Episode 3

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Koe wandered around Tokyo all night and day hoping to find Hikari Tsuki. Unfortunately, with no luck. He did not want to come back empty-handed, with another news about failure. At first Koe did not even think that it would be so difficult to capture a nature yokai. And he sent the best hunters on her! It was the first time Koe encountered a nature yokai who could defend itself so well. How was that even possible? But it didn't matter. Even if Hikari Tsuki was unique in this aspect, the hunters he employed should deal with her quick anyway. It annoyed him very much. Koe wanted to complete the task entrusted to him as soon as possible. Sometimes he thought he should just do it himself, but his boss would not allow it. As boss said, Koe was too valuable and the risk of losing him was out of the question. - He probably took her to his apartment.-Koe sighed. It would not be a problem for him, were it not for the fact that Hidoi lived with the priestess and guardian of the Elements. As a fire demon, so one of them, he had no chance. Miko Negai would beat him in a few seconds.- Damn Oni and his priestess friend...- he cursed under his breath.- If it wasn't for this b***h, I would immediately go to this apartment and kill this damn hybrid personally. I could catch this yokai then, bring it to my boss, and additionally they would reward me in Hell for getting rid of this freak of nature Hidoi Honou is.- he added, walking walking down the street flooded with darkness. Finally, resigned, Koe returned to his quarters. He rode the elevator up to the top of the skyscraper, then walked down the dark corridor to the familiar large oak door. When Koe stood before them, they opened wide, inviting him inside. He entered the same spacious room as before. The huge swivel chair was facing the window as always. - I see, Koe, that you're coming back empty handed.- said the voice of the person sitting in the chair. - The great hunter, Hidoi Honou, failed.- Koe replied mockingly.- In addition, he took the demon to his place. And I can't go after him because of Miko Negai, Hidoi's roommate, since she is a priestess and guardian of the Elements. I wouldn't have a chance fighting against her.- he added. - First of all, a hunter like Oni is always spoken of respectfully.- a voice scolded him.- So I understand that we are kind of stuck at the dead end? - asked the voice, then laughed vividly. - Yes.- Koe said dryly, not understanding what could have been funny in this situation. He himself was really upset about the whole situation, and didn't feel like laughing at all. - My dear, there is a way out of every, even the most hopeless situation.- said the voice.- I say it with a heavy heart, but you can hire Gaijin.-a heavy sigh could be heard from the chair. Koe smiled triumphantly. Finally, what he wanted from the beginning was happening. Although he despised Gaijin for being a parasite that fed on the souls of other demons, but since he was a hundred percent demon, Koe trusted him far more than the hybrids. Their human nature has always disturbed everything. He did not understand why the demons of the 1st Circle liked the relationship with human women and the creation of these freaks so much. It was true that if the crossbreed was dragged to the demon side, it became a powerful ally of its demonic father, but the biggest problem was that most of them were fighting the demonic side of their nature. The hybrids were unstable, so creating them was too risky, or so Koe thought. And to his knowledge, most demons from the lower Circles shared his opinion. - Okay, it will happen according to your wishes.- he replied, bowing low. - You can leave now.- allowed the voice. The door opened wide. Koe, unusually pleased, left the room entering the corridor flooded with darkness. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Around 9 p.m. a cheerful conversation could be heard from the corridor. Hidoi broke away from filling pistols with bullets and listened. When the key clicked in the lock and Miko and Hikari's voices sounded in the living room, he left the room. The girls had in their hands many different bags with the names of various Tokyo boutiques. He helped them by bringing bags to Miko's room. When his eyes rested on Hikari, he was speechless with shock. She was wearing tight gray jeans and a beautiful purple tunic with wide sleeves, covering her thighs. There was subtle makeup on her face consisting of foundation, eyeliner and lip gloss. Her hair was no longer straight, but slightly wavy. Miko also changed makeup and hair style. He noticed that she certainly cut her hair a bit, bought a new blouse and pants, and her makeup was clearer and more bright than usual. - Let me guess... You also went to the cosmetician and hairdresser, right? - Hidoi sighed. - How nice that you noticed.- Miko smiled.- Apparently most guys do not pay attention to such details.- she added playfully. - Well, maybe it's because I'm not an ordinary guy?- he said in the same, playfully tone. - Very possible.- Miko laughed hearing this words and seeing his expression. - I will leave you two alone.- said Hidoi, leaving the room. - Miko, thank you again for all this. I will have to give you back the money you have spent on me.- said Hikari. Although she liked her very much, did not want to use her kindness like this. - Ah, stop it. You don't have to give me back anything.- Miko denied.- Oh, right...- she suddenly remembered something.- Hidoi looked delighted with your appearance.- she said with a smile. - Oh really? So what?- Hikari shrugged, looking through the clothes she had bought. This statement flattered her, but she didn't want to show it. - So what?- Miko was surprised by her words.- I can see that you like him and he likes you... You know what I mean.- she looked at her meaningfully. - What are you talking about?- asked Hikari almost indignant, heavily blushing. She felt embarrassed that someone read her feelings so easily. - Admit that you like Hidoi.- said Miko, looking her straight in the eye. - Well, kind of... Yes, he's handsome, and in general...- she confessed, still blushing. - I think he likes you too... You two would be a beautiful couple.- said Miko. - What's your point? - Hikari asked, a little angry. Immediately, however, she regretted saying it in such a tone. In the end, Miko did not commit any terrible crime. - Relax, I'm just worried about Hidoi.- she explained.- He hasn't had a girlfriend in such a long time... Every girl dumped him when they found out that Hidoi was half demon. You would be perfect.- Miko added. She felt a bit silly, immediately wanting to match up Hikari and Hidoi. The only excuse Miko had was an absolutely serious worry about him. - Well... I'm not a human either, after all...- Hikari agreed.- But ... I'm not sure...- she hesitated, tilting her head to the side. - Ah, sorry, I'm taking it too far... I forgot you barely know each other.- replied Miko, apologetic. - Well, that's the point.- Hikari confirmed with a smile. Then they both chuckled for a while and then looked at clothes after taking them out of the bags, as if they were just ordinary friends who went shopping together. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The next days passed for all three of them quite nicely. Hikari spend most of the day looking at people through the window, sometimes talking with Miko and Hidoi. After the sunset she could go out on a walk, of course never alone since it was dangerous. They still didn't knew who and why wanted to capture her. Hikari treated it all like a vacation from her boring work and overprotective mother. Miko, as she promised, informed Hikari's parents that she's in danger but is well protected so they won't worry. Probably the fact that she was an angel contributed to the effect that her parents took all the information with extraordinary calmness, even Megami. Hikari, listening to their telephone conversation, clearly noticed how softly Miko was using her voice. She would probably calm down immediately too if Miko would began to talk to her in such a way. For the time being, Hikari's duties have been taken by her mother and father. It wasn't easy for them to take care of few tasks at once but they managed. Especially Hikari's mother helped with her usual devotion towards beloved daughter. In a way, Megami's overprotective nature was helpful, especially in a time like this. Fushigi for the first time was glad that his wife was caring too much about Hikari. One evening Hidoi went for a walk with Hikari. They admired the bright center of Tokyo and the dark alleys of smaller districts. Riding the subway gave Hikari much joy, and Hidoi looked at her in amazement. He never paid attention to such trivial things, and never enjoyed them. It wasn't until watching this girl that he realized even subway ride could be interesting. Her child-like curiosity could be dangerous sometimes, but it was also wonderful since that pure joy was contagious and made Hidoi much brighter. He was slowly coming out of his shell and could feel it getting stronger every day as he spend more time with this yokai girl. Even tough he didn't want to admit it, she stole his heart completely. Hikari noticed clearly that Hidoi was slowly relaxing. He was no longer as serious and "scary" as before, and she liked him more and more. They both had a lot of fun and for Hikari it was like a dream come true - since she saw him in that dark alley, fighting, Hikari grew a desire to get to know him better and now she had a chance. Despite many differences, they were similar - they wandered at night, diligently fulfilling the tasks entrusted to them. They both fought well and did not belong to the human world. It seemed that they were made for each other. But did he felt the same as her? Even tough he seemed to be happy it was still hard to read his feelings which made Hikari a little bit confused. Maybe only she was liking him this way? That thought was a little bit scary and sad. Just before returning home, they stopped at a small cafe. They chose a table in the corner of the room, next to the window. - You know, when I walked on the sky like that, night after night, for so many years, it seemed to me that my work was terrible at times.- Hikari said, staring at the starry sky and stirring her coffee with a spoon.- But now, when I can't go back there for a moment, I realized how much I miss it...- she sighed, bowed her head and stared at her cup .- But I miss my parents the most.- she added sadly. - Listen, it will all end soon, I promise...- Hidoi replied, uncertainly touching her hand, clenched on the ear from the cup. His gesture made her loosen the embrace, raising her head and looking at him.- You'll see your parents sooner than you think.- he ended, slowly moving his hand away. Suddenly Hikari gripped it tighter with both hands, bringing closer. - Thank you...- she whispered.- I'm really grateful to you and Miko for protecting me.- Hikari continued, loud and clear.- I will never forget both of you and what you're doing for me.- she added with a smile. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Koe left his quarters early in the morning to spend the next day searching for Gaijin who had dissolved in the air. Every time he felt that he was close to his destination, the trail broke off. So far contented with the situation, Koe began to lose patience. Time to catch Hikari was slowly running out, so he was very annoyed while wandering the streets even though he knew what kind of life such demons as Gaijin lead. Evening was slowly coming. Koe was walking down the dark street, incorporating almost all his senses. Suddenly he heard the sounds of struggle. In the blink of an eye he appeared in the place from which these noises were coming. To his great satisfaction, he saw Gaijin. He was hammering his sword into the demon's chest and feeding himself on it's soul. Koe moved slowly in that direction. The sight of his dead kinsman frightened him a little. He lay unconsciously on the street, and eventually turned into dust, carried by the wind to the four corners of the world. - Well, well...- laughed Gaijin, turning towards the stranger who had just approached him.- What an honor... I'm visited by the demon from the 3rd Circle.- he added with sarcasm, eyeing the demon. The first thing that caught Gaijin's eye was his hair. They were dark blond, but almost turned into red. They reminded him a little of the candle flame. Moreover, he was dressed elegantly, in a navy blue suit and white shirt. Only his expression did not match the overall picture. It was not a friendly expression, full of visible contempt. But this did not surprise Gaijin at all, since demons from the upper Circles rarely looked at him differently. - Enough of these tender words.- Koe said in a bored voice.- I have a job for you. - Really?- Gaijin raised his eyebrows, clearly interested. It was rare for the demon from higher Circle to entrust the Devourer Of Souls like him with any task. - The person who employs me wants to catch a certain yokai.- Koe began to explain slowly.- As payment, I offer you the soul of a 2nd Circle demon. Your only task is to catch this yokai and bring it to me.- he said, pointing to himself. - A 2nd Circle demon soul, you say? For one yokai?- Gaijin was surprised to hear these words. In his wildest dreams he would not expect such a high reward for any task, and certainly not for catching an ordinary yokai. - My supervisor really needs this yokai alive, so you can't feed on it's soul. You will lead it to me, get a reward and we will separate. - Koe explained to him. - Well, I would be a fool not agreeing to such an offer.- Gaijin said with a wide grin. A triumphant smile appeared on Koe's face. Finally, things started to go his way again. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Miko was looking through her magic book when Hikari stormed into the room. Her happy face said clearly that the walk with Hidoi was successful. - It was fun, wasn't it?- she said, taking her eyes away from the book for a moment. - Sure, and how much!- Hikari replied smiling. Suddenly she froze, looking at the bulky volume that Miko was reading.- What is this?- she asked. - My magic book. I have spells here, descriptions of various beings, good and bad.- she explained to her. - Why are you looking at it now?- Hikari kept on asking. Her curiosity and constant questions were other features that made her resemble a child. - I want to find a way to figure out who gives Koe orders.- Miko answered.- Knowing what kind of a demon it is, we can destroy it so you could go home.- she added. - Ah, I understand...- Hikari whispered, glancing slightly at the pages of the book.- And did you found something?- she turned her gaze back on Miko. - Unfortunately not. - she sighed. - In addition, when you were with Hidoi on a walk, an Angel messenger visited me. A certain Silver Angel did not return to Heaven after the unsuccessful attempt to convert the sinner. In addition, this was not the first failure. Apparently, this angel hid somewhere in Tokyo, so I was instructed to look for this Angel.- she added. Hikari also sighed, hearing her words. She suspected that converting sinners is not easy, especially in the present day. But Hikari also hoped that this angel would be found, will return to Heaven and heal the wounds inflicted by unsuccessful missions. Then someone knocked on the door and a moment later Hidoi appeared in the doorway. - Forgive me for interrupting, but I got to have a word with Miko. It's urgent.- he said. - Of course, I'm coming.- she said, standing up and going towards him. She waved to Hikari, then disappeared with Hidoi outside the door. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Koe returned to his quarters pleased. As every day having to report, he went to the spacious room, in the center of which stood a swivel chair with a high back facing the window, thanks to which it perfectly hid the person who was sitting in it. Only the voice speaking was saying that someone was there. - So what does our case look like?- it asked. - I've already hired Gaijin. You will have Hikari Tsuki soon.- said Koe. Although despising Gaijin like any Soul Eater from the last Circle, Koe knew his opinion and knew that he was also a great hunter. This gave Koe confidence that Gaijin would accomplish his mission without a failure. - Never be too confident.- the voice scolded him.- Such beings as Gaijin should not be trusted. Like vampires, it is difficult for such demons to control hunger, especially if they have such a tasty treat as yokai under their nose.- it continued in the tone of the parent who teaches the child.- After all, he is a Devourer of Souls. I am surprised that you trust him so much, after all, he feeds on the souls of your brothers.- added the voice, in which a slight surprise was clearly heard. - I'm sorry.- Koe apologized, bowing slightly. His behaviour was inexcusable. He should not address his supervisor in this way. Did he not learn anything by serving the demons from the 1st and 2nd circles while he was in Hell? - It's okay.- the voice laughed.- Hope Gaijin will not let us down...- it said hopefully.- You can leave now.- it allowed. Koe bowed once again, then left the room.
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