Chapter 31

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Meanwhile, after having gathered with all the facts from lies and deceit, Klaus stands idle at the entrance to the abandoned cathedral within the underforge while waiting for his brother to show up while he can. While he waits, a certain flashback from the memories of his past glimpses onto him with Kaine in years past while Klaus finds himself slowly drifted within it. "Kaine? Kaine? where is he? Kaine?" asked a voice in the form of a young child in the midst of a forest in parts unknown, of similar environment to their home planet Earth, but with a completely different landscape in space. "Kaine? are you there?" asked the child, having finally spotted a figure within his old treehouse while the pendant on his neck is the exact one in Klaus within present, revealing it's the young version of Klaus Azirel himself. "Go away.. I won't come." said Kaine. "Don't be like that, come on now, he didn't say what he meant most of the time, you know this." said Klaus until Kaine interrupts. "I... I can't keep living like this.. he.. it hurts.. it's not right what he's doing to us, we should leave away from everything he's doing." said Kaine. "And go where? you think dad will just let us go? he will find us.. we have no other choice... I'm sorry that he hurt you.. next time, I will take the hit, but don't stay here.. it will only get worse if you keep hiding like this." said Klaus. "No, it won't." said Kaine. "What?" asked Klaus. "You said it will only get worse, it won't.. only thing he can do, is kill me, let him do it.. let him kill me and be done with it.. I.. can't do this anymore... all the pain he's putting us through, making us be his puppet." said Kaine until Klaus interrupts. "Don't shout, you know he will hear you." said Klaus. "Then let him Klaus.. only way he can get me out is through my dead body.. I will not come down, I've made up my mind." said Kaine to which Klaus stands idle for a moment, realising there is only one way to convince him, the truth. "Kaine... if you don't come.. he's gonna.... he's gonna kill me.. or worse." said Klaus. "Then don't.. hide yourself as well." said Kaine. "Why? I didn't do anything wrong." said Klaus. "You were born to a monster.. that is as bad enough." said Kaine. "Alright, I'm not going home... I'll find my own hiding space then." said Klaus as he walks away while Kaine interrupts him. "Klaus, wait!" shouted Kaine to which Klaus turns. "Tread carefully brother, there are traps lying around." said Kaine in which Klaus turns his face away without a reply as he goes onto walk away as his flashback fades. Upon remembering the last words he heard from his brother as a human, Klaus wonders what would have happened had he went back to his home instead of hiding away like his brother, his thought was shortly interrupted when his brother Darren arrives at the scene, running as fast as he could, gasping in breath towards the long distance he'd run while Klaus approaches him. "You look awful, what happened?" asked Klaus. "I.. I came.. running.. kilometres away... all you had to do... was climb down a staircase." said Darren. "Well, I never asked you to search kilometres away.. still, I am rather pleased that you came, was wondering if Kaine's return has made you nervous to face the past." said Klaus. "Kaine Azriel, is dead.. I saw him burnt to ashes with my very own eyes, whoever this is, it can't be him." said Darren. "Maybe.. still, we have to get our sister from regardless who it is.. speaking of, where is Aya? I sent her to accompany you." said Klaus. "I sent her away as soon as I killed the demon, told her to go back to you, but she refused." said Darren. "And you let her go like that? she is just a child!" shouted Klaus to which Darren interrupts. "She is one of the most powerful beings on earth! she will be fine.. now can we focus on the matter at hand, or do you want me to go fetch her as well?" asked Darren to which Klaus waits patiently, thinking upon what he said until he comes to a decision. "Alright then, let's deal with this first. once we get our sister.." said Klaus before getting interrupted by Darren. "We'll go after her, I promise, now come, we've wasted enough time as it is." said Darren as he takes in the lead towards the entrance to the abandoned cathedral while Klaus follows him. With one push after turning away all riddled locks, the door paves open in complete darkness to the two of them except for the door way light emitting from outside reveals only but a note ahead of them as Klaus and Darren look upon each other once they saw it for themselves as they walk ahead. "Take it." said Klaus as Darren takes in a close view towards it, then hands it out after taking a view. "What's in it?" asked Klaus as he receives and starts to read, only to find nothing as a blank slate is left within the note. "Empty?" asked Klaus. "It's just paper, probably from the old building, come on, if we're going to have to.." said Darren who pauses as Klaus grabs his jacket to prevent him from walking further while a thick arrow is launched directly to the exact spot where his head was a couple of mind ago. "What in the.." said Darren upon observing the shot he nearly missed while Klaus turns him around, to show the note, revealed to be mystically parched which was revealed shortly after Klaus's skin was touched in which it reads. "Tread carefully brother, there are traps lying around." "Traps?" asked Darren. "Entire place is probably rigged.. look." said Klaus pointing out to the snapped thin wool Darren accidentally teared when he stepped forward. "It's best if you take the lead then." said Darren. "It wouldn't matter, we would be caught in next trap or one after it." said Klaus. "Then how to proceed?" asked Darren. "By making our own way in." said Klaus who enrages with his maximum strength, then pounds on the floor in clear space which lands a c***k on the surface as well as a tremor which remotely activates half the traps that was lying down in the hall itself. "Klaus! what the hell are you doing? this is a old building, you will bury us both down!" shouted Darren while Klaus continues pounding down on the floor as hard as he can. "Well, if you're living on the world of the undead, one of the important thing you must know is that.. dead things don't stay buried." said Klaus, landing a massive final punch towards the ground which bursts open a hole in the ground while his heating causes the building to crumble across several places as it begins to fall down by every second. "Quick! follow me!" shouted Klaus he jumps down into the hole while Darren waits on till his turn and just as he goes to jump in, a huge pillar starts falling down from the crumbling nearby, burying them of their way in while Darren drops within, only to fall for almost five minutes until he reaches down to the surface, breaking away every bone in his body until it heals back slowly as he begins to get up. "Ouch.. that.. pain.. a lot." said Darren while getting up, only to find Klaus running up ahead in which he follows him, while the building above begins to drop crumbles down along in their tunnel way ahead. "Come on, Darren, you've taken falls from space, this is nothing compared to that." said Klaus. "I fell unconscious in half way, then healed up when I woke up." said Darren as few rubbles from the building starts to drop down while they run forward which Darren noticed. "s**t! I told you, Klaus! the building's gonna bury us down! you can't punch your way out of everything!" shouted Darren as he follows him. "There was no other way, keep up with me, or you'll get lost!" shouted Klaus who moves in with swiftness as crumbles start to fall down on the way ahead. While continuing to walk forward, Klaus forgets to realise a pathway ahead lacks of floors to walk in as he turns around to check Darren, only to get fallen deeper without a warning as he slips down suddenly while leaving Darren clueless about his sudden disappearance as he runs forward. "Klaus, where the hell did you go? Klaus!" shouted Darren until he too slips down in the exact spot where Klaus did earlier as they both go falling faster than the rubble that drop down until they fall deep into a trail of water stream that takes them off randomly with vast force while they struggle to breath and focus through its vastness until Darren loses control he hits his head hard by the swiftness.
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