Marlene Dae Pint. The day of the last crime.

1673 Words

Chapter 45. Marlene Dae Pint. A large coffee shop on Mistrate Street. A place where mostly aristocrats arrange meetings and negotiate with partners to develop their business. Anyone from the upper strata of society strives to rise higher and higher and become even richer. - If I work with Frank's company on this building. This will bring a lot of profit. - To the title of vassal, a stone's throw. I am in good standing with Herr Reinhard. The selection to vassals has not been canceled. Therefore, a place can always be made free, and of course, everyone dreams of getting it. This coffee shop is located in the possession of the vassal, Sarah Mina. A woman who never shows her face and hides it behind bandages. Quite strange and not sociable. Few people managed to see her in public and eve

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