The book

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Celestina’s POV I completed my shift in Mac’s restaurant. It was a usual place with all the town people meeting each other discussing their day drinking, hitting billiards. It was a blissful moment for everyone and I can see that werewolves were less in number as it was a full moon night. This night every ordinary werewolf turn into their wolf form. I was able to get a good tip and returned to the cabin with my new bike. Natalie and Robert’s car was already in the garage. I parked the bike near my cabin and changed into my night PJs and joined the Marshalls for the dinner. Like great parents, they asked us about the first day in high school and also about my jobs. I finished the dinner and I and Natalie helped Andrea with the dishes while chatting to Natalie about the gym classes we had the next day. As I reached the cabin, there was no sleep for me. I wanted to read the book and uncover all the secrets. I completed my night routine and changed into night PJs. As I sat at my study table to read the book, I heard a howl from the woods. Andrea warned me to stay inside the cabin as the wood was not safe at the night on this day. I went to the window and stood by it, gazing at the moon. The smell of the turned wolves was very prominent in the air but one smell stood out I knew who it was; Alpha Xavier Blackwood. My wolf was scratching and struggling to come out but especially today I have to stay put to avoid any speculation of my white-furred wolf. I stayed by the window for a while basking in the night’s cool air and nature’s beauty. But I couldn’t stand for a long time as I had to read that book. I sat on the desk and touched the cover of the book. I kept my computer beside me as well. The cover of the book was made with very old material, the pages were tethered but still managed to stay bonded together. I tried to read the title but it was impossible because it was not in Latin but in some ancient language. I tried to look for it on the internet, various archives but nothing. Then Mars’ word hit me; only I can read it but I was not in my power as I had hidden it to live a human life. I took out the pendent and wore it around my neck and suddenly I could read the title of the book even without knowing the ABCs of that language. The holy tribrid Only these three words were written on the thick cover of the book. Only my magic was able to make it readable for me. I turned the book cover and on the first page, there were few sentences. Only the worthy shall read for a greater purpose. Your destination will soon knock on your door, embrace it with strong determination. I didn’t understand the deeper meaning behind it at this moment but these words remained engraved in my mind. My only destination was to get redemption and make a safer world for my parents and everyone who stands for love. What other purpose can I have in this world? I turned to the other page but again I couldn’t understand a single word. Only the first word; Initial after that nothing. I tried to focus my concentration on the writings. I made note of the words and tried to decode them. I counted the page and not a single word on other pages was readable. I kept on reading the first page and maybe I was not yet worthy to read the book. I still had months for my 18th birthday, maybe till then, I could read it. I packed the book in its case and started to complete my canvas. I had drawn the green eyes with sunlight, now added the colors to the environment. It looked beautiful, Xavier’s wolf was beautiful but I don’t like his human form. I turned to look at the window as I felt a presence. I went to close the window but there was no one. Someone was here. I hung the canvas with my other sketches and went to bed with a locked window. The next morning I woke up to my alarm clock ringing and I felt fresher because my magic was inside me. I grazed the pendent and contemplated whether I should wear it or not. I want to wear it and feel my complete self but the school is filled with supernatural beings, even one slip up will cost me heavily. So, I took it off and kept it safely in a box. I went to the house to see Natalie already sitting on the couch with her breakfast. “Hey.” “Hey, girl. Sleep well?” she asked me. “Yup but there were too many wolves in the woods.” I grabbed some pancakes sat beside her. “You are up early today and where are your parents?” “I have to meet someone and mom dad went out of town to see my grandparents. Grandpa is having some health problem.” Her grandparents lived in the town beside Fall Rivers. I raised my eyebrow at ‘someone’. “I will tell you later.” I nodded my head in understanding. “So, we are all by ourselves, so you know what that means right?” she asked me with an expected look. Was I supposed to know about it, I was confused? “It’s party time, Celest.” “What? We can’t do that Nat. Your parents will get mad at us.” I don’t want to get in trouble and inviting people to the house seemed too unsettling. “Oh c’mon. They won’t know anything. You said that you wanted to enjoy your high school. Well, the party is a huge part of it.” When Nat put it like that, it was appealing to me. “Nat.” I was still unsure. “I know Celest it is all new for you but I am here. And if anything my parents will be mad at me not you. So, buckle up we are so going to partyyyyy.” She screamed in excitement. I agreed with her and we decided to meet in the cafeteria to discuss everything. “You want a ride to high school?” “Umm no, I can ride my bike to the school.” “Great I will see you at the school, then Bye.” She went to her car and drove away. Nat was going to meet someone and I could see that someone was special. One thing about Nat is she needs time to open up and I know she will tell me everything at the right time. I ate my breakfast and locked the house. Here I go on the second day of high school. I parked my bike in the parking lot and saw peter walking towards me. “Good morning beautiful.” A blush appeared on my cheeks on his compliment. “Good morning. You look extra cheerful today.” We started walking together to the hallways. “Well, I made a great friend and who is also a human. Celest I can’t tell you how happy I am to have a human friend. I mean don’t get me wrong Amy is great but she has her witchy thing going on all the time and you can see that these students here” he pointed around “are not trustworthy.” He whispered the last part. “We can go to parties, town functions together. It will be so fun.” He said all of this in a single breath. I kept on looking at him with an amusing smile. “I am sorry for my rant but I am so excited.” I let out a laugh. “Don’t apologize. I feel grateful to have you too in this town.” he smiled back at me. He had started to trust me but how am I tell him that I am not what he thinks. He is not fond of the town’s supernatural beings but I am too far from them and have a dark past. My face fell on the thought that I might be betraying a good friend. Peter gave a cool schoolboy vibe with his brown set hair with collared shirts and loafer shoes. He was someone you feel comfortable with as soon as you meet them. I was about to get to the locker when a girl bumped into me dropping my bag. “Watch it bitch.” She barked at me. What is wrong with people in this high school? She was the one who bumped into me and the irony is she is a werewolf calling me a b***h. “You are the one who should be watching your step.” I bend down to pick up my bag. Her sidekicks picked up her book; the girl who bumped me was tall with brown hair and grey eyes. “What did you just say?” Her eyes were in shock as if how someone talked back to her but that got masked by immense anger. “Oh, I am sorry.” A second she was proud that I apologized but I continued. “I didn’t know that you had a hearing problem. I will repeat it for you.” I gave her an innocent look. Till this time, there was a crowd of students around us. She appeared stronger than other she-wolves I have felt around me. “You don’t know who I am?” she took menacing steps towards me and I stood my ground. Peter was trying to pull me but I was not having it. “Unless you are wonder woman, Captain America, or Black widow, I really don’t care,” I commented to her stupid comment. Now her anger knew no limit and suddenly the class bell went off. I turned around to leave with Peter but she pulled my wrist harshly, “This is not over.” I narrowed my eyes on her and pulled out my hand with no effort. As much as I try to maintain my distance but luck never seems to be on my side. It was Stats class and we both went to the class. We went and sat on the backbench. This was a class which was not crowded with supernatural being. Professor started with his lecture and Peter patted on my shoulder. “What were you thinking arguing with Hayley Labonar?” “I was not thinking anything. She tried to act smart with me.” “Exactly you were not thinking she is Xavier’s favorite girl. They are very close and let alone a fact that she is a werewolf.” His voice was hushed. “I don’t care ok. The supernatural being can’t treat humans like that I will not stand it. This is a place of peace and they can’t roam around like they are the dominants.” “They are powerful with the human brain capacity. There is nothing we can do.” He told me, my head was turned toward the board but Peter’s word strike a chord in my heart. Peter was about to speak again when Mr. Perry caught him. “Is there something you would like to share with the class, Mr. Flynn?” “No, Mr. Perry. I am sorry.” Professor went back to his lecture and I was trying hard to control my laugh. Peter’s face was red due to embarrassment. After the class, Peter was still blaming me for getting called out in the class. “What did I do?” I laughed at him. “Peter I need you to understand that you can’t appear weak in front of them. They will only use that against you.” he nodded his head in understanding. We had one more class and I told him about the party; he also wanted to be there. I texted Nat to meet me in the cafeteria to discuss the plans. “I heard that you had a nip with Hayley. Damn girl, you are really choosing your people.” She joked. I put my head on the table on how fast the word travels. “Yeah what can I say? I am very picky.” I mocked in Hayley’s voice. We all laughed out getting attention from the entire cafeteria. We started to discuss the party, the stuff to bring, I and Nat took the responsibility of getting the food, and Peter was managing the music. Amy also joined us, “I heard you…” “Yes, Amy you heard that right.” I interrupted before she could complete her sentence. Now, it was time to get to the invites. “We should totally ask Xavier.” Nat’s friend Jennifer squeaked. I visibly tensed at his name; I don’t want to feel uncomfortable at the party and I don’t know why his presence can make me feel like I am under observation like he can pierce right through my soul.
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