Chapter 14 - When I grow up, I’ll be a mortal enemy OR karma is a vicious circle!

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I stand before a cavern, but what surprised me is not that it's a cavern, it's what the inside of the cavern looks like! Some members of the sect are dressed in black, transformed in shadow, lying in lush grass, while children dressed and transformed in the same way are playing next to them, and some others are watering carpets of flowers, quietly and peacefully with a watering can… My explosive arrival projected rubbles, which killed 2 or 3 children by mistake, don't know if the third is dead, while a part of the grass was torn off from the ground and the flowers were crushed, revealing a deep layer of soil under it. -Uh? Why do I have the impression to be the bad guy, here? A child is crying and calling the name of her dead friend, whose head was stabbed by a piece of rock right through her skull. I get a bit closer, to comfort her, as the reasonable and wise guy I am. However, when getting closer, I was surprised once again, for three reasons: First, the crying young girl is an elf. Second, the dead girl is a dwarf. And third, a spear is closing in dangerously fast to my face! -Woah! I evade the blow just in time. It seems they now have something against me! But well, it's not like it's my fault anyway… […] I'm standing right before the only child alive that survived my arrival. I let go of the head of the last adult that was formerly alive. Having decided in my greatness to not kill nor traumatize innocents, I take a handkerchief and wipe the bloodstains on her face and her clothes, before I wipe mine. The child seems to be a bit terrorized and does not listen to anything I say to her, so I give up on reassuring her. That place seems to be made of a network of caverns, so I leave for the next cavern. While the tunnels are closed by doors, I have my own ways of going through them. After I'm gone, I'm too far gone to see the previously paralyzed by fear child turn her head in my direction, her eyes burning of a newfound determination, with a bit of killing intent. […] After going through a few caverns, I can say I'm really troubled: The hundreds of people I crossed until now are all innocents! Unfortunately, I didn't have the key so they all attacked me. I had to defend my life unwillingly. I have the impression that an invisible force is putting innocent people behind these doors so I'm forced to defend myself… I feel like the main character breaking the 4th wall… But well! I know I'm a pure, innocent, and perfect man. Not only perfect but absolutely transparent, honest, and modest! Yes! Modesty is my prime feature! I do have flaws however, my main flaw is that I'm way too perfectionist and hardworking. […] I only met civilians so far, so I started to worry. But I learned something very interesting from the various shouts thrown around. It is the base of the rebellion, not of some random dark organization! My arm totally lied to me! He may have done that to ensure that I do too much damage before noticing so I can't reverse the situation! One of the main issues I have is not really that I killed too many innocents, but mainly that I'm all for the rebellion against the Empire. I'm not really the prince of the Empire, to begin with, and I would have loved to construct a healthy and very beneficial relationship with them. It's so unfortunate I killed their families... But despite all the troubles I put myself in, I still succeeded in explaining myself. With a lot of talent, if I do say so myself. Anyway, they have ways to revive people inside their base, so as long as I didn't destroy their souls and didn't kill anyone, everything is fine. To prove my goodwill, I released the soul of the assassin they sent to me. As for the door, it actually didn't need the blood of a child, it was a lie to keep outsiders out, the important part was pure and innocent. Be it adult or child it changed nothing… After learning about that, I of course didn't say I didn't pass, but that I was revolted by the idea to use the blood of a child to open a door… This is how I ended up making an alliance with the rebellion.
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