Chapter3. Amelia and Liam

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(Amelia) I don’t even know how I function with what’s going on at home. Dad has been getting out of control and he and mom have been arguing a lot more than before. I am loosing concentration in school and it’s all because of them, what kind of a home is this anyways? Why can’t we be happy like we were before? I was in my room when I heard a knock on the door and my annoying brothers entered with identical smiles on their faces, what are these two twerps up to now? “ news got around fast in school Mia, what’s going on with you and that Liam kid?” Mason asked as he folded his arms. Mason is the protector of the two, he’s always protecting mom and now he’s on my case as well. No matter if they are both thirteen year olds they act older than their ages. Caleb on the other hand is the more reserved twin, not really outgoing and kinda shy. “ why do I always forgot that we all go to the same high school?” Mason grinned and sat down beside me on the bed. “ we might not be in the same grade but you are kinda popular you know. How comes dad is forbidding you from having your friends over?” Caleb ask and I glared at him. “ did you two come In my room to interrogate me? If so you can both leave.” They both shook their heads at the same time, an annoying habit they have. “ no we won’t, we need your help with something.” Mason said and I gestured for him to go on. “ well as you know Caleb and I like Olivia a lot and dad is getting in our way of having a relationship with her. We know that we are thirteen year old and shouldn’t be thinking about girls as yet much less sharing them’s something we can’t help and we want you to help us change dad’s mind so we can have our Olivia.” I chuckled and ran my hand through my hair. “ mason dad is an ogre. What makes you think he’ll listen to me? Last time I checked when I wanted to go to Jason’s party he strictly said no and sent me to my room. Right now something is going on between him and mom and that’s what you both should be focusing on, helping mom so he doesn’t hurt her. She has been unhappy lately and I know you both can see that, why don’t you focus on that instead of on a girl you both clearly won’t be getting any time soon?” Mason growled and stood up and started pacing. “ you think I don’t know what’s going on with my own parents? Hell I can sense the tension when those two are in the same room together. I am going to protect mom yes but we still need help with getting Olivia.” I didn’t know what they wanted me to do, do they think I’m Cupid or something. “ if you don’t help us we’ll tell dad about you dating Liam.” Mason said and I narrowed my eyes at him. “ oh no you won’t, we both have secrets and I’ll reveal mine to him when I’m good and ready. Yours on the other hand will get exposed if you tell him I swear to you mason. Now both of you get out of my room so I can focus on this stupid school work.” Caleb got up off the bed and grabbed mason dragging him out of my room. Gosh these two were so adamant on making Olivia theirs, why don’t they focus on that themself and stop trying to get me involved in their love triangle or whatever it’s called. I sighed and closed my maths book then flopped down on the bed. Kayla had been bothering me to come over lately so I am going to see if I can get dad to change his mind so I can invite her and Jason over, what could possibly go wrong? I knocked on my dad’s office door since I know that’s where he’ll be and heard his voice telling me to enter. I gulped and took a deep breath as I pushed the door open. Mom was there with him sitting down with a frown on her face. “ hi mom, hi dad do you have a minute?” I asked and dad gestured for me to go on. “ well um you see couple months ago or rather six months ago I met some friends. Their names are Jason and Kayla and I was wondering if they could come over this weekend to spend some time with me?” Dad growled and shook his head which had me stepping back a little. “ I was specific with You before when you asked me the same question already Mia and the answer is still no.” I felt tears forming in my eyes and mom must have spotted them since she got up and made her way towards me to give me some comfort. “ dom don’t be so hard on her, everyone needs a friend. She has two and would like them to visit which isn’t so bad. Baby if you would have told me this before I definitely would have let them come over for a visit.” Mom said and I smiled at her and nodded my head. “ over my dead body, now excuse us Mia your mom and I have something important to discuss.” I shrugged my shoulders and mom let go off me as I walked out. Why did he have to be so strict with me? What did I do wrong to deserve this treatment? (Liam) I was thinking about taking Mia out on a date but didn’t know how to ask her. I was a wuss when it comes on to things like this. Sam and Bran are currently laughing at me because I cornered them just to ask them for advice. “ oh this s**t is so funny. I can’t believe you came to us asking for advice are you stupid?” Bran asked and I raised my eyebrow at him. After a while of figuring out what he meant, I chuckled and shook my head. “ yeah I forgot I’m asking the wrong persons for advice. You two are just too dumb to come up with anything good.” Sam growled and shoved me playfully. “ let’s just go.” I said and they nodded their heads while grinning. Bran had family business to attend to so it was just sam and I that were going to hang out. It’s Tuesday and I couldn’t wait for the weekend so i don’t have to think about school. Getting in my car and driving away from school was such a relief for me sometimes. I am of course a straight a student and I did study hard, the only thing that was keeping me sane in school was mia. Ever since I declared her as mine yesterday, I haven’t left her side at all. I guess it can be a bit annoying to some, but for me I didn’t give a damn I had my girl right where I needed her. “ think of anything yet?” Sam asked breaking me out of my thoughts of my girl. “ sadly no, I don’t know maybe I’ll just take her to the movies or something. That would be a great first date don’t you think?” Sam nodded his head and looked like he was in deep thoughts. “ what?” I asked as I tried to focused on the road while driving. “ I’m sure you’ve heard rumors about her parents and how strict her dad is, how are you even going to plan on asking her out without getting on her dad’s bad side?” s**t i haven’t thought about that. I forgot that Dominic sanders has a known reputation of being an ogre around the school since he’s the owner/founder of it. Everyone there is scared of him including the teachers but should I be scared of him? Hell to the f*****g no. I wasn’t some weak asshole who’s going to cower from someone because I could easily beat the crap out of him. I was deemed the bad boy of D.H.S just because of the tattoo I had on my neck. I got them when I was fourteen and my parents didn’t even punish me because I was a spoil brat. Come to think of it, I have gotten away with a lot of things before and now looking back at them, I guess I can see where I got that reputation of being the bad boy from. I sighed and thought about ways to get my mia to go out with me. If her dad puts up a fight, I promise I won’t back down. She’s mine and only mine, not his but mine. I don’t care if she’s fifteen years old, she doesn’t belong to him anymore. They are now only related by blood and I will be damned if I let him come between us. After I got home, I saw a note from my parents saying they had a very important event to attend and won’t be home in two weeks time. Well at least my sister and I have the house to ourselves, with the exception of our butler of course they left him in charge of us. My sister Ava will be home from school soon since she had after school swimming lessons. She’s fifteen years old like mia and a lot to handle sometimes. Mom and dad have been disappearing a lot lately and honestly I don’t even see them as parents anymore, they don’t even spend time with me and Ava like before or even ask if We were ok. The only thing they would do out of their so call busy schedule was give us expensive gifts which I really don’t want but Ava was always happy to accept. Dad has always been a bit overprotective of Ava and spoils her a lot, with me he’s just strict. Mom on the other hand has that I don’t care attitude and just leave things as it is. I sighed and asked Sam if he wanted to stay over and he said yes. Sometimes Sam and bran would stay with me so I don’t get bored, Ava is at the stage where she thought hanging out with her brother was gross, typical teenager. Plus she has friends of her own so she doesn’t have time to hang out with me anymore. “ what do you want to do now?” Sam asked as we made our way to my bedroom. “ think of ways to win Mia’s father over. I for one know I’m not going to back down and Mia is mine but I still need to be prepared.” Sam nodded his head and told me to just be myself. Well I was planning on doing that, no one messes with me when I’m in that mode. Well here goes nothing, I’ll be fighting for my girl one way or the other.
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