Chapter Four

590 Words
Soraya was into various extra curricular activities. Not only because it helped her maintain her scholarship. Her genuine concern for the welfare of students and the marginalized sector of the society motivated her to get involved with many cause-oriented groups, championing different advocacies. But lately, much of her time was spent with Kamanyang as the group became in demand. Invitation for their performance kept pouring in, even from schools outside Metro Manila. A week after the violent rally, Soraya, together with her close friends Aida and Ricky had just crossed the street fronting PCC when Aida spoke while gesturing towards a figure who was rushing to meet them . It was almost sundown. “Soraya, isn’t that your knight in shining armor? Aida blurted ” “Hello” Gerard flashed his “killer smile”. “Hello” Soraya answered rather self consciously as she introduced her friends to Gerard. “May I invite you all to an early dinner” Gerard said. His plan was to invite only Soraya but he deemed it wise to include her friends. He wanted to play it safe, slow and easy, the first time, he thought. At first, Soraya hesitated, but thought she owed Gerard one for saving her. And besides Aida and Ricky will be company. “Okay” She said, somewhat reluctantly. But as they started to go, her friend Aida had another idea. “Oh, I forgot, Ricky and I had to get something for our school project. You two just go ahead. ” Aida insisted. “Bu,,but we didn’t...” Before Ricky could finish, Aida grabbed his arm and pulled him away. “Nice meeting you Gerard, and thank you. Maybe next time” Aida gave her friend a naughty smile. Soraya had no choice but to go with Gerard. -------------------------------------------------- At the restaurant , Soraya felt uneasy. She just wanted the dinner to be over. She wasn’t used to being alone with a guy. Even with Ricky, she always had Aida the few times that they dined out or watched a movie. At first, their conversation was minimal with awkward gaps of silence. But gradually, Soraya warmed up to Gerard’s easy and friendly personality . They talked about just about everything and nothing in particular. Gerard was very excited. He was right about her. Soraya is a simple girl with simple needs. No pretensions. But beneath her beautiful face and gracefulness, he could sense a very passionate woman, strong willed. A woman of substance Very admirable indeed! He liked her even more. Soraya quickly changed her impression of Gerard. What she thought was just another handsome “happy-go-lucky hippie copy-cat” turned out to be a sensible and ambitious young man. He obviously came from an affluent family. His speech and demeanor showed good breeding “definitely bourgeois” She thought. She liked his sense of humor though. ------------------------------------------------------- “How was your date?” Aida asked as soon as Soraya was home. “Date? We just had a snack” Soraya answered evasively. “Wow, that was quite a long snack” How was he? Aida couldn’t suppressed her curiosity. Soraya just smiled. Aida look closely at her friend. There was something in Soraya’s eyes that wasn’t there before. She had never seen that kind of smile on her face either. “Oh, I guess he’s okay” Aida answered her own question as Soraya went to their room. --------------------------------------------
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