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10:45 PM CLUB PARADISE SUNDAY JUNE 26th, 2021 The music was blaring as the moon was shining brightly in the sky. A man in his 20s watched a young woman drinking and observing everyone in the room. Her black and red dress hugging her body tightly and accentuating her curves. He couldn't help but check her out a little longer. Hoping to get a good view of her face. Feeling his gaze she tilted her head uninterestedly. Admist the crowd her eyes mets his. He was captured by her beauty but he couldn't help but feel that she looked a bit familiar. He pushed that feeling aside as she made her way to him. "Hey there beautiful" he flirted. "You've been staring at me for a while now hun." She said biting her pink lips and said seductively. "I couldn't help it especially seeing a rare beauty such as yourself." He huskily whispered. "Are you just gonna just stand there and admire and not do anything then." She said seductively and bit his ear lobe. He groaned, visibly aroused by the woman in front of him. He didn't wait for another moment before clashing their lips together. He lifted her by her thighs making her wrap her long and slender legs around his waist. "What's your name." He asked in between their kiss. "It's just a one night stand. No names and no phone numbers." The lady said and bite down in his neck making him throw his head back and moan in pleasure. "Let's go somewhere where no is there." he said in the midst of panting. The lady, Vanessa agreed and secretly smirked. He just made things easier for me. She thought. They went to the back of the alley where no one was there. She removed his hands from her put her feet on the ground balancing herself and distanced herself from him and licked her lips. "Well you are a good kisser aren't you. Its a pity we can't go further into it." She said. It took a moment for him to grasp the situation and and tried to fight her but Vanessa was faster and knocked him unconscious. "Well that was fun wasn't it." Victoria, one of Vanessa's friend said glancing at the body of the man. "You were watching everything" Vanessa asked raising one of her eyebrows not really surprised or amused by that. "Well whom am I to deny free porn." She said laughing. "Only a bowl of popcorn is missing to complete my happines." She continued with a scowl on her face. "ELIZABETH." She shouted in her earphone. Elizabeth blatantly ignored her. "Lets drag this b***h away before someone sees him." Victoria agreed. 9:45 AM MONDAY 27th JUNE, 2021 The guy, Max, woke up tied up in a chair. He tried to untie himself, this is not the first time he has been in this position, but groaned in pain and as he felt pain in his wrist. He realised she tied him with a metal wire with sharp ends sticking out in all directions to immobilize him. In a manner if he moves abruptly the needles will stab him deeply, causing him immense pain. If not treated he might die of blood loss. He stopped trying to untie himself and noticed his surroundings. Anything that would help him but there was nothing. Once he understood he can't do anything he started shouting in a shrill voice. Vanessa, who was asleep woke up by his screams and was not in a good mood. She begrudgingly dragged herself down the stairs and forcefully pushed the door open with a loud band. Her lips curled in disdain she glared at him coldly. Since she wanted to sleep more instead of wasting her time on the man tied up in front of her. She gagged his mouth mouth. After being satisfied with her work. She smiled to herself and patted his head. His hair is softer then mine. She thought with envy. She heard something dripping. Liquid. Her lips twitched in scorn as she understood it was his blood. She messaged Elizabeth to take care of him and dragged herself back to her room and lied in her bed, pulled the blanket over her head and sighed in content. Finally bliss. She thought and drifted to her hibernation. Elizabeth, who was listening to songs in her phone, recieved the message 'Tend to his wounds before he dies.' ~ wifey Was not surprised by the message but was mortified by the name. Knowing Victoria stayed the night out doing something unspeakable, concluded that it was Vanessa and changed her name to b***h. She rolled her eyes, grabbed the first aid kit and went downstairs. Not before kicking Vanessa's door. She was shocked when she saw the man. He looked pale and weak. No wonder Vanessa left me alone to tend to his wounds he can't defend himself. She thought. She pitied the man but knowing Vanessa went through much worse and he could know all the answers she needed to know, so she hardened her heart. She knelt down and carefully removed the wires and inspected his wounds. Seeing that it was not a serious wound she just stiched his wounds and wrapped them in a gauze. She wants to hurt him not kill him. Elizabeth left the room as soon as she wrapped his wrist with a gauze. 10 AM IN A MOTEL ROOM "Why are you listening to her I cheated on you with HER." A middle aged man managed to shout out admist the punches he received from his wife, pointing at Victoria. REWIND 30 MINS BACK Victoria opened her eyes as she left the morning rays to sunshine on her. She moved the hands on her waist and got up. She yawned and stretched her sore muscles. She went into the bathroom and showered and changed her clothes and went outside. She walked a few steps and saw a middle aged woman run into the room she just exited. Being the nosy b***h who loves drama, she followed the woman. The woman who entered the room was hit with a revolting smell and scene. She realizes the man who is sound asleep, cheated on her. Victoria noticed the ring on the woman's ring finger and soon understood the situation. 'Whatever comes his way he deserved it' Victoria sneered. Victoria saw the woman jolt the man, who she just slept with awake, and laughed in her heart and was glad she didn't wake up late or that would've been her. The man didn't expect anyone to wake him up from his sleep, thought it was the beauty who he shared a passionate night with. "Let me sleep baby. You kept me up all night." He muttered. The woman's face turned red in anger and started slapping him. This made the man wake up he pushed his wife and jumped out of the bed. While the not so silent spectator was trying to catch her breath after laughing out loud. Soon she got dissatisfied by the scene before her and told the wife. "Punch him for the pain he made you feel. Punch his pencil stick so he would never cheat on you again." Only know did the wife and husband noticed another soul in the room. The wife didn't think twice before doing what she said. The man knelt down grabbed his manhood trying to ease his pain. "Elbow him in the spine." Victoria yelled enjoying every moment. The woman gladly complied. The man coughed violently, he wanted to say something but the pain was to unbearable for him to say anything. "Now punch him in the nose." Victoria encouraged. The woman gladly complied once again not stopping for a moment to think why was there another woman in the room. The man's face was thrown back by an external force on his nose. You can hear the his nose breaking. A body is resting until an external force acts on it. Victoria mentally noted that down. "Why are you listening to her I cheated on you with HER." A middle aged man managed to shout out admist the punches he received from his wife, pointing at Victoria. Shit. Victoria thought. She threw her hands up in a mock surrender and said "don't mind me it's just a science project. Biology and physics." Victoria explained. But that woman was not a fool anymore. "You f*****g vixen. You f****d my husband and made me beat him up." She hollered. Victoria was taken aback by the false accusation, frowned and clarified "hey watch it I didn't do anything you listened to my instructions without thinking twice." This pissed the woman even more and she went to grab Victoria by her hair. Victoria dodged it and ran away. 'Mental note to self: never reason with an unreasonable woman'
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