Chapter 4: Change of Plans

1128 Words
The paparazzi had caught up with Noah. And even though Hailey had been here first, she wasn't going to get the scoop. She had to find a way to make this exclusive or something. Her editor wouldn't be happy if they had the same pictures or interview. Noah had knocked her off her game, but she had to get back on it. He was even more handsome in person. His hand had been warm in hers and she'd been momentarily taken aback by his demeanor. He didn't know who she was obviously. She wasn't a big name in the gossip world, but he could still know who she was. He'd taken away her breath with his niceness. And the t-shirt he wore did nothing to hide his body. She'd almost forgotten why she was here. “Paparazzi," Noah said with a hint of disdain. “They were supposed to be gone." The flashes continued as they stood there on the stairs to the airplane. Hailey wasn't backing down, so retreat wasn't an option. The only way was forward unless Noah planned on wading into the crowd of reporters and photographers. The frown on his face said he didn't want to go there. “Get back in here," someone yelled from the airplane. Noah grabbed Hailey's hand. “Come on. We'll figure this out in here." Hailey didn't resist. Instead, she followed Noah into the plane. This couldn't get any better. He might be angry when he found out who she was, but that was a problem for later. Right now she was on a plane with Noah Magellan. Sweet. He tugged her into the plane and a man in a uniform closed the door. Hailey looked around. The plan's interior was nicer than her apartment. Almost bigger than it, too. Noah settled onto a seat, but he didn't look comfortable. His gaze went to the man in uniform. “What do we do?" Hailey guessed he was the pilot. “We can land at another airport, but you'll have to make arrangements for transportation from there." “Can you get this young lady back here?" “Yeah, we can. We can fuel up at the next airport," the man said. Hailey stood there wondering when she was going to speak up. She had to get this scoop. “We could wait them out. See if the cops clear them," the pilot said. “Maybe we should do that. I don't have anywhere to be, but this young lady is at work," Noah said. He kept referring to her politely. She felt bad that she hadn't fully identified herself, but she was stuck here. Noah glanced out the window. “They don't seem to be in control at all." “These things take time. They'll bring more cops. We can wait here for now. If it gets worse then I'll file a flight plan for another airport." “But they'll find me there." “The flight plan isn't public. We've opted into being non-trackable. We just have to ask permission from corporate to use it. The location of the plane won't be public once we take off." Noah nodded as if that was okay. She blinked at him, not sure how to broach the subject. This wasn't her first celebrity. She'd tracked many to different locations. She shouldn't be hesitant, but she was. He seemed like such a nice guy and she was invading his privacy. She looked around the plane, but no one else was on it besides the two men in uniform and Noah. Maybe he hadn't gotten back to Cassandra. At least he wasn't flying with anyone that she could see. “It's your call, sir. We aren't bodyguards, but we have dealt with this in the past. It might be better for your plans and this young lady that we wait this out." Noah rubbed a hand down his face. He was as frustrated with the situation as the pilot. “Okay. We'll wait out." “You might want to move away from the window. That way they can't take pictures of you." Noah waved a hand. “They already got me. And this poor woman doing her job. What was her name?" “Hailey," she said, She'd hold off telling him for as long as she could. He wouldn't be happy that she was here to interview him. She'd put on the jumpsuit and he thought she was an employee. She'd already lied to him. Her editor would be happy with her. If she got the story, at least. She could file it before she left the airport. She'd gotten good at writing on her phone. When Hailey looked out the window, more cops had arrived, but the crowd was getting closer to the plane. The pilot looked out the window and shook his head. “I don't like it. It isn't safe, and I don't think it's going to get safe." “What's your suggestion?" Noah asked. “We're taking off. I'm sorry ma'am, but my first concern here is Mr. Magellan." “Hopefully you aren't afraid of flying," Noah said. “Let's buckle up and get ready for taxiing. We'll take off when we're cleared, but for now, we'll get in line." The pilot went into the cockpit and closed the door. Noah motioned to the seat next to him. “Might as well get comfortable. Looks like we're going for a ride." Hailey looked at the seat and then sat down. Noah would be a captive audience for her, but she didn't know for how long. What an ideal situation. Where should she start? “Buckle up." She did as he asked. The plane began to roll. “I'm sorry about this. Hailey?" “Hailey." “I'll make sure they fly you back here so you can finish your day. If you have a problem with your supervisor, let the company know. I'll take care of it. This wasn't what you signed up for when you came to work this morning." “Not exactly." “What do you do for the airport?" Noah asked. The plan taxied and thankfully Hailey didn't mind flying. She'd be in a pickle if she got airsick. She rolled his question over in her mind. She probably should come clean right now, but then she'd be flying with a very angry celebrity. Then again, maybe honesty was best. “I don't work for the airport." Noah's gaze raked over her. “No? Why the uniform then?" “To get me closer to the airplane without anyone stopping me." Noah's eyes widened. “Why?" Hailey cleared her throat. It was now or never. She could still salvage this interview. “Because I'm a reporter for Gossip Today."
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