Chapter Eight-1

2002 Words

Chapter Eight ‘So,’ said Nanda, eyeing Konrad and his entourage from over the rim of her cup of tea. ‘I take it the plan did not work out as intended.’ She was waiting in a tea house not far from The Malykt’s Temple. Seated by herself at a tiny table in one corner, a pot of tea set before her and a cup in her hands, she made a fine picture of tranquillity. Weveroth sat at her elbow, nibbling upon a biscuit. Konrad took in this peaceful vision with a sense of gratitude, for some little part of his tension eased. ‘Total failure,’ he replied, and added with a faint smile, ‘Highly unusual, I know.’ He relayed the morning’s events as quickly as he could, part of his mind on the alert for the return of either of his serpents. That they were taking so long about it troubled him, for it meant e

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