Bonnie and Clyde

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Age 8 I remember going over to the alpha's mansion every Sunday to have dinner with him and his family. Alpha Stone and his wife Claire. His two sons Jack and James. Jack was my age and James was four years older than me. James was always obnoxious and loud. He thought he was so special but even if it was true I never let him know it. He was twelve at the time and always picking on his brother. If there was anything I hated it was a bully. I made sure to defend Jack from James every time. I think Jack got picked on even more because of it but I didn't care I was going to be his defender. I didn't care if I was smaller, I knew that if I tried hard enough I would be strong to take anyone down even an alpha's son. Age 12 James had his sixteenth birthday and he was supposed to find his mate today. I was nervous all day. I didn't really understand why. I was worried as if it was me having to find someone in front of my entire pack. He looked at everyone's eyes and tried to focus really hard. He would focus really hard on the blondes and that kind of bugged me. He would look over at me from time to time and I never understood why then. It wasn't like I could be his mate, one I wasn't of age, and two like I could ever be his mate. So little did I know. Age 15 I came home from school one day and heard my parents arguing with the Silvers. Apparently, James told his parents about Jack wanting to sleep with me so we could no longer be virgins. I did consider it for like half a second before I realized this was going to happen. I knew the minute our families found out we were dead and plus what mate would have me knowing I couldn't wait one more year. I liked Jack but like a brother. I was close to him because we both looked out for each other. The minute I got boobs he helped me ward off evil. I mean stupid boys who couldn't keep it in their pants. James was a bit of help too but he was off in college most of the time so all I had was Jack. We practically did everything together. Age 16 I finally turned sixteen and the moment my eyes met with James's I knew. I think I always knew. His gaze was always very focused and intense. I would get lost in those deep blue eyes. It was like staring into the ocean. I wanted to hold his hand and feel his warm engulf me. I was hesitant to move. What would everyone think? How would I explain it? I didn't even know what he was thinking. I heard his wolf call to mine and mine responded with every breath she could. I almost felt like she would lose her voice not that it was possible. He looked nervous. He was always good looking, slim, and muscular but now it was even more evident. His dark black hair always swept to the side with one strand always hanging down by his forehead. I noticed he was growing a beard. He was a lot paler than me. His thin but plumped lips always with this smirk that made you melt. He finally walked over to me and grabbed my hand while leading me to our parents. He told them I was his mate and they began to lecture us. They told us we couldn't mate for another two years. I was left bitter and annoyed. We stayed up all night talking and I found out he was a lot more complex than I had imagined. He was now interested in traveling and history. He learned to cook a bit after living alone while he was away at school. He told me about Heather and this girl named Jenny at his school. He said he did get desperate at times and just wanted a date for parties and stuff. I understood him. I was the same way but now we had each other and even if we still had to wait we knew what we felt and it was worth it. Age 18 I was anxious about this birthday all of last year and the minute it was May I was going crazy every day. James left me in suspense for days and would tell me nothing of what he had planned. He told my parents to have my party the day before my actual birthday. He said: " I waited this long, that day is all mine as she will be." I was too in love to see any flaw in his words or actions. I wanted to be with him no matter the cost. I was very pleasantly surprised that day. We spent the entire day together. We walked on the beach and had a picnic before he took me sailing. We went to a private island that apparently his grandparents owned. We laid on a hammock and talked for hours. I was very happy that he eased me into what awaited me. We looked up at the stars and then he led me inside the amazing home in the middle of the island. The entire house was lit by candles and there were rose petals everywhere. I was nervous but as he led me upstairs he held my hand tighter. As we entered the room he kissed the top of my hand and took off his shirt. I saw his abs and v cut. His arm definition was just as impressive as his stomach. He came closer and kissed me. It wasn't our first kiss but the sweet simple pecks he gave me after leaving back to college were nothing compared to this one. He placed his hands on my shoulders and slowly slide down the straps of my dress. It slowly fell off my body and James began to kiss my neck softly. As soon as my dress hit the floor he backed away a bit. He looked me over and even though I wanted to feel embarrassed I didn't and it wasn't because of my confidence but rather his. He placed his right hand on one of my breasts and pressed his thumb over my now hard n****e. He squeezed as he slid it over and off of my n****e. He slid down the straps of my bra and kissed the top of my breasts. He kept telling me how amazing I looked and how delicious I smelled. He unclasped my bra and let it fall to the ground. He took one of my breasts in his mouth and massaged the other with his hand. He was rough but not to where he was not considerate. I was glad he was not asking for my permission. I don't think I would have replied to any question he asked. He moved his hands to my panties and slid them off of me. He led me closer to the bed and sat me down. He did ask me if I was okay and I just nodded. He kissed me even more passionately. His lips devouring mine. His tongue crashing into mine. My hands made their way into his hair and I could feel his body heat all over mine. He laid me on the bed and got on top of me. I wanted him and I wanted him to know it. I begged for him. "James, please," I would moan. He then took it upon himself to thrust inside of me. It was a sharp pain but it was then replaced by bure bliss. I wanted more and I wanted him to go in more. He pushed into me harder and moved his hips faster. I was on the verge of screaming out in pleasure and pain. His lips never left mine. We both climaxed and the moment I mean the moment I was at my highest I felt his fangs pierce my skin. I let out a small cry and moan. He cursed and then I knew it was my turn. I bit into his neck and marked him as mine. We made love three more times until I was too exhausted to move or even think. We spent five days on the island. I was happy and truly ready to be with him forever. Age 21 Present-day, We had an amazing wedding and even better honeymoon but now we were back home and ready to get down to business. I was now luna of the Silver wolf pack. I made sure to learn as much as I could from James's mother and even my mother had some helpful advice. They both thought I would do just fine. They knew I was a kind and hard-working woman. I was ready to be a leader and to be James's partner in crime. Some of the pack members even referred to us as Bonnie and Clyde. We were attached to the hip and we always had each other's backs. Many alphas might not want their wife let alone mate to be involved in fights or battles but I was his best fighter. I was trained by the best, my father. It was custom in our pack for the beta to learn many different fighting art forms and to be nothing less than an assassin. He had to protect the pack as much as the alpha did if not more for he would give up his life for his alpha. James's beta, Matt was a good fighter and I trained him as best I could but some things were secret to just me and my father. Plus I liked being a better fighter than him so James would always need me by his side. Everything was calm though. It was nice and I was enjoying the peace. I wanted to live like this forever. 
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