Chapter 3-1

2029 Words

3 By the time the aircraft were all spun up and ready to go, the sunset had wound down and the four helos were nothing but green, white, and red running lights on the concrete apron in front of the Fort Campbell hangars. “Everyone sleep well today?” Pete wished he had, but he’d never been one for snoozing off on a transport plane. Even with earplugs they were too bloody loud. Of course, he’d taken two hundred and fifty bucks off the other grunts stuck aboard the flight in a quick round of poker, so he wasn’t complaining. He didn’t release the mike switch for them to answer. “We have a flight tonight. If your altitude crosses above two hundred feet, you will automatically fail and be returned to your unit.” Not true, but it didn’t hurt to scare them a bit. “If you cross over one-fifty yo

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