Chapter 18

1341 Words
Elena “Get off me!” I scream. This can’t be happening again. Why me? I know this is a nightmare – it has to be. The man that has me against the wall in this stairwell smells like he hasn’t had a shower in who knows how long. The pungent smell of body odor and the prickle of the facial hair against my skin alone has my insides spinning. I try to fight back. I stomp on his feet-he must have steel-toed boots on, there is little room for me to navigate, so I try to reach behind and scratch at his face, eyes - anything to get him off me. One of his arms is pressed against the back of my neck, pushing my face into the cement wall. His other hand is searching my jeans, inside the pockets, around my waist. I’m not sure if he’s searching for something that he mistakenly thinks I have or I’m the first victim he’s ever tried to do this to. A low husky voice scratches the inside of my ear. “Shut the f**k up and I won’t hurt you.” I push against him to try and give myself some room, but he’s too heavy. He pushes right back, smushing me against the wall. The door to the hall is to my left but it’s an inch out of reach. An inch! His hand goes under my shirt and before I can react - I wake up in a cold sweat in my dorm room with Mike’s leather jacket to protect me. It’s an inanimate object, but having it right here helps me feel a little invincible – it’s hard to explain. As I calm my breathing and take in the mundane nature of the room, I hold a hand over my heart to steady myself. I can feel the sweat on my forehead and down my back – it happened. All of it did – the man in the stairwell and the man who helped me. My guardian angel. If only I could see his face. There’s a sneaky suspicion about him though. I feel like I know him – not just because he’s been around for a while, but the irking sensation that I legit know that man. The way he stands, the width of his shoulders, the way he makes me feel. He never lets me get close to him, but he’s always around and always lets me be aware of the fact that he’s around. I felt him watching me when I was with Derek in the common area outside while we were studying. Though I didn’t exactly know where he was, I knew he was close by – he always is. Laying back down in the sweat-soaked cotton sheets, I stare at my ceiling and all the glow-in-the-dark stickers that I put up. With a sigh of relief, I can’t wait to go back home after my final tomorrow. Home. Ludowici, in its strange way, has become my home. I glance at a picture of me, Viper and Oreo on my dresser; the thought never crossed my mind of how much I would miss them. The whole scenario is out of whack, but Viper was really there for me and treats me like the daughter that I am. My heart still aches for my dad. Oh, how I miss him. It’s getting easier every day, bit by bit, but whenever I see a cardinal fly by or land near me, I get teary eyed because I know it’s either my dad or Mike. It is silly, really: the notion of seeing a specific type of bird being a symbol of a past loved one stopping in to check on you. Whether it is true or not… it helps. The glow of the clock near my bed tells me the time is five forty-five in the morning. There’s no way I can get back to sleep now. How will I be able to concentrate on my exam tomorrow? Scratch that... later today! ********* “Do you have a brother?” Derek inquires on our walk to my Chemistry class. I’ve noticed this morning that Derek appears to be a little frazzled, but he’s trying to hide it. He is known to run his hand through his hair when he’s stressed and this morning, he’s done it more than a few times. It’s an odd question, but I have a feeling I know what it’s about; however, I play dumb to see if he’ll tell me what is going on. “No, I don’t. Why do you ask?” I’m sure it has to do with my shadow following me around – he’s probably seen him or… Has he had an encounter with him? Nah. “Oh, uh.” He looks around the hall of the building before locking his sights on me. “Just wondered.” I straighten the backpack on my shoulder. Okay, so that didn’t work. With a sudden perk of changing the subject, he asks, “Hey, so what time were you leaving after your final?” Reaching the door to the class that I dread, I tell him, “Probably right after my final. It’s a bit of a drive and I want to beat the traffic.” “Oh, alright. Well, let me know when you get there?” “Of course, I will.” “Are you ready for your final?” “Not at all.” He nudges my shoulder playfully with his hand. “You say that all the time and every time you get a good grade.” “Yeah, but this time, I’m really not ready.” Not after the night I had last night. He steps in to give me a hug. It’s comforting and warm; the smell of his hoodie reminds me of popcorn – the buttery kind. It’s his favorite midnight snack. “You got this, Cochran,” he tells me as he holds me against him. I take a sharp inhale and squeeze around his torso. He doesn’t know my story and the fact that I’m not really a Cochran, not by blood anyway; instead, it’s Halen. Elena Halen. Technically, since I haven’t changed my name, I guess Cochran is still true… the knowledge of learning the truth still stings like a hornet. “Thank you,” I sigh into his shoulder. When he pulls away, there’s this awkward tension. The way he’s looking at me with those ocean eyes and the way they darken like a tropical storm rolling in – he wants to kiss me. We haven’t kissed yet. My stomach is lurching with pins and needles, something is telling me not to kiss him. Is it just nerves? Am I moving too fast? I’m not sure what it is. So, as he leans in and those lids flutter, I intercept and push my lips against his cheek – a quick peck, like normal. My boyfriend – the boy I’m seeing – the boy is a little more than a friend, but still teetering – leans back to give me a smile. It’s a sad smile as his eyes flick to the ground, but he doesn’t mention anything. He just angles his head just right to kiss my forehead. “Good luck, Elena.” “Thank you, you too,” I whisper. “Call me when you get home. Can’t wait to come visit next week.” He gives me his wide child-like grin as those baby blues sparkle. I give him a warm smile as I open the wooden door by the chilled metal handle. “I can’t wait either.” It’s the truth, I think to myself as he turns to stroll to his final class of the day. It will be good for me to make new memories with such a nice guy around Ludowici. Derek is very sweet, kind, punctual, and thoughtful. It will be a good thing. Why do I feel like it won’t be?
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