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NOVENA The feast in honour of Alma’s visit is a small one. As before it is limited to only my family members, the Werewolves, Axel and Emmaline. A small group of musicians played to the side, filling the rooftop dining area with their sweet music. The rooftop is decorated in gold, browns and whites that shine and sparkle in the white lit room surrounded completely in glass, complemented by the large hanging moon. I am happy to see Alma so animated sitting across from me as she laughs at the conversation she’s involved in, completely oblivious to Pallas’s charms as she takes every opportunity to touch Ragnar’s arm or leg, who looks put out. She looks elegant in a full-length shimmery black dress, a slit running up her right leg. The material hangs loosely off her shoulders so that you can almost glimpse the creamy skin of her chest. Likewise, the rest of the room is draped in their own finery. Drinks are flowing as we all socialise and chat freely. I am most surprised when the dancing commences and the Werewolves join, considering their dislike of touching other people who weren’t their mates. Pallas strolls up to me in his fine attire, a seductive smile playing on his lips as he asks permission to dance with me. "I thought you would never ask given your cultural preferences." I tease as his arms enclose around me and he very skilfully leads me around the dance floor, my soft red dress hugging my body as we move with the music. "I make exceptions for beautiful women." He says, close to my cheek. His breath tickles my skin and blood rushes forth to create a rather unnecessary blush. "Besides, we weren't in North Continere. Might as well embrace the customs here." "You certainly dance like someone familiar with the dance floor." I comment, noting his excellent skill. "We too enjoy ballroom occasions and of course, dancing is always popular." "So, you do dance over there?" Pallas laughs, and I can't decide whether it's mocking or in good humor, "Of course, you just have to be careful who you ask for a twirl around the floor." Pallas's body brushes against mine, making me blush as he grinned down at me, his height towering mine. We break away as dinner is finally served, the conversations ignited once again over the delicious stews served with breads and other delightful foods. Now I fill my mouth with the warm brew as my body hums from the pleasure that dancing always gives me, accompanied by the delightful efforts of rich red wine. Even Emmaline, who sits at my side, looks as if she is enjoying her time conversing with Pallas’s Alphas and Axel sitting next to Ragnar, preferring to do so since she could actually look at them. Ragnar is the only one mildly displeased with Alma stuck to him like glue. Everyone else seems to be enjoying themselves as the night comes to an end. Finally, I work up the courage to present my desires to Prince Pallas. I have been giving it much thought and the idea rather appeals to me as a way to further relations with the Werewolves. “Prince Pallas.” I catch my breath at his sudden attention on me and I almost forget what I want to ask him as I remember his body brushing against mine. My mouth suddenly dry, I force the words from my lips, “I find your way of living of great interest and considering that we have allowed you to visit our country,” I pause, feeling the intensity of all eyes in the room, “As well as the given recent friendship of our countries - the openness to trade and publicity being shared - I was wondering if your Throne would be opposed to tourism? Of course, if that were to be agreeable on our side as well.” I say smiling sheepishly at my father. Everyone is silent as I wait for Pallas to reply, he has a smile playing on his wide full lips. He arches his dark silver eyebrow, “For you Princess or your people?” Covering my own interest, I reply, “Both, perhaps this could be a topic of discussion for relations between our Continere’s. We could perhaps start with only people of importance, and as both sides become more comfortable, allow the citizens as well.” The Prince of North Continere lips flow into a side smile, but I focus my attention on his dark silver eyes that are lazily watching me. But I’m not stupid enough to think he isn’t critical thinking my question over despite his relaxed demeanour and seeming friendliness. He smirks as his thoughts seem to amuse him. He leans back into his chair “Well you are in luck Princess.” He says, watching me closely. I’m on the edge of my seat. “Your father and I were discussing a possible alliance that just might make that possible, just this afternoon.” He says as a matter of fact. “Oh?” “Yes Nova,” my father rushes to say, using my nickname, “Prince Pallas has come to offer a marriage alliance, and who better fitted for the honour than with you.” I think my mouth has fallen open, but I actually can’t think past the marriage alliance. Prince Pallas wants to marry me. “But if your country wants an alliance, why not the next King of North Continere? Why just the cousin?” Ragnar questions, rather disrespectfully. I watch the annoyance cross Pallas’s beautiful features as he glares at Ragnar. I’m holding my breath as the two hold each other’s stare. Emmaline jumps in, “Aren’t werewolves supposed to have mates that they marry? Is that why it’s you and not Prince Zelus? Is there a reason why you are willing to put that aside?” Emmaline asks and I’m grateful for the distraction her question has created, it gives my brain time to start working again. Pallas's intense silver eyes found hers and she drops her gaze immediately, remembering herself. Pallas ignores the slight, “Yes, you are correct. My true mate died at a young age before I even met her. Therefore, because I am mateless it seemed like the perfect opportunity to forge an alliance.” He says diplomatically as if he isn’t tying my whole life to his. “That is if you agree, Nova, I wanted to explain this to you differently,” he cast an aggravated look at Prince Pallas, “but it seems that it is all in the air,” My father askes, “Do you agree, daughter?” I’m thrown; they expect an answer now, right now? “Uhm, I… Uhm… I don’t know” I surprise myself with my stutter, the pressure crushing. I feel Emmaline taking my hand and rising from her chair, drawing me up with her. She seems to know exactly what I need, an escape, a place where I can get some air and a chance to think. I try to think of a valid excuse to run from the room without creating a scandal. I hold my head high as Pallas c***s his brow, seemingly amused. “This is a big decision, one that would impact the rest of my life and truly I wasn’t expecting this.” I emphasize, “I need time to think about it.” “Of course, my child, of course.” My father coos, taking some of the tense air from the atmosphere as he plays off my hesitation, “it is to be expected that you would need some time to think it through. Isn’t that right Prince Pallas?” “Certainly.” He purrs, tilting his face as he watches me. My father smiles warmly at me, “I’m sure you will come to the right decision. I will call on you tomorrow for further discussion. You may be excused if you so wish Novena.” Emmaline and I bow our heads respectfully, then we are moving at the most excruciatingly slow pace, our heads high, without seeming like we are running for the door when that’s exactly what I would like to be doing. When we are off the rooftop dining area and out of the view of those still present there, I run for the nearest door outside. I stop as the cold fresh air hits my flushed face. I am breathing deeply to calm my raging emotions. It isn’t so much as the thought of marriage that freaks me out but rather who I would be marrying, how my life would be. Emmaline puts a comforting hand on my back, still as the night air around us and I can’t tell if it’s because she already knew this would happen or if she is as shocked as I am. The eerie cry of a raven somewhere in the surrounding lands fills my unsettled soul as I lock eyes with Emmaline. We just stare at each other, silently communicating our feelings because that is how well we know each other - because we don’t need to use words to know what the other is thinking, how we are feeling. And more importantly, we already know what I’m going to do. The Continere Series, book 1 is now available on k****e and will soon be joined by book 2. Thank you to everyone who has followed my story. All the comments honestly kept me going !! I've left the last two chapters for readers to view comments on the ending.
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