Chapter 5

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Relaxing day I woke up and it was raining and I couldn't help but smile to myself. It's my favourite weather , and it was my day off so I can watch movie all day cuddled up on my couch with my Teddybear. I got up and went to take a long relaxing bath. I start running the water and I pour bubbles in. The bathroom always needs a light so I light some candles and get a bottle of red sweet wine and a glass to enjoy while I relax. I put on some soothing music before slipping into my bath. The hot water feels so nice. I take a sip of my wine. I lay my head back close my eyes and fantasize about Lucy. Lightly petting myself. Feeling very frisky. I knew I should be fantasizing about a straight woman but she is just so breathtakingly beautiful I can't help myself. Her long black hair ,bright green eyes. Full breasts 6"5 long curved body is driving me insane. It's very difficult to keep myself incheck. And then she always has on these short skirts, dresses or pants. She is going to be my undoing. I shake myself drink the last of my wine, and get out of the bath. I towel dry myself slowly, take my time to spread cream all over my body. I always make sure it is smooth and without a trace of hair. I pin my long blond hair up and look at myself in the mirror, it's been a long time since I've seen my blue eyes so bright. I look myself over 6"3 in perfect shape since I work out every chance I get. The only thing I'm very self-conscious about is my breasts I've always felt they where to big for my build , 38DD seems out of place on my very small frame. Still staring at myself I hear a knock on my door. Thinking maybe it's Lucy I quickly put on some clothes and sprint down the stairs. Only to be disappointed when I opened the door and see it's her Dad. Trying to hide my disappointment I great him with a warm smile. Natty: "Hello Jack how are you?" Jack: "Hello Natty I'm good thank you and yourself? I was wondering if you would like to join me and Lucy at her grandmother's tonight seeing as jou don't have any family around we don't want you to be alone." Natty: "I'm good thank you. Uhm that would be great thank you very much. I was planning on watching movie all day but that sounds even better. Where should I go and how late should I be there?" Jack: "You can come by at around 6 and we will all drive over together." Natty: "See you at 6 thank you Jack." I was looking forward to getting out of the house. In a small town like this there is really not much to do but I love the town. I check the clock and it's 1 in the afternoon. I decide to pick out my outfit for the night and then I watched a movie about two crazy people who fall inlove at the end of the movie and immediately turn it off. I go upstairs and start to get ready for the night , I put on some make-up and spray a little perfume before dressing in a beautiful red long sleeved dress and the neck is high almost to my throat. It was cold and I wasn't taking any chances of getting sick. 5:55 I walk over to Jack's house knocking on the door. Lucy answers the door with a smile on her face , her face lights up even more when she sees me if that was even possible. Her father comes over and smiles. Come on in Natty. I step inside and sit down in the chair opposite the door. Lucy stands and waits for her father. He forgot to get dressed so they had to wait for him. Finally Lucy came and joined me. Her father calling for her after 10min. She comes back and tells me that her father is not feeling up to going so it was just the two of us. I smile and tell her it's fine. I go and say goodbye to Jack , he smiles and winks at me telling me to have fun. I smile and bid him a good night. We walk to her pickup truck and we get in , we drive in silence for a while. She breaks the silence by asking me a question. Lucy: "So Natty why did you move to our little town?" I look at her and decided to be honest. Natty: "I moved here after breaking up with my ex girlfriend to have a new and fresh start away from everything and everybody I knew." She looked at me for a moment before saying that she was glad that I decided to move here. We stopped Infront of her grandmother's house before I could reply her. She leaned over and gave me a very sweet kiss I couldn't help but kiss back my hands cupping the back of her head deepening the kiss before she broke away a little out of breath and me stunned. I thought she was straight... My entire world has flipped upside down. I did not know what to do. We got out of the car and walked up to the front door Lucy ringing the bell. Her grandmother opened the door with a surprised expression on her face. Issie: "Lucy , Natty what are you doing here?" Lucy: "Father said you invited us to dinner." Natty: "He also told me the same." Issie: "No my dear , I did not invite you over for dinner but I am very pleased you are here. Want me to make us something?" Lucy: "No Granny its okay we don't want you to make a fuss , we will go and have dinner in town." Issie: "Are you sure dear ita not a problem." Lucy: "No Granny, really we will be okay." Natty: "Good night Issie sleep well." Lucy: "Good night Granny I love you sleep well. Hugging her grandmother tight and kissing her cheek." We went to a small restaurant a little on the other side of the town. It was a little quiet beautiful old fashioned and just perfect , it had perfect atmosphere everything was perfect. The lady took us to a small table in the corner. Everything looked like it came from an old fashioned movie from the 1800s. Even the way they where dressed looked like they stepped out of a old movie. Everything on the menu looked so good, I couldn't decide what I wanted to get. Lucy told me to get the steak because it was the best in town. We order our food and while we waited for our food to be ready laughed about the way her father was setting them up. I couldn't help but thank her farher , I would never have had the guts to ask her out. And I don't think she would have either. She watched me for a while. Lucy: "So if I may ask what happened between you and your ex-girlfriend ?" Natty: "No it's okay I don't mind, It was just not working between ya anymore. We just grew apart. She changed a lot and I didn't fit into her life anymore and I didn't want to change to fit into it." Lucy: "I'm sorry it must have been hard for you." Natty: "It hurt more to see her hurt herself then to leave her. She started using all kinds of drugs with her friends. And because I didn't want to join them , she stopped inviting me to the parties telling me that I was a downer and her friends didn't like me. So I left that night and left her with only her name , she was using me for my money." Lucy: "I'm sorry that was not right. I can't imagine being that cruel to someone else." She takes my hand in hers and I can see she is struggling to not cry. I kiss the back of her hand telling her it's fine I'm fine. At that point our food arrive. It's so good that when I was done I wished there were more. Walking out of the restaurant I wondered if Lucy would like to get ice-cream. Natty: "Lucy would you like a ice-cream? I'm in the mood for some." She smiles Lucy: "I would love some ice-cream but the only sell it by buckets." I laugh and walk to the supermarket. I decide to get snacks while I'm here I grab chips and chocolates and anything I can find and grab a couple of tubs of ice-cream. As I walk to the check out point I see the cutest bunny teddybear I can't resist I take it , it reminds me of Lucy and I was going to cuddle with it at night. Walking out of the supermarket Lucy whistle when she sees all the bags. Lucy: "I thought you where supposed to get only ice-cream. And you walk out with a selection of sweets. And a teddybear." She raises a brow at me with a very curious expression on her face. Natty: "I can't help myself I have a sweet tooth. And Miss Rabbit is mine." We drive back home. I invite her over for ice-cream and a movie. She tells me she will be over in a half hour she wanted to change into something else and she'll be over. I put the bags on the counter take Miss. Rabbit upstairs and change into shorts and a shirt. Go downstairs and I pack away what I bought. A knock on the door tells me Lucy is here. I open the door and smile. She walks in she has on a short sleeved shirt and shorts she looks beautiful regardless. I get us blankets and get our ice-cream and spoons I turn on the TV and look for something to watch on Netflix finding a comedy hoping she would like it. We sit and watch the movie eating ice-cream and laughing. After a while I was watching her more then the movie so I get up and go into the kitchen to get some snacks Lucy I can feel Natty watching me but I try hard to watch the movie. I feel drawn to her but I'm scarerd of getting hurt again. I let out a sigh of relief when she gets up and goes to the kitchen. I scowl at myself and tell myself to get a grip. Trying to catch up with the movie but failing. I needed to distract myself so I look for a horror movie for us to watch. I know that this wil keep my attention. Feeling like I am jolted by electricity everytime she touches me. I don't know what's wrong with me. Get a grip Lucy
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