Chapter 3

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Elena It’s official. I’ve decided that when I get my own house, it will be in a country setting with a wrap-around porch and a front porch-swing – just like this farmhouse. The wind is still, other than the birds singing their morning song, it’s quiet. Tranquil and calm. The hot coffee on the side table next to me is still permeating the air around it with its steam. Columbia aroma from the black liquid mixes with the morning dew, filling my senses. The sun is out and it will be a hot day, but at this moment it’s perfect shorts and t-shirt weather without being too warm or chilly. Despite everything, it is a good morning because nothing is going on. All the rubble has finally settled and all that is left is a new day. A new beginning. Oreo props his head up from resting by my feet while I reach for the mug of warm delight. He hears something as he turns his head towards the road. I don’t hear anything; so, I take a sip of the coffee, thinking perhaps he hears another animal in the distance or something. Then I hear it. The rumble of a motorcycle engine. Turning my attention towards the end of the long driveway, I uncoil myself from the swing and place my mug on the table. By the time I reach the last step from the porch, I see someone on a motorcycle, not just any motorcycle - Victory… Mike’s bike. I recognize the eight-ball emblem on the front fender. Behind the man on the bike is a black, lifted Ford Raptor pickup truck – also Mike’s. Then there’s a red Camaro bringing up the rear. As they approach, I see that Paul is on the bike and Tick is in the truck. The driver of the Camaro is too far away – I can’t tell who the driver is. Meeting them in the driveway, Oreo barks to alarm anyone who will hear that we have visitors. Paul turns the engine off, then pushes the kickstand down and removes his helmet. Oreo sniffs his boots and decides that he’s safe. “Hey, El,” my best friend’s boyfriend greets. A tickle on my bare thigh tells me there’s a bug there, so I swipe it away and wave to the men. “Hey, guys. What’s up?” Tick climbs out of the truck then pats Oreo on the head; Paul dismounts the bike and, at the same time, the Camaro driver reveals himself. Brent. The bartender from Charlie’s who gave me the s*x on the beach drink. He smiles, so I meekly wave at him too. He has a leather vest on over his shirt. Is he in the club? “We’re here to drop off the bike and truck for you,” Tick mentions as he swoops me up in a hug, distracting me from my thoughts of wondering about Brent. When I’m back on my feet, I’m sure the confusion is evident. “I’m sorry?” Tick locks his ice-blue eyes on me. “We all know you were his woman. His Old Lady; even though ya’ll never staked claim to each other properly, the whole club knows you two belonged to each other.” I cut Tick off while holding up my hand. “Wait. What do you mean stake claim? Old Lady? I’m not sure I understand…” Paul speaks up, “Traditionally, when a biker has a girlfriend, she’s labeled his Old Lady. Which, in a club, means more than a girlfriend. She’s his only.” I remember Mike’s tattoo on his shoulder blade: Her Only with an infinity symbol. “And he is her only. Usually, the couple gets a tattoo signifying that they belong to each other. Some women will have the man’s name somewhere on her body as Property Of with the club’s cut. Or some women simply have something else showing they’re spoken for.” He pauses to take a breath. “Women also get a cut as well, that one will have the club’s cut and Property Of on it.” By the look on my face, he knows this is new information for me. His chocolatey brown orbs soften. “I know it sounds like a barbaric thing to do, but clubs take relationships seriously. Loyalty is important and, whether we like it or not, bikers can be a bit possessive and protective over their women – it goes both ways. It’s a different world.” Mike mentioned something to me once about the Old Lady thing, but I didn’t think it was that serious. He had a tattoo signifying that he belonged to someone special… Me. My heart swells realizing how deep his feelings were for me. Before I can speak, Tick says, “Since he’s gone, you get his bike and truck. Two of the most important assets a biker can have. And this,” Tick points to Paul, who removes a heavy leather jacket from his body. He still has a leather vest on over his cut-off t-shirt, revealing his mosaic tattoos down his arms. He hands me the jacket; the weight of it hits me like a boulder because it’s just another sure sign that the love of my life is gone. “This was his.” Paul tells me what I already know. I fold the jacket over my arm and notice that the president patch was clearly removed. “We heard you had an envelope from him. Did you not open it?” “How did you know –“ “We stopped by to check on Carol. She mentioned hers and asked if you opened yours yet.” Paul pushes his hands in the pockets of his ripped, black jeans. “Oh. No.” Tick chimes in. “You may want to. It’ll explain more of why you have the bike and truck.” I nod and hold the jacket closer. “Okay, I will… How is Carol?” Paul extends his hand to my shoulder. “She’ll be okay. We’re watching out for her. As we will with you.” I touch his hand. “Thank you, Paul.” My eyes turn to his left. “Thank you, Tick. I appreciate that.” They nod in unison. Tick looks a tad uncomfortable. I’m sure he’s not used to emotions. “Prospect, let’s get going.” Brent, who I assume is the prospect, nods and folds himself into the back of the car as the two men walk over to follow suit. Tick gets in the driver’s seat as Paul opens the door on the other side. “We’ll be back to check up on you soon!” Paul yells out before ducking his head on the passenger side, leaving me with swirling thoughts and a broken heart. Just when I thought I’d be able to rebuild myself, a tornado comes through to wipe out the little progress I’ve made and makes me gather up all the pieces again. ******* In the house, I go to the closet of my new room to dig out the large manila envelope with Elena inscribed on it. With my heart pounding in my chest, I take it with me to the bed to open it. It appears that the insurance is provided by the club - so I don’t have to worry about that. There’s a letter from an attorney of some law office stating that Mike claimed me as his beneficiary for the vehicle and bike, as well as, a large sum of money. How rich was this man? My eyes bug out as my jaw drops to the amount: One hundred thousand! I know he left his mom his savings account, so, what account was this in? Further down on the piece of paper it states that I’m a beneficiary of his life insurance policy. Oh, Mike. I sigh and place the papers on the bed, then grab his jacket from next to me. As I hold it close, the smell of pine, spice, and leather fills my lungs. Tears threaten to break the surface, because who knows how long until the leather jacket will just smell like leather and not him? ******* “I’m so glad you’ve decided to go to prom!” Ovid squeals in my ear while she hugs me. The swish of our dresses sound in my ears as she swings me side to side. I pat her back. “Yeah, me too.” Although, I’m really just humoring her. She doesn’t have a date, so I decided to go with her. I’ve experienced nearly everything else while in high school. I may as well add prom to the list. My newfound friend detaches herself from me. “We will have so much fun.” She smiles wide as Viper walks into the kitchen. “Wow.” He touches his chest where the big heart hides behind. “You two are so beautiful.” The compliment does nothing to stop those blue-grey eyes from glossing up. Having him around has been a blessing. He hasn’t tried to take Elijah’s place, but there’s an agreement we came to and that is, his house, his rules. Though he’s my biological father, I have yet to call him such. In my mind, I have, but not out loud yet. I fear that if I start calling him Dad, then Elijah’s memory will slip away. We’ve agreed that I call him Viper. For now. From what I’ve gathered from Viper is that he’s always wanted a family but refused to settle down because he knew he already had a daughter out there. Creating another family would have complicated things if I ever showed up at his door. So, him seeing me in this turquois ballgown must be an experience for him that he never thought he’d have - taking a picture of his daughter on prom night. “Okay, on the count of three,” he holds out his phone to take a picture. “One, two, three.” There’s a flash of light when Ovid and I smile with our hands on our hips showing attitude. Viper shows us the picture; Ovid rocks the deep red mermaid-designed gown. “It’s perfect,” he grins ear to ear; my date and I agree. “Now, what time should I expect you home?” Ovid and I glance at each other. “Maybe around midnight,” I offer, checking with my partner in crime tonight to make sure. Before Viper or Ovid can respond, there’s a knock at the door of the kitchen. We all turn around and see a delivery man from a floral company through the screen. The man of the house opens the door. “Can I help you?” “Uh, yeah. I have a delivery for an Elena Cochran,” the delivery man tells us all. He looks between me and the dazzling redhead at my side. The man tips his hat at us as Viper takes the small box. “Ladies,” he says then turns away for his truck. Viper stands before me with the box in his hand. “I guess this is for you.” I give him a quizzical look then open the box. Gasping at the beauty, I take the small corsage. There’s a turquoise rose in the middle with a white lily, baby’s breath surrounds it, and a small yellow daffodil accents the ensemble. A silk white band with turquoise lace is attached to it. “It’s beautiful,” I say while Viper helps me put it on. “Did you do this?” Ovid places a hand over her heart as her eyes widen with admiration of the moment. Expecting a yes, he acts indifferent with a squinting stare at the flowers and furrowing brows; almost as if he had nothing to do with this. But then says, “Well, you can’t go to prom without a corsage.” He smiles and shoves his hands in his pockets. I’ll take it as there is too much emotion in the room for him to handle. I reach out to give the man who made this day more special a long hug. “Thank you,” I whisper in his chest. The thank you is more than being thankful for the corsage. It’s a thank you for stepping up to be there for me. To welcome me into his home and having a desire to get to know me as his daughter. He kisses the top of my head. “You’re welcome.” As we head out the door, my father shouts from behind the screen, “Be careful. Have fun. If you need me, call!” Ovid and I reach the truck, but before I get it, I sense that something is off. “What is it?” My friend asks as she too pauses before getting in the passenger side. The hairs on my neck are standing on end. It’s the same feeling I get when being watched. Someone is watching us. I turn around to look out into the field. All I see is some brush, green grass, and some trees. Scanning around, I don’t see anything. Maybe my mind is playing with me. “Nothing,” I reply. “Let’s get going.” Stepping up into Mike’s truck, I gather my dress and close the door. Backing out of the driveway, my eyes fall over the field one last time to make sure no one is there. Turns out it was in my mind. ****Was it really in her mind? Thank you all for reading Rocky Road so far! I plan on updating again soon!*****
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