Chapter 30 - My friend OR panic on the city

732 Words
-In the previous episode… -Already done. -What? -That joke was already done. -Oh. As this dialogue never existed, I leave with a non-negligible regret Adolf, a new yet quite close friend of mine. He said to me that he was summoned in 1945, and I never asked myself the famous question every single reader are asking themselves: why does this man named Adolf who disappeared on Earth in 1945 is considered closer to a demon than a man by the summoning ritual? Even failed, this ritual is still made to summon demons, so he must be evil in some way… But well, I leave the secret passage and return to my room, forgetting to hide on the way, under the astonished look of a passerby soldier. […] I'm in my room, and I am in such f*****g deep s**t! As soon as I found the secret passage, my AI started extending below. It didn't even need to do it slowly and carefully for a lot of the way because there is simply never anyone going through that secret passage except me and the emperor. And the emperor is pretty noticeable. By the time the emperor came back, my AI had already stretched deep down into the underground of the Manor. When I got back, I took a look at the recording of everything that happened, looking for details and precisions about… Well, gotta admit I'm lying, I just find I was b****y awesome though! Such eloquence! But the little problem is that I neglected a thing quite important: I totally blew my cover! I suppose you're incredulous, so I'll explain: Do you remember when I hid from the emperor by becoming invisible? Next, I started to talk to the earthling personality of the big bad guy while the emperor was still kneeling before him! I was invisible and out of his sight, but I also was straight talking! So I announced that I was coming from another world too! Now everything depends on the imagination of the emperor! He can imagine that I'm possessing his son! Or then that I'm reincarnated, but anyway in each of these cases it's unwanted attention! How will I manage to get out of this s**t? I don't knoooowwwww! […] I'm already imagining the TV news: -Panic on the city when the most influential man of the Manhunthan area destroyed the cover of his own son, a quite not discreet agent of the FBI… Moar, any comment? -No comment! I'm an American! 2nd amendment! Wait the subject wasn't to roleplay? […] A servant just informed me that I was summoned to see the emperor! Aaaahhhhh! Such stress! I walk in the corridor, with a grave look. I have to find a solution! My AI is at its maximal alert state and my brain is working at the limit of its capabilities to find something. For f**k's sake! This body was supposed to help me escape from death and my horde of fangirls in bikini! Well, I didn't have a horde of fangirls in bikini but I was still close to death, these are obviously the same thing. I stop at the toilets while I'm at it, just to smoke one of the blunts I borrowed to the hippie to loosen up. I rank up and my law of addiction is reinforcing itself, I'm now rank 8! After loosening, I set up an action plan! First, I'll use my addiction law to awake the d**g inside the emperor's body and multiply it if there is need for it, the difference between two ranks being enormous, I'm now able to use my law many times, with great precision, while once was my maximum at the previous rank! So I'm able to cause him an overdose several times if need there be! Then, it'll be important to remove his memories and replace them by new ones! My research on souls and their link to memories isn't perfect, so I can't really do it very precisely and create memories out of nothing, but I'm still able to copy and change part of it, and his own brain will then do the job of creating memories to bridge everything. Feeling that my plan is almost perfect, I proudly enter the throne room… And I stay speechless before what I see inside.
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