Meybi Cullen is defeated and destroyed.

1673 Words

Chapter 29. All license plates that were under Fred Handrick lost their statuses and just continued to do business. Now, these are just ordinary aristocrats. Whose powers and whose influence have slipped down. Moreover, quite so and strongly. The place of the vassal, while there was no one to replace it, and Edward decided altogether, just to remove one unit. And for other vassals, the lists of subordinates were full. Therefore, I had to make such a bad decision. "Keela, hello. How do you feel?" Visited Gran at the hospital. She suffered pretty badly in that battle. Moreover, she was almost killed. Their merger, of course, saved the girl from death, but the injuries still remained serious. "All right. I'm already much better. Thank you for your trouble." "Have you read the message? W

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