it shatter into small pieces all over the floor. The anger had taken its toll on me. That lamp had been in the family for generations. Now it is destroyed. Much like any hopes of my son returning safely home to us. My wife, Madeline, walked up to me and kissed the side of my neck. I looked at her and saw the worry on her face, and I could also see she had been crying as well. She had circles around her eyes. It was obvious that she had not been able to sleep. I looked at her eyes and knew the same thoughts that went through my mind were going through hers. We both wondered if our only child was dead. If he had been captured by the Spane pack and found him with just his Beta, they would not hesitate to kill them both. My wife had tried to tell me to be optimistic, but that was hard to do right now. The reality was staring us in the face. Although my son Malcolm had a very powerful wolf, there was no way that he could survive an entire pack attack. It really did not have to be the entire pack to be honest. Once they had delivered him to Alpha Paul, he would make certain that my son was executed. At the thought, my throat tightened with tears. I could not imagine losing my only son. We had sent many spies to their side of the kingdom and none of them had been successful in finding out anything. We did not know the size of his pack. It could be five or five thousand. I knew he was planning an attack but had no idea what we were facing. Harry was one of the best spies that I had. He was careful and if he had to fight, he could easily defend himself and escape. I was certain if anyone could bring me information, then he could. "King Sullivan, you summoned?" I turned to look straight into the eyes of Vera. Vera was incredibly beautiful. Her round hips, full breasts and small waists caught the attention of every breathing male. They could not concentrate on their duties whenever she came around. All eyes were on her. This witch was also a seductress. She could sense every s****l desire of a man and give him exactly what he wanted. She was also the most powerful witch that I had seen. Nobody would intentionally get on her bad side. Every male eye was staring at her. She never appealed to me. I found her..unsettling. Few things scared me, but the look in Vera's eyes always sent a chill up my spine. I stood up and shook her small hands. When I met her eyes, I saw a flash of what appeared to be desire. Apparently, the look was not lost on my wife. A low possessive growl rumbled in my ear. Vera let go of my hand as I glanced to my side, seeing my wife looking like she wanted to rip Vera's head off. It was a turn on that after all these years, and a few gray hairs, that my beautiful wife could still get jealous. When I sat back down, my wife sat on my lap and glared at Vera. I was surprised, my wife had never done anything like that. When Madeline turned and gave me a look that said 'Remember where you sleep", I was not going to say a word. In fact, I was very amused, but Vera did not appear to be at all. "Is everything in place?" Vera nodded her head. "Are you positive that he is going to be there?" Vera gave me a sultry smile and took my hand "Don't worry your majesty, I did everything exactly like you wanted and I always will" My mate's eyes began to darken so fast that knew that she was about to shift. "Ah s**t" I dismissed Vera quickly before my wife destroyed the entire manor trying to kill her. I suddenly heard excited voices coming up the hall, "King Sullivan, we have found Prince Malcolm and Beta Earl and they are both alive. I never felt such relief wash over me at knowing that my son was okay. Now let's see what information they have gathered?
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