Chapter Seven

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We managed to sneak back to the table without anyone really paying us that much attention, which, obviously was a good thing. I kept stealing glances at Ray, watching her shift uncomfortably every now and again. It made me smile. Sitting pantiless around a dinner table with her family, let's hope no one drops anything under the table, huh? Everyone's attention was pretty focused on Fang and Keninta. It just fueled my curiosity about what happened to Cinders even more. I decided to wait until she left the table to quiz my younger brother on the subject, Which, thankfully wasn't too long. 'Do you mind if I just pop to the bathroom?' She asked politely. 'I just want to freshen up a little'. Rose stood up this time and offered to show her where it was. They were chatting about... Some nonsense as they left the room, I wasn't paying to much attention to it. 'So, Fang, What happened to Cinders, You two seemed pretty tight'. 'Alex, Shut up'. Parker told me quietly, in her failed attempt at a subtle whisper. 'I'm just curious, He stole one of my best workers, I have a right to know'. I smiled down the table at him, but he didn't answer, everyone was sat around, giving me disproving looks, well, all except Raven. 'Alexander, It had nothing to do with you, so mind your own business', My mother scolded. Rolling my eyes and shaking my head, I stood up. 'You know what, I'm done with this family. I didn't want to be here tonight and none of you clearly want me here, So, I'll just leave'. With nothing more to say, I turned and headed for the door, Ignoring my mother, Raven and Parker all calling my name. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see the other females coming down the stairs, But I didn't stop, I walked out the front door and slammed it loudly behind myself. I got in the car and tried to calm down a little. I'm not stupid, Yes, I was messing with Fang a little bit, but it was a legitimate question I was asking, and it was obvious that Noone besides the obvious two actually wanted me there anyway. Taking my phone out my pocket, I sent a quick text to Ray, Cancelling the evening and headed off for home. As much as it would be nice to see her later, I just wasn't in the mood for it anymore. I heard my phone ring, signalling a notification and most likely a text-response, but I ignored it. When I got home, I headed straight for the study and took my usual seat behind my desk, I suppose I should see what Raven text back, But before I even had the chance to check my messages, The phone rang. I didn't even need to look at the caller ID to know who it was, Answering it and Pressing the phone to my ear, I spoke; 'Yes, Mother?' 'Alexander Tavish, How dare you be so rude in my home! How could you speak to your brother like that, It is none of your business what happened between him and that little servant girl and-' 'Mother, Look, Noone wanted me there, I was a question, That is all, I'm sure if anyone else other than me would have brought her up, I'm sure it wouldn't have been such an issue!' I cut her off before she could moan anymore. 'It was completely inappropriate! And furthermore, I raised you to have better manners than to just walk out the way you did'. Was she actually being serious right now? ''Raised me better?'' She didn't raise me at all, I'm a grown man. I decided, however, NOT to say that thought out loud and offend her. 'I know, You're right, I apologise.' Backing down would be easier than continuing to argue, Plus, I just wanted to get off the phone. 'Oh, Darling, We didn't even get a chance to discuss Drew'. 'Mother, Its fine, I'll come over in a few days and we will talk about it then, OK?' She was quiet for a moment, Probably annoyed at my not so hidden attempts at ending the conversation, but after this evening, Can she really blame me? 'Fine, I'll see you soon Alexander.' 'See you soon mother.' 'I love you, Dear'. 'I love you to Mother, Bye.' I hung the phone up before she could say anything else and continue our phone call. Letting out a loud sigh, I shook my head. Tonight had really pissed me off, I knew something bad would happen. Groaning in frustration, I sat still for a moment before picking my phone back up again, Ignoring Raven's text message, I went to that all to the familiar number and wrote out the usual text; A: ''Horny? ;)'' Sending it, I didn't need to wait long for a reply. C: ''Always! What's up?'' A: ''Bad evening, Don't wanna talk about it, I'm frustrated, Need your help ;)'' C: ''Be there in 20! :)'' A: ''Make it 10!! My c**k wants attention!'' C: ''Your c**k always wants attention! :p'' I couldn't help but laugh at his message. Throwing my phone down, I left it on charge in my office as I headed out of the room. I wouldn't need it for the rest of the night. Pulling my shirt off, I wandered through the empty house, down to the front door to wait for him. I didn't have many servants anymore, I was either out of the house or prefered to spend my time alone now, So, I didn't see the use in having them. As I approached the door, It knocked. Excitement bubbled up inside me like some sort of horny teenager. Opening the door, I greeted him with a smile. 'Hey, Thanks for coming'. 'No problem'. Stepping to the side, he walked in and we headed up to the bedroom. Throwing my shirt on the chair as we wandered into the room, Chris walked over to the sofa and put the fire on. I glanced over out the corner of my eye and saw him taking off his leather jacket, revealing the fact he was wearing just a simple black wife-beater, exposing his toned arms. Grabbing a bottle of Whiskey and a couple of glasses, I went over to join him. 'Want a drink?' Looking at the alcohol in my hand, He smiled at me. Taking our seats, I placed the glasses down on the table and filled them. Handing one over to him. 'Cheers.' Leaning back against the sofa, He brought the glass up to his mouth and took a mouthful of Whiskey. I couldn't help but watch him, His perfectly sculpted lips parting for his drink, his Adam's apple bouncing in his throat as he swallowed the liquid...The sexy smirk that appeared once he realised I was staring... Looking away quickily, I sat back against the chair. Placing the glass on his knee, He noticed my untouched one still on the table. 'Not thirsty?' I shrugged. 'Fair enough, So, Come on then, What happened tonight to earn me such a lovely text message earlier?' A loud laugh broke out from the both of us, But I just shrugged again. 'Stupid family s**t, Not really in the mood to talk about it, to be honest'. I admitted, Not meeting his gaze. 'No problem, Won't ask about it'. That's one thing I liked about Chris. Apart from the fact you could tell him anything and he couldn't judge, Shown by the fact he knew me and Raven were related and caught us in bed together and hadn't even mentioned it, but he respects my choice when I don't want to talk about something. 'So, What have you been up to? Haven't seen you in a little while'. 'Dude, its only been a few days,' He joked, 'Don't go turning into one of those clingy girlfriends.' 'Shut up'. We chuckled and the conversation pretty much went from there. I eventually did open up to him about my shitshow of an evening with my so-called family, Including f*****g Raven, Which seemed to interest him. 'Seriously? You f****d your niece in your mother's house with your family downstairs?!' He seemed impressed with my accomplishment. 'Nah, Your messing with me'. 'Dude, Seriously, I did'. And then I remembered, 'Got her panties to prove it.' I told him, Taking them out of my pocket and throwing them onto his lap. Accepting what I said was true, He leaned forward, Tossing the underwear on the table and placing his drink down. 'So..' Resting his hand on the back of my head, He turned and moved closer. The excitement bubbles had returned in my stomach. 'So?' 'You're f*****g your little niece, huh?' 'Do you have to make it sound so creepy?' I questioned, I tried to pull away a little, but he held my head in place and moved a few inches closer. 'Not creepy, It's kinky'. 'You're so f*****g weird'. Before either of us can say anything else, Chris pushed his lips to mine. Instantly, the animalistic lust took over and my hands made their way to the hem of his shirt as I rip it off, leaving his chest and stomach on full display. 'God, You're so hot', I tell him as our kiss continued, Our tongues fighting for dominance. Pulling away to soon, He stands up and pulls me to my feet. 'Bed?' 'Bed!' Pushing me down on the mattress, He removed the rest of our clothes and soon, We're both naked, Our erections proudly on show. I laid down more comfortably as he climbed on top of me, Leaving small kisses on my skin as his face got closer to mine. My knees, My thighs, My stomach, My chest, My shoulder, My throat, My chin... 'Did you f**k her hard?' I was confused for a split second as to what he meant, Then I realised and smirked. Raven. 'Did you make her scream?' I could feel his c**k twitching against mine as he spoke, which made the whole thing seem so much more erortic.. and it was already pretty damn hot to hear him talking about her like that. 'Damn right I did'. A deep, lustful chuckle escaped his throat as he leaned down to kiss me, passionately, But only once before he pulled away again. 'Did you make her c*m?' He asked, Pressing his hips against mine harshly, Forcing our c***s to rub together. 'Yeah, Like you wouldn't believe'. 'Mmmm, Badboy'. Moving away from me, He shimmed back down my body. I watched him Until I could feel his warm breath on my d**k. Oh god! Without saying a word, He wrapped his lips around it and swallowed it whole. 'Oh, f**k!'. Throwing my head back in pure bliss, My one hand made its way above me to grip hold of the headboard for support while the other found the back of Chris' bobbing head. 'Oh, f*****g hell! Yes, Oh...' My moans were encouraging him to suck me harder, I couldn't bring myself to look down at him or watch, I knew seeing him with my d**k in his mouth would make me c*m, and I was enjoying myself way too much for it to be over so soon. Closing my eyes, I raised my hips up to meet his bobbing and forced myself further into his mouth. 'Alex, I know you're upset but... ' I froze. No, No no no no! Sitting up quickily, I looked at her, Chris quickily turned as well. Raven had just walked in the door. Oh s**t!
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