Chapter 2

312 Words
As always, there isn’t a way to thank all of the people who are a part of the publishing process. But I will give it a try. Thank you to Jessica and Amy. You are amazing Beta readers. Your input is invaluable to me, and I am so thankful you both take your time to read and give suggestions. Jessica, I would be remiss in my thanks if I didn’t call you out specifically. The hours you put in with not just this book, but every book is so humbling. You’ve talked me off ledges when I feel overwhelmed by a story. You patiently wait as I have mental break downs over changes that need to be made. And you endure hours of telephone brain storming with the long-suffering of a saint. Thank you, my friend. Thank you to my husband for all that you do. Not only for your work on the book, but in all the things you take care of while I am writing. You remove so much stress, and I am so very thankful. I don’t tell you enough. I write good books, but you make them great. I know I say that a lot, but it is so very true. I love you. For my readers. You all continually amaze me with your dedication, commitment, and encouragement. I’m pretty sure I have the best readers in the world. Thank you for your patience as I write. Thank you for being a part of this journey. I am humbled beyond words. Last and most importantly, thank you to my Creator. The author and perfecter of my faith. Thank you to the One who made me and gave me the imagination and passion needed to write. I am nothing without you, Lord, and I pray that I always give you the glory for all that I am and have.
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