Chapter 04

1679 Words
The horrifying woman stands idle, staring right at her eyes until the point where she hears the door screech wide open which turns her face to delight. "He's here... he is finally here..." shouts the horrifying woman who jumps off from the slab and runs in a rather disturbing manner all the way to the point Rebecca can't see anymore. "Wait, stop! who is here? wait! please... let me go." cried Rebecca when slowly the noise of the room turns to dead silence once again when a slap was heard from a distance. "Hello? anyone? hello!" shouted Rebecca, but with no one to hear her plea she rests, until eventually a lurking figure approaches from the shadows and moves close to her which turns out to be rather someone else than the woman who had been scaring her all along. "You.. who are you.. what do you want?" asked Rebecca as the person approaches close, revealed to be a broken man, with wooden mask replaced under a burnt one in half. "Greetings, Detective Becca.. I've been waiting to do this for a long time." said the broken man. "Who are you? what do you want?" asked Rebecca. "What I want? you're asking me? what do you want?" asked the broken man. "I want to be set free, look, I can pay you, alright? you don't have to do this, I'll look the other way, and you will never hear from me again, there are bigger stakes at hand." said Rebecca. "Like what? Detective Becca, you mean how you lost the two guests you promised to protect?" asked the broken man to which Rebecca finds herself shocked as she remains paused for a second. "You knew.. you.. you're part of this." said Rebecca. "Absolutely not, I am not in league with... terrorists, what I want is.. something different." said the broken man. "And what is that?" asked Rebecca. "My wife, Detective Becca, I want my wife back.' said the broken man. "I can do that, I can help you find your wife back, just let me go." said Rebecca. "No, you can't, no one can't." said the broken man. "Why?" asked Rebecca. "She is.. not with us anymore, she was killed, at the hands of a original." said the broken man. "What does any of this have to do with me? why even bring me here?" asked Rebecca. "Because, detective, you have something that belongs to her, a part of you, if I might take it, once I take it away, then you can join her, she will be with there with you when you die, I will.. on the other hand, use that, to bring my wife back." said the broken man. "Killing me won't bring your wife back, you know it." said Rebecca. "That is not my intention, I only want what belongs to me, her beauty, it's.. intact with you, I shall take it, then you can go, that is all." said the broken man who then lays down his suitcase and prepares to open his instruments to carve out the skin of Rebecca even though she pleads with him not to do this. However, his work was brought to a pause when suddenly sound of a doorbell was heard from above through echos of tunnel in which he pauses. "Help me! someone please help! help me!" screams Rebecca until the broken man stuffs the dropped cloth back into her mouth and rushes out to the shadows to attend the door while she mourns and cries helplessly. The broken man on the other hand, quickly goes off to attend the door after removing all suspicious equipment from his hands and body, then seals off the basement door through a hidden exit as he rushes towards the door, only to find Mikeala and Helsing waiting by it all this time. "Hello? and you might be?" asked the broken man, dressed in casual clothes while Mikeala shows her ID. "Mikeala Azriel, this is a friend of mine, Helsing, we are here on behalf of official business." said Mikeala. "What business would a original and a hunter have to a man like me?" asked the broken man with a laugh. "I can explain on that sir, but first, I need you to allow me in, before.." said Mikeala before getting interrupted by the broken man as he paves the door open. "Please, come in, sorry, I was.. distracted, do take a seat." said the broken man, and not a minute passes, Mikeala sprints off into the house, looking for clues regarding to the terrorists while Helsing smiles viciously towards the concerned citizen. "What.. where is she going?" asked the broken man. "Nothing to worry lad, she's just taking a quick tour, why don't you tell me about yourself while she returns?" asked Helsing. "What is there to tell? I am just a.. accountant." said the broken man. "Name, lad, state your name." asked Helsing. "Abraham, Jack Abraham." said the broken man. "Fancy name.. Jack, now why would a terrorist cell have to do with..." continued Helsing until Mikeala returns with a beacon on her hand, one which had been placed hidden which she managed to find out. "It's a dead end, they led us into a false trail." said Mikeala. "But why here? why this specific place?" asked Helsing. "I.. I don't know, maybe this could be a.. watch out!" shouted Mikeala who grabs and tosses out the two of them as grenade launcher shot is fired into the house which bursts the house into flames while Helsing and Abraham are thrown out. "Bloody hell! trap! I knew it!" shouted Helsing after immediately getting up. "What's going on? what happened to my house?" asked Abraham. "Don't worry, we'll fix it, right now, I need you to stay here, alright?" said Helsing who takes out his tech based cross bow, as well as his nanoparticle armour which bullet proofs him temporarily with limited charge as he heads back into the entrance of the house, only to find two thugs waiting with masks who he fires precisely at their heads and proceeds. "Mikeala? Mikeala! are you alright?" asked Helsing approaching in while from the burning house, a figure latches out, half in flames, revealed to be Mikeala herself. "Mikeala?" asked Helsing in confusion when Mikeala lunges off towards him in feral mode, but revealed that she was targeting to the one behind Helsing who was ripped to shreds by her as she grabs her by hooks. "Are you alright?" asked Helsing. "I am fine, you were right, it was a trap." said Mikeala. "Watch out! more are coming!" shouted Helsing as he starts firing down his cross bow vigilantly across every single one of them while Mikeala goes into a bloodbath, killing them off by melee combat ruthlessly. Watching this, Abraham is both astounded and frightened by their actions, having no other choice to back away all his work, Abraham uses this opportunity to flee while the battle continues onward, as several moltovs are thrown towards them with Mikeala grabs and throws back at them one by one. "We need backup!" shouted Helsing. "No, let's do this, for old times sake." said Mikeala with a wink as she leaps into the battle while Helsing grins and takes out his dual blades and joins her as well as tens and hundreds of thugs and terrorists are surrounding them off to battle them, but prove no avail, as the combined might of the original vampire and the hunter invokes a force that obliterates their enemies as they grow increasingly in number. Meanwhile, in the virtual simulation, Darren and Lucien too, have woken their own set of chaos, as they continue destroying the house as well as everything in it despite its best efforts to continue repairing slowly. "We've been at this for hours, there is no use, it keeps repairing!" shouted Lucien as he rips out the trunk of a tree and throws it out into the house while destroying the garden in the process. "We just need to keep doing what we do, just follow my lead!" shouted Darren who sprints head on into the house back and forth, bursting out the house from time to time, until eventually the house starts crumbling down, but somehow manages to stay stable by automated repairs that happens in minutes after destroying it. "It's no use, the thing keeps repairing itself, we're never getting out of here.." shouted Lucien who attempts to throw off a tree in a midst of a glitch which causes a error downfall as the tree gets stuck in middle of the blow and ripples a hole in simulation which causes all its surrounding to glitch repeatedly. "What in the bloody hell?" asked Lucien in confusion, looking at this. "Good work Lucien, looks like you created a bug, a ripple in the simulation." said Darren. "I did? woah.. alright, what's next then?" asked Lucien. "Throw everything you got into it, make it spread!" shouted Darren who starts bursting out a entire wall and slams it into the glitch which widens it. Following his lead, Darren too, uses his strength and effort, throwing everything he can carry directly onto the glitch as it continues spreading and eventually spreads across the simulation like plague, tearing everything off as it spreads into the skies as well. "Wooah, we did it, we did, didn't we?" asked Lucien. "Yeah, sort of." said Darren. "Sort of, what do you mean.. ughhhh!" screamed Lucien as well as Darren himself once both of them get caught into the glitches vortex as it spreads across the simulation one by one. "Awwhhh s**t! come on man! seriously?" roars Lucien who is barely able to keep up with all the pain, until with a simple snap, he and Darren are brought into a another simulation, made nothing but codes of such while a giant mainframe lies in front of them. "Argh.. holy s**t, that was.. wait, where.. are we, did we make it?" asked Lucien. "We are here, the command prompt." said Darren.
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