CHAPTER 7 Hello, Love

1090 Words

  Anaiah's POV   I slowly lift my gaze as the most enticing scent of vanilla and honey fills my nostrils, my breath gets caught in my chest and I forget how to breathe, the man walking in front of me is tall and intimidating, he's the most gorgeous man I've ever seen. He has thick jet-black hair, blazing dark blue eyes, a prominent face with high cheekbones, and a muscular body that looks like a greek god. As soon as he entered the room, he dominated it immediately and a wince escapes my lips. He smiles ever so gently once he nears me and my heart skips.   My wolf is trying to say something frantic but I can't hear her clearly, I'm still in awe of him.   "Hello, Love," His voice is deep and huskily sexy. I just watch him like an i***t, no words are leaving my mouth.   "Anaiah," He whis

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