Always an Omega - Chapter 1

984 Words
“Hey, Omega!” A familiar voice called out tauntingly. Omega? I sighed to myself as I bowed my head in defeat as I looked towards the ground. my long auburn hair tumbled over my shoulders in loose ringlets as I stared at the thick snow before me. I had been standing before a frozen lake, a place that I had always fled to when I wanted to be alone, the only one who knew of my secret spot was my father, Cyrus. I glanced up at him as he approached me while leaving heavy footprints in his wake, I had been careful to cover my tracks in hope that I wouldn’t be found and yet here Cyrus was. I stared at him with my chocolate brown eyes reflecting the specs of gold that clung to my irises, a feature that I hated about myself but that I couldn’t run away from. My skin was the shade of delicate ivory with my full lips a bruised shade of red, my top lip was in the shape of a perfect cupid's bow and with gentle brown eyes that could stare into your soul with innocence. My features were delicate and almost doll-like, I possessed a rare beauty that surpassed that of any humans and recalled those of Were blood. Some hardly believed at times that I was a human with my rare and exquisite beauty. “Omega!” Cyrus said as he finally stood before me. His voice held an alluring and yet dominating tone, something that was handed down to him from his deceased father, my grandfather. I can't deal with him right now, I thought to myself as I grimaced at his tone. I held my breath and turned away from him as I intently focused on the frozen lake before me and the silent winter air. Dusk was slowly approaching, the last of the sun's rays gently trickled in through the thick treetops. You barely noticed the days pass by here as the air was always crisp with a hint of evergreen that hit your senses all at once in an overwhelming wave. Anyone would kill to live in this silent bliss where the gentle flow of the bird's tunes barely touched your ears and the violent waves of the nearby river crashed against the riverbanks in a desperate attempt to breach land. The only thing that existed here at times was my cold breath as it stood out amongst the year-round winter air and my silent thoughts as they drifted off into nothingness, and yet I couldn’t stand the silence. “You know I don’t like it when you ignore me!” Cyrus said harshly while attempting to hide his anger. I sighed as he said the words and looked over at him as he stared me down as if I were his prey, something weak that he hated the thought of even glancing at. He was the alpha of The Blood Moon pack and yet his cruelty only seemed to grow in volume. “I know,” I said in a quiet and withdrawn voice. His stern expression faltered for a moment as his hazel eyes seemed to soften after a moment when he was assured that we were all alone. It was true that he had a distinct cruelty to him, but he was still my father even if I was adopted. He folded his arms over his chest as he looked me over with a slight frown forming on his lips now. “You shouldn’t be out here, Winter,” Cyrus said now using my given name. Winter, I thought to myself. It was the name that he had given me the night he found me bundled up in a thick fur blanket with my cheeks a burning red. We lived in a place that had been far north where the humans would never venture, where it was winter all year round and where no warmth touched the cold lands. Cyrus's voice held a cold tone of displeasure as he looked over my current state, I quickly looked away from him as I attempted to ignore him. I could never seem to get used to his hot and cold moments, he only seemed to show me an ounce of sympathy once we were alone but when the others in his pack were around Cyrus reverted to his cold ways. “I refuse to be cooped up in that place,” I said firmly and yet in a hushed tone as I was afraid to meet his gaze. I had been practically forced to remain in my childhood home, a small cabin just on the outskirts of the packhouse. It was hidden away from the others which acted as a barrier from myself and the strangers that I found myself sharing this land with. Strangers who had only been cruel to me my entire life, bullying and degrading me as they shoved me down into the snow. Cyrus never got between the harsh bullying that the others inflicted upon me as he looked down on me for being weak. A weak Omega, a pathetic human. I had nowhere to run, nor would I make it far. I’d been a sickly child ever since Cyrus first found me abandoned in the middle of the woods with nothing but my faded cries carrying through the trees. An abandoned newborn's sweet cry that filled the air with the sorrowful soul that threatened to rip her reality apart. I’m the weakest one here with my frail body constantly attacking itself with my immune system shot, anything could make me sick and Cyrus knew it. He had witnessed endless fevers that left me comatose and bedridden for months on end before I even reached the age of three. It was moments like those that made the cold man that I had known as my father crumble until he was nothing more than a weak man watching his precious child die before his eyes and knowing that there was nothing that he could do about it.
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