Chapter four

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I woke up groggily fiddling with silk sheets that seemed to clung onto me as it I was their life support. Once I was done with the untangling of these sheets I looked around and found myself in a room which was nowhere like mine!! I immediately shot up from the heavenly mattresses which seemed to have influencing a certain magic that for me made it seem as if sleeping on them would be the only way to escape all the problem that we go through here on the planet earth. But then again these fantasies struck me and I was like where the hell am I and how did I get struck in the haven of a room and who got me here was I kidnapped? Nope not possible because when one is kidnapped they usually find themselves lying on cold cement floor right? Well whatever. As I walked around the huge room I felt something loose slip off my shoulder then the moment I looked down at myself what I saw surely would have made my eyes look larger than the headlights of a car!! I found myself in a black tee and some boxer shorts and I clearly remember that the only loose shirts that I own are all in bright colors and I never owned a single pair of boxer shorts. Now the panicking side of mine stared to kick in. Dammit what happened last night? How could I be so careless and If I am in someone else's clothes that clearly means that we did dirty last night and there is a chance that I lost my dignity??? Ahhhhhhhh. I was internally screaming at myself. Though I don't remember much though all I can remember is the name Alejandro? I guess he must be the one who asked me for a dance last night then I snapped out of my thoughts when the door opened and a tall masculine guy came in and closed the door and said, "Good afternoon, Sweetheart", I was like dude what the hell I am not going to be nowhere near sweet when I smack that pretty head of yours. Then when I saw his face then I remembered that he was the guy I danced with yesterday. But then my frustrated side came over that then the questing started, "What am I doing here? Why am I in these clothes? What did you do to me? What did you think yourself?" I said, while the rage, irritation filled me. I heard him chuckle and look down and I was like oh you, you did not just chuckle, he is chuckling! "YOU i***t TELL ME WHAT AM I DOING HERE? WHY AM I IN THESE CLOTHES ANSWER ME BEFORE I TAKE YOU TO THE CORT, YOU d**k!"I yelled at him, He's silence was tormenting me as all the 'what ifs' started buzzing into my head. Then he silently came forward looking at me the whole time and grabbed my forearm rather firmly and said, "The i***t saved you from getting rapped, the i***t didn't touched you while you were sleeping. The i***t didn't changed your clothes ,he let one of his maids change your clothes You are in my villa right now I didn't know the direction of your damn house so I got you here. And now you are blaming this i***t! Your welcome Ms. Richards" He said with his deep voice, which his jaw clenched. All I did was looking at him, his crystal blue eyes. I didn't know what to say, as I was completely, utterly embarrassed of my outburst. He then released my arm and said, "I bought a few new outfits; they are placed in that closet along with your dress. Whenever you wish to leave do tell me, I will drop you off." He said facing the door. Then he went out of the shutting the door behind him. what did I just do! Well it's not my fault any girl with morals finding herself in a stranger's house would surely have such an outburst well now that I know I must apologize to him along with that I should give him my reasons. Well I am the i***t not him. I decided to apologize to him; I went to the closet and picked my dress that I was wearing last night. I changed into it and tied my tangled hair into a bun. I headed towards the door, Once I opened it by the way my mouth opened my jaw would have probably touched the floor I saw the most picturesque architecture his villa was breathtaking. After ogling the whole mansion from above I went downstairs looking for Alejandro. while I was looking around I went downstairs looking for anyone who would tell me where I could find him. I was walking till I met a girl who was wearing a maid's uniform I asked her, "HI Can you tell me please where's Alejandro? "I asked giving her one of my polite smiles since I had asked her for information. "He is in his room ma'am, which is upstairs next to the room where you were toward the left side" "Thank you! And can I ask you something?" "Sure ma'am" "Who changed my clothes last night?" "I did ma'am. Mr. Evans asked me to change your dress as he thought that you won't be comfortable in your dress" she said polity looking down. "Okay, thank you very much for everything" I went upstairs walking until I found his room's door. I signed and mustered up all my strength and closed my eyes and knocked on the door. But then I thought that wood was supposed to make a certain sound when you knock then I knocked again but no sound came so I opened my eyes and saw blue. I looked at my feet and I saw another pair of shoes along with mine on the carpet and I was so damn embarrassed because for the last five minutes I was knocking on his rock hard chest. It was so embarrassing!! Then not daring to look into his eyes I went and asked more like whispered to him and that to stuttering "Um may I ta talk to you?" "Yes?" He answered and right now I think he pretty much is daggering my hair with his eyes. But then I was like why make him look at my untamable that why I brought him out of my misery by facing him and I had planned on apologizing to him then just rushing outside hailing a cab and going off to my flat and possibly never seeing him. But you don't always get what you want. Hence I faced him. And said, "I- I want to apologize for my behavior. I'm s-"I paused well more like interrupted and he said, "Don't! You had every right to know what happened last night it was my fault to not have explained to you the situation. That is why I am the one on fault so I am sorry for my behavior" oh boy! His husky voice, I almost fainted God! His voice is very sexy! Well then adios mi amigo I am out of here. I looked down "Okay I have to go now, Thank you for saving me and for letting me stay here" I said softly. With that I almost rushed out. But then god he can't keep his hands to himself because just then I felt a warm hand pull me. I looked back at him while he was holding my hand. "I will give you a ride" as he said that it seemed sort of like a demand more than a question. But then I didn't want to cause him any more trouble than I already had so yeah I told him "That's very kind of you but it's alright I can afford it" I didn't want to sound rude to him but this is how it was so I just left him there. But god next time I see him I will tie his hands together first. As a warm hand grabbed my waist and pulled me back into the wanna be wooden door he whispered into my ear, "I don't take no, princess. When I say something, I do it, even if you're not interested, alright?" He said gazing at me. I was once again like seriously! Dude just leave me alone and get a life. He didn't lose his grip; I was still pressed against his body. I didn't know what to say nor do. "Okay" I said weakly couldn't find my voice. "Good". ** Ahh... Home sweet home. But even at my own house I could not think of anything else except Alejandro the reasons to such thinking being, his mysterious aura and his I guess way of approaching people. Because when he forced me to get a ride from him it seemed as if he was ordering me around and I in a way also hinted a teeny-tiny authoritativeness in his voice which forced me to OBEY his command. Even though subconsciously I knew I should have let him but then who would say no to a free ride home! I was brought back home from my dream world when my phone rang and as I expected I was my bestie Katarina aka Kate. So in a mood to tell her all about my Alejandro I picked it up and answered in a cheerful tone. "Hello, Katie boo!!" but then her reply was in a wobbly tone almost as if she had been crying "Ann Anna" I found myself panicking I was like "what happened babe? Why are you crying?" she said, "It's my brother, he was found killed at the garden, Anna Austin's dead, he was killed. Oh god Anna what am I going to do my brother is dead!!"
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