Chapter Four

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What the f**k do I do? Do I reply? Her just saying that, doesn't exactly tell me how she feels about it. Just that she knows. How does she know? Did she tell Kane or Rose about me and they told her? I needed to know! 'What are you talking about?' Sending it, I waited, biting my nails, a nervous habit that I've had since my human years. This could be bad. Like really bad. 'You Alexander Tavish, are my uncle. I know the truth'. FUCK! I didn't even reply before she texts me again. 'Meet me. We need to talk'. I couldn't. I had Chris here, I couldn't just leave and she couldn't come here. Since they have their own history, that would just be awkward. 'I can't right now. Tomorrow?' 'Fine.' I replied asking where and when but I didn't get a reply after that. "Hey, everything OK?" I looked up quickly at Chris' sudden voice. "Yeah just.. Family stuff." I told him, cringing inside st my own words. "I bet I can put a smile back on your face". He told me with a grin. I looked back up st him quickly, only then realising that he was wearing nothing but his boxers. His hot body completely on show as he walked over to me. "Oh yeah?" He didn't respond, instead, he just sunk to his knees and pulled my c**k free... And the rest of the night went from there... I sat in the park and waited for Raven. She was running late, but I didn't mind, it was nice and peaceful here by the water. I could hear approaching footsteps but didn't dare look up. I knew it was her. Sliding into the picnic bench and sitting down, she just looked at me. Finally, I made eye contact with her and the second I did, I felt instantly breathless. She looked more beautiful than before! How!? I really needed a punch in the face. She is my niece! There was silence for at least 5 minutes while we just stared at each other. Who was going to break the silent competition first? Her, me, her me? "Thanks for coming. I wasn't sure if you would be honest." Her. "Well, when the girl you have s*x with tells you you're her uncle, you kinda have to show up," I told her coldly. Her eyes shot down to her hands. Was she nervous? Scared? Confused? "What are you thinking?" Shaking her head, she let out a single laugh and shrugged. "I don't even know. I have no idea what to think... Or how to feel." "Why did you want to meet?" Shrugging again, she avoided eye contact. She knew I could tell. "Raven?" "I don't know." She's repeating herself. So if she wasn't going, to be honest and tell me, I was leaving. Standing up, I went to go, but she quickly grabbed my arm. "Wait! Please!" If it was anyone else, I'd have told them to go f**k. Themselves, but there was something in her voice that made me stay and hear what she had to say. "What do you want?" I asked again, slightly more sternly. "You." She was still clinging on to my arm, but, I didn't care. What did she say?! "What?" Letting go of my arm, she raised her hand up and lightly strokes my cheek. Was she serious? No, she couldn't possibly be. "I want you Alex. There's something about you. I'm drawn to you. I can't get you off my mind. I know its wrong-" "You're f*****g right its wrong!" Her hand dropped. Maybe she needs tough love. I liked her but it would never work. There were a million things against us. She would never be able to bring me home to her parents, my brother and ex-girlfriend, or even tell then about me. She could never meet my family, her family. We could never be together. "I am your uncle. Your father is my brother, we are family! I yelled. "Stop repeating it!" "How did you find out Raven?" This is what I needed to know. I needed to know if anyone knew our secret. "I was going through some old things with my cousin-" "Who?" "Parker." My non-beating heart began to hurt, my daughter that I hadn't seen in nearly a hundred years. The reason I have completely cut my mother out of my life. She was the reason I lost my child. Even the mention of her name made me ache. When I didn't comment, she continued. "As I said, I was going through some old things this afternoon and totally flipper when I saw your photo. So, I asked my dad who you were and be said you were his brother." "Crap, please tell me you didn't tell Kane about us?" She shocked me when she actually laughed out loud. "What exactly is funny about this situation?!" "Nothing, I wasn't laughing at you, just the idea of telling my dad about any guy in my life. Bes the typical overprotective father type of guy. Wouldn't dare bring any boyfriends home again" she was rambling, but I didn't kind, apart from it being cute, I was slightly curious to know what my brother was like as a parent. "I remember once, I brought my high school boyfriend over. We were both human and..." She continued. Raising my eyebrow, yeah we've definitely hit serious rambling here. We both moved to sit down again. "... So, anyway, my dad, of course, went all psycho vampire on him, yelling about how he could tell he was a typical 'f**k boy'. Boy was he wrong. That relationship lasted ages. But obviously, as we got older he started suspecting that something was up when he aged... And I didn't." She went quiet for a moment, I could tell this was clearly a sad subject for her. "What happened?" "Nothing really. Obviously, I eventually told him what I was, but he didn't care, he loved me enough to see past that. We got engaged when he turned 30 but... I felt bad that he was wasting his life with me." "But he loved you... Why didn't you turn him?" She just shrugged. " I didn't want him sacrificing his life for me. We broke up and a few years later he found someone else. I was so happy for him, he deserved it. He got married to her and had a family..something I could never have given him" Looking down she was visibly upset again. I didn't know what to say to comfort Her, but before I could say anything she shook her head, laughed sadly and smiled up at me. "Anyway, enough about the past.." "Raven... We can't be together." I told her softly, my tough-love approach seemingly fading. I didn't wanna hurt her. "I know, but I can't forget about you." "You have to." I had to look away, I didn't want to see her expression, but I was surprised when she suddenly shot up and walked around to me, looking pissed. I followed her movement and stood up again too, towering over her. "Really?" "Yes". " I don't believe you I think you feel exactly the same way I do." "It doesn't matter how I feel Raven. This isn't happening" turning to walk away, she ran in front of me to block my path. I was starting to get genuinely annoyed now but before I could push her out the way, she stood up onto her tiptoes and pulled my face to hers, kissing me. I didn't know how to respond. I was frozen in the spot but she either didn't notice or didn't care. She just continued the kiss. Once I composed myself, I pushed her away, maybe a little harshly, making her stumble. "I said no!" I told her, in my most serious voice. This time she seemed to accept it and walked away, watching her go, I hated how much j wished I could call her back, but I wouldn't. It is for the best. As I watched, I was having a mental battle with myself. It was wrong. I knew it was... Yet I couldn't let her go. 'Yes you can' the better half of me was screaming. She started to vanish film my view. If I let her go, that was it. It was done. I could do this. "No, I can't!" I told myself out loud as I started running. "Raven!" She didn't respond. Did she hear me? "RAVEN?!" She stopped this time and turned. I didn't stop running until I was stood in front of her, and as soon as I was, I pulled her to me and gave her the biggest. Passionate kiss I could. Taking her hand in mine, we broke apart. "Come on". Pulling her with me, I headed home.
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