"I Hope You Dance" ~ Lee Ann Womack

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Around 5 Rhea was finishing up the last of her work for the day. Her phone beeped with a new text, and she checked to see it was her twin. Hey, I’m done here. We can go early if you have finished. ~ Ry Almost bro. Give me 5 minutes and I’ll be ready to go. ~ Ri Okay. I’m coming to your office, we can go from there. I’ll just wait for you to be done. ~ Ry Rhea didn’t reply after that. He would be here soon, so she went on to completing the last of her work. By the time Ryan got there, she was packing up her laptop in her bag. "Done. We can go." She said, smiling. "Good. Come on then." Ryan said. They both said goodbye to Sophie and left. The building, as Ryan said, was the one right next to their office. The receptionist at the ground floor smiled as she saw them come in. "Hello? May I help you?" "Yes." Ryan replied, "We were looking for the dance studio? It recently opened, right?" "Well kind of... The Ballroom dance lessons are very recent. The classes haven’t even started yet as far as I know. But the studio is open, so you can go and talk to instructors if you want to join. It’s on the 9th floor. If you want to join any other classes, you can do that too. The studio is open every day 24*7, but the new classes are every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday." "Thank you so much, Rita. This was very helpful." Ryan said looking at her name-tag and giving her a charming smile. Next to him, Rhea was rolling her eyes at him, again. "No problem. If you have any more questions, you can find me right here," the girl said blushing. "Thanks" Rhea said this time, before pulling Ryan towards the elevator. "You are incorrigible, Ry." She laughed, in turn making him laugh as well. Soon they were walking inside the studio. There was already a couple talking to a guy sitting on a desk in the farthest corner of the room. Another guy was looking out the glass panel windows, with his back to everyone else in the room. "Hey! I’m Natasha. Are you here to sign up for the classes?" a woman in her late thirties asked; suddenly appearing out of thin air, startling the twins. "So sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you." She said again, making Rhea shake her head. "No no. Please. We didn’t see you before, the suddenness of it all... anyway, yes. I was thinking of joining." "Great. And what about your boyfriend here?" she asked looking at Ryan, making the twins laugh. "No, my twin is most definitely not a dancer." Rhea laughed. "And I’m most definitely not her boyfriend." Ryan scowled. "I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed. It’s just that..." she trailed off. "We know. We don’t look anything alike. I look more like our Mom, she took after Dad." "Anyway... enough family lessons, I wanted to see what the classes are going to be like." Rhea said, making Natasha smile. "Of course, but first thing first, do you have a partner? Because this is couple dancing, and although we do get stags here and there, usually most come in couples. So it might be an issue if you don’t have one." "Oh?" Rhea frowned; she was so excited, but now she didn’t have a choice. If Ryan wasn’t so bad at it, she would have asked him. But that makes no sense... if only Ne... she stopped her thoughts. "I... I don’t have a partner, sorry. I should have thought of that before coming here." Rhea said, feeling a little disheartened. "But you said there are others who come to join on their own, right?" Ryan said, "you can partner up with one of them, Ri. It’s okay. Just come for the first class, see how it goes. If you still think it’s a bad idea, we can look for something else, okay? Please Ri, just at least try once before you give up." Rhea knew why he was pushing so hard for this. For the first time in more than a year he had seen her excited about something, he didn’t want to lose that, and she didn’t want to disappoint him. "Okay?" she smiled, and then turned towards Natasha who had been looking at the both of them with something in her eyes that she couldn’t place. "That is okay, right?" she still asked. Natasha smiled. "Yes. It’s absolutely fine. We can partner you up with someone here. No problem." "Okay. Thank you so much."  Ryan said smiling, making Rhea smile back at him. "Okay. Let’s talk to you about the classes some more, and let me find you a brochure to take home." She walked them towards the man who was till then talking to a couple, but looked free now. "Hey Romi. This is Rhea," Natasha said pointing at her. "She wants to join the classes but she doesn’t have a partner. I said we can help her pair up with someone from the class. So talk to them while I get a brochure for her, okay?" Thankfully, Rhea missed the look Natasha gave Romero and left them to talk. Romi told her what the classes were gonna be like, and what they needed from her as well as what the payment was gonna be. "I can’t put my finger on it, but I feel like I know you from somewhere." Rhea said all of a sudden. "He was on SYTYCD 10 years ago." Natasha said coming up with a few pamphlets. "Maybe?" she said a dubiously. "But I don’t think that’s it. Anyway... do we pay now?" "No. since we are not sure about your partner, why don’t you come tomorrow for the first class, see if things work out for you. And by the end of it if you still want to continue, you can pay then." Romi said, making her smile. "Oh! Thank you so much. I know you usually must not be this accommodating, and I don’t have an issue paying right now, but thank you for thinking it." "It’s no problem honey." Romi smiled at her. He was close to Natasha’s age, maybe a year or two older, with long hair tied in a ponytail. "Honey! Right! I remember now, you are Salacia’s brother, aren’t you? I have seen your photos." "You know Sal?" Romi asked intrigued. "Ah yes! We had some common classes back in NYU. She used to show me pictures of her family, that’s where I remember you from." "You must be Ri then? Oh! I remember her telling us about you. It’s good to meet finally meet you." Romi said with a smile. "Same. Anyway... I’ll see you both tomorrow. Do I need to bring something along other than heels?" "If you wear a skirt, that would be better, but it’s not compulsory. Just the heels otherwise are fine." "Okay. I’ll see you guys tomorrow then." With that Rhea and Ryan said goodbye to the couple and left for their home. It had been a long day, and all she wanted was to take a shower and sleep until the next morning without having to cry herself to it once more.
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