Chapter 19

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As Ahriman stands, hollowed from the inside out due to the blow Klaus gave him which left him utterly criticized to near death but over his rapid regeneration, he slowly starts to heal inch by inch while Klaus on the other hand, moves in with his lot while the werewolf army keeps demons and overlords distracted by their disruptive attack. "You.. you killed her, you're a monster!" shouted the inmate, having Lilith drained of blood in her lifeless body. "I didn't kill her, I merely took what was needed." said Klaus. "Looks like we are gonna..." said the inmate until he was interrupted when Lilith suddenly bursts out awaken by a plain miracle, only to be revealed she is actually turned into a vampire by Klaus himself. "Lilith? oh my god, Lilith, you're al.. what's wrong with your eyes?" asked the inmate concerned while Klaus grins upon revealing that before he drained of her blood completely, a drip of his own blood was placed towards her mouth should she ever die, which he did. "You.. you killed me." whispered Lilith looking upon Klaus as her first word. "I did.." said Klaus until he is briefly interrupted by Ahriman himself. "Enough! you think you can come into my world and act against me? Fools! you should have known twice before trying to cross the demon lords.. not only we will consume you all, but your entire worlds, for your treacherous acts, entire world will pay the price, starting with yours." said Ahriman pointing out to Klaus himself just when they interrupted as a burst of light zaps from the corner, shifting into a open portal for Klaus to go through. "What the hell is that?" asked Lilith. "Our way out, head that way now, and do not look back! let the wolves take care of the fighting." said Klaus as he turns towards the portal ignoring the sense of Ahriman's attention who's only hungered by rage to rip out Klaus in the same way he was. "You're dead, Klaus! you hear me? you're entire world, everyone you know and love, will be gone! I will return to make sure of it, until I suck the bones out of your skull myself!" shouted Ahriman. "Says the sucked out soul himself, do come after me Ahriman, only then I will show you how a true monster plays his role." said Klaus as he walks patiently towards the portal while others rush towards it as Ahriman roars in rage, and despite in his critical condition, his continues trying to come after Klaus by walking, but while attempting to do so, his freshly grown muscles and bones break and tear itself as he continually tries to move towards Klaus to grab hold of him. Eventually, Ahriman drops on the floor, unable to move in any further while enormous amount of pain and anger flows through him as he screams to which Klaus turns back one last time before heading into the portal. "Guess who's dropped at my feet now." uttered Klaus as his last words towards Ahriman before entering in to which the portal shuts itself as he was the only one left to move in along with Ayame whom he was holding in her arms. "I will come after you Klaus! I'll come after you all! you think this is over? this is just the beginning! I'll murder every single one of you!" continues Ahriman threatening helplessly while the battle continues with his demon army against the werewolves. Several moments ago, in Kleham, after being greeted by Mikeala and Darren from the ships, Lucien, now discusses with his siblings about their encounters while explaining his own. "So, you're telling me, that after successfully managing to escape from the prison, the ship blew up, and you landed in the middle of the desert where a crew picked you up, none other than the terrorists who kidnapped the royal family, where you came in." said Lucien pointing out from Darren to Mikeala as she speaks out. "I didn't come in, you did from nowhere after jumping from open space, which is stupid as it sounds." said Mikeala. "I was buying him time." said Lucien. "I didn't need you to buy time, I needed you to be with me! which is something you continusly seem to fail." said Darren. "God knows what would have happened if I had followed you." said Lucien. "We would have lived! instead you decided to play hero and.." said Darren before getting interrupted by Mikeala who intervenes. "Alright, that's enough! two of you stop it now! yes, things went sideways between the two of you, but guess what? either way, you both ended up in open space and landed yourselves back to Kleham, I call that a good news, not a plan went wrong." said Mikeala. "If it wasn't for Klaus, we would have never ended up there in the first place." said Darren when suddenly their meeting is interrupted by none other than Helsing himself. "Klaus asked me to put you there for a reason, and despite the chaos it would bring, I agreed to it because I knew exactly what would happen if I let the two of you." said Helsing. "You did this? you took them to space prison?" asked Mikeala. "I should have him ripped out!" shouted Dareen. "Easy there, arseholes, I only did what your brother told me to do, if you have issues, take it with him, not me, I'm just a mercenary." said Helsing. "Now do you see what this guy is? he isn't your friend, he's just a scumbag working for our dear brother." said Lucien. "Enough! that's the last you'll speak ill of him, Klaus is the one to blame, not him, Helsing tried his best to assist me from chaos erupting in this city while the two of you were gone." said Mikeala. "It was because of him we were absent in the first place." said Lucien before getting interrupted by Mikeala as she continues. "However, by failing to tell me the reason behind my brother's disappearance, I cannot allow you to walk freely in this city anymore." said Mikeala to which Helsing chuckles. "You're kicking me out? after everything I did?" asked Helsing. "You could have stayed silent, you know? none of us would have noticed." said Darren. "Listen, you stupid idiots, you too Mikeala, the very reason why I arrived here, took down the lot of you, wasn't because I was paid in money, I was paid in asset." said Helsing. "Asset?" asked Mikeala as Helsing takes out a letter which bears the seal of Klaus Azirel and starts reading it out. "In return for the task I am about to give you, the entire city of Kleham, will be yours, you will once again, hold yourself a complete control of Kleham after taking care of my brothers and sending away my dear sister back to their Victoria." said Helsing, reading out the letter given to him by Klaus Azirel himself while Klaus's siblings stand shocked by this sudden turn of events. "That cannot be true, give me that!" shouted Mikeala sprinting off towards him and ripping the letter from his hand as she starts reading it throughly. "Read it, once, twice, it's all the same, the letter was given to me by Klaus himself,and it's written in his handwriting, as you can now see why I was eager to join when they're was a threat upon my city. "Shut up Helsing! Mikeala, just tear it off! it doesn't stand! this is our city!" shouted Lucien to which Mikeala immediately starts tearing the paper to pieces and throwing it off while Helsing stands numb until he smiles like her action didn't cause him any type of agony at all. "You think that's the only copy I have? there are more evidences than paper to prove my claim love, it's too late now, from the next twilight, all your properties would be mine, the city would be mine, thanks for cleaning up my city." said Helsing as Darren suddenly lunges towards him and grabs him by his neck while Helsing stands smilingly, with not a hint of worry in his face. "You've made a gravest mistake Helsing, get out, now!" shouted Darren. "Tell that to yourself, you can't kill me Darren, none of you can, remember the incantation your family made towards mine? you kill someone of my blood, and generations of your clan will suffer the Heita Curse, you know this." said Helsing while Darren continues tightening his grip towards his neck to which Mikeala steps in. "Darren, no, Darren please stop! Darren!" shouted Mikeala who tries to resolute the conflict between the two, but Darren seem fixated on breaking his neck. "Let me go.. Darren, don't incur the wrath of the Curse, not on your own family." said Helsing as Darren starts to grow in rage as his eyes turn red until Lucien too steps in, sighing upon the fact in what he's about to say. "He's right, let him go." said Lucien. "No!" shouted Darren. "We will deal with him through another way, death is only a mercy for this bastard, a curse on our family isn't worth his life, let him go." said Lucien sadly while Darren continues to tighten his grip up to a point where Helsing almost feints, but eventually at the last second, Darren lets him go, releasing him of his grip immediately while Helsing breathes in relief. "Your death will be under my hand, but not today, mark my words when I say it Helsing." said Darren. "Looking forward.. to it... come by.. anytime, okay?" said Helsing as he starts laughing while Darren departs away at rapid speed to which Lucien follows while Mikeala remains still to look upon Helsing one last time before leaving. "You.. didn't go? wanna stay?" asked Helsing. "I don't know what your game is.. and frankly, I don't care, I trusted you, and you broke it.. you will pay for this." said Mikeala.
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