Chapter18 That is commitment.

2376 Words

18 That is commitment. ★★FIONNA★★ "Twelve years old? It's ok," I forced on a smile and folded my hands together in plead, "since you're more mature, take that out of my room." I raised my voice, he stood staring at me for a while, "Don't let the wound get infected," he turned away and left. once he was gone, I went over to the mirror, checking my appearance, to see if I've finally gone mad, but it's nothing except my puffy red eyes. Removing the remaining piece of glass from my foot, I climbed on the bed, the wound had started to heal itself, by tomorrow, it would completely cover. Thinking of what Khalil and that "G-" something girl might be doing, I tossed and turned around the bed... My mind kept on asking strange questions, "what if she sleeps in his room? Fool- if she does, it is

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