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I am Patrick Daniel Dante. Not too bad looking if you ask me but not as handsome as most wolves are. Curvy brown hair that I like to keep around my shoulders. Brown eyes with some gold and black specks. I guess I'm tall for a wolf. I stand 6 feet 2 inches with an average build. I live a hard life. My wolf Blackie is a large black wolf. So black he almost looks blue! His fur is on the fluffy side. I am a wolf tracker and hunter for the Hidden City. I know almost every pack in the world. I know every wolf that has left Hidden City in my lifetime. But that does not always mean I report them back to the city. If a wolf wants to stay hidden, and is willing to pay more than I'm being paid by the city to find him, then I don’t find him. I live simple most of the time, so I have managed

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