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(Avery's POV) I can't believe it has been four years since my mother died. I am ten years old now. Father hired a tutor so I could continue homeschooling, it is completely different without mother around though. I don't work on my powers, unless father is here and that is rare these days. Father works so much to keep up with the bills and daily expenses. I hate seeing him so tired. Two days a year he always makes sure he has off and is home with me. My birthday and today. The day of mother's death. We are at her grave stone right now. Paying our love and respect to her. I miss her so much. I kneel in front of her tombstone and look at the agraving written on her stone. 'Celia Loving mother and wife. Will truly be missed.' That is it. No last name. No date of birth. No date of death. I have wondered for the last four years why her grave stone is so different compared to everyone else's. I just choose to never ask my father so I do not upset him. Unfortunately my curiosity got the best of me today. "Father, why is mother's tomb stone so different than everyone else's?" I ask as I looked up at him in curiosity. Maybe she isn't really dead? Oh, How amazing that would be. I could finally have my mother back. "Avery, we do not have a last name and your mother asked for her dates to be left off. She is not coming back honey, I am sorry." Father says quietly, it is almost as if he read my mind. Mother's never coming back. A tear falls down my face and I walk over to the bench, waiting for father to be done so we can leave. I hear him talking to mother's dead body, "What am I suppose to do with our little girl? She is ten years old now and seems to want you more and more everyday. How am I suppose to raise her for success without you? This is so hard for both of us. People around town are starting to get suspicious on why I have a tutor and why I have not tried to get myself a new wife. It is not normal for a man to stay single this long but they also don't understand our kind. I need some guidance. What do I do, love?" Am I stopping father from finding someone else? Does he not want me anymore? What did he mean our kind? The truly in love couples normal people don't wait for? I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize father was standing in front of me. "Are you ready to leave, princess?" "Yes father. Good bye mother, I love you dearly and miss you forever." I say as I get up and take father's hand. We climb into father's carriage and the couchmen takes off. Father has three horse one white as snow for me, one that is a honey color for mother and one that is midnight black for father. Mother's and father's horses pull around the carriage, while mine stays home for me to horse back ride on. It is weird how my horse is hidden away just like me. When we arrive home father helps me out of the carriage. "Why don't you go get changed and we will have a picnic for dinner. " Father says excitedly as he kneels in front of me. "Yes father, thank you." I squeal as I hug father tight and use my zoom to go change quickly. I decided to use the names my mother made up. Thankfully, father only hired me a tutor who comes school hours and for piano lessons. He never got me a nanny and mother already taught me how to horse ride, shoot an arrow, swim, and cook with her special red sauce. She always said the food must always have the red stuff or it will poison us. She was right, one time I made myself toast and forgot to put the red sauce on it. I puked for a straight twenty four hours, I will never forget again. So as I was saying no one is ever here, so as long as I don't have class I can use my powers. I skip down the stairs, to the front door and right into my father's arms. "I'm ready father." "Let's go then princess." Father says as he takes my hand and carries a basket in the other. We head over to mother's flower garden and father sets up the blanket. I take a seat and wait for him to sit with me. "What did you bring father?" I ask curiously as I try to peek around him. Father chuckles in amusement, "Stop trying to peek, that isn't lady like little one. I brought us mother's famous red juice, our favorite red chicken pasta and brownies for dessert." I squeal in delight. "Thats all our favorite father. Why did u make all of that?" "Lets eat and then I would like to talk to you about a few things, princess." Father says in fake excitement, he seems to be worried about what ever he needs to talk about. "Okay father." I say with a smile on my face as I start to dig into my food. We eat silently with an occasional small smile given to each other. While I am munching on a brownie, I decide I will let father tell me whats on his mind, "What did you want to discuss father?" "Right to the point, huh princess." Father chuckles as he wipes the brownie off my face. "I was thinking I may remarry soon, but that means you can not use your powers at all. We can not let anyone find out. Do you understand, princess?" "Yes father, if that is what you feel you need to do then I will understand and support you." I say with a smile on my face, hiding all my emotions. I know he can read my emotions if I don't focus on hiding them. I don't want him to get upset that I feel he's replacing my mother. I give him a hug and kiss, then head back to our house, up the stairs and into my room. As I silently cry over the loss of my mother.
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