Chapter Ninety Nine

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All I wanted to do right now was to talk to the Crown Prince so that I can calm down. Being told that I can become the Crown Princess just violently shook me that I had to rest for another half day just so I will not perish. It felt so ambitious and unnecessary, but also romantic and fulfilling. I did not know what to think about it, and my brother advised me to not think about it that much (which is a bad idea because telling someone not to think about it only makes them think about it more.) "Where is the Crown Prince right now?" I asked Jang who was now leaving for the Palace. Her off had just finished and she will be back to work now. "That is the question, isn't it?" she replied with a controversial frown. "He left the castle after the argument with his father. No one actually knows where he went after that. I thought that you might know too." I shook my head. "There are a lot of places that he might be right now. I just wished that I knew where he is. I needed to talk to him." That might have sounded wrong to Jang because she just gave me a toothy smile and a wink. "I bet you do. You know what they say, you heal faster from wounds when you have someone beside you." I blushed profusely at that. "That is not what I meant by that," I said hotly and Jang just laughed at me. Then she finally left and promised that she will send me a letter once she discovers where the Crown Prince is. My brother went to the store to buy us some food supply too, so I was left alone for a few hours. It was scary at first. I became paranoid and was thinking dark thoughts. What if someone came here and attacked me? I could not defend myself as I was still bedridden. I wished that my brother would come back immediately because I could feel an odd sensation as I lay here on the bed. And then I fell asleep. This time, I did not dream about anything. There was no Alfiora, no Volo, no Kentan. I just had a dreamless sleep and I hated it as I wanted to know what happened to Alfiora and Volo after that. I wanted to know what made Volo create the Eternal Winter that is still punishing us right now. I wanted to understand how on earth it was possible that I am Alfiora. And if I am her, then who is Volo? And Kentan? If Alfiora has been born as a human in this time, then could it be possible that Volo is here too in human form? And God forbid, Kentan too? *** PRINCE KAO POV I was climbing the steep staircase made of logs that lead to this treehouse's door but my mind is in another place. Is she okay now? Is she awake now? I hope so, and I think I will not be able to sleep at all if I find out that she is still unconscious right now. She must live. That is the only way out of all of this mess for her. Aside from being guilty at what happened to her, I feel compelled to check on her too because I want to make sure that she is being given the care that she needs right now. But as the Crown Prince, I need to restrain myself from going there right now because I know that it would only endanger her more than she and her brother could still handle right now. I knocked three times at the wooden door as I took a deep breath. When it opened, Mitaur did not look like she was still surprised that I came, and I was thankful for that. "You came just as I guessed," she said as she let me inside her treehouse. The temperature became a lot warmer here inside her cozy home, and as I come here more often, I must admit that I am beginning to like this place more and more. "Come in, Your Highness." "Thank you, Mitaur. I hope I did not disturb you," I said and took off my coat and put it somewhere, and took a seat on her sofa. I closed my eyes and massaged my forehead. A lot has happened since that night that Rainha and I discovered Jack Bloomfire's identity. I was careless too. I should have been more observant of my surroundings. I knew that my father always got an update on what I was doing and that alone should have made me more vigilant of the people around me. Steffan turning out to be one of his men was a huge blow to me. But what happened has been done. All I could do right now is move on and plan my next move carefully. "I have heard what is happening right now, Your Highness," said Mitaur as she gave me a cup of hot winter tea. "You are so brave, Your Highness. Not everyone can stand up to their parents like that." I nodded and showed her my gratitude as I drank the tea. It tasted bland just as I expected but it warmed my whole body, nevertheless. "I had no choice. My father has been out of his mind lately." "That's what I think too, Your Highness. The people at Aurville had been diligently following the updates on your row with the King. I think that a lot of them are rooting for you and no one can blame them. We need someone like you as our leader. In my opinion, your father needs to step down already." "But he will not be going anywhere anytime soon. He thinks that I am still too young to lead the kingdom." "That's the most common disillusion that the older generations have," said Mitaur as she sips her tea too. "They think that better leadership skills exclusively go hand in hand with age. But if that is the case, then someone as old as me could save this country three times already, don't you think?" I wasn't able to suppress the smile that escaped from my face as she quips that. "Exactly. But my father knows it too. He knows that I can be a better leader than him. That's why I don't know why he is clinging to the throne so much. I don't even see him enjoying being the King." "Your father has always been the silent type. Even when he was younger, he was already like that. No one can actually read what he is about to do next as he usually goes like that. He can be the happiest man in the world and he will still act like that." 'But he has to be better in his job," I told Mitaur. "Every day, people are dying and suffering from the cold and hunger, so being quiet in these times from someone like him is tantamount to a crime. If he can only see the world outside of that castle, then he will understand what I am saying." Mitaur was nodding energetically at what I was saying. "Personally, I could not wait for the day that you ascend to the throne. But I can feel it already. I can sense that it will not take long now. The people have been stirred already. They are bound to support you after what you did." "That's why I have to say sorry to Rainha," I admitted and looked down to the floor. "I dragged her into this, and right now she might be in danger." "Don't worry about her safety while she is here in Aure. Her brother will protect her. And it's not like a lot of people here in Aurville hate her. It is actually the opposite. In fact, a lot of them have expressed their support to her to be the next Queen of Aure. So many people have joined in and they are already planning to mobilize a protest at the plaza." I was surprised by that. "Is that true? But why would they do such a thing? They could get arrested!" "Is your father stupid enough to arrest them?" she asked. "Because if he does that then that would just put him in a bad light again. And the people here are way too supportive. Just imagine if the next Queen hails from here. That alone would make anyone from Aurville excited as hell." "I see." Mitaur had a point and I was pleased to know that my plan actually worked. By telling the people our side of the story that Jack started spinning, they were given a different narrative that might get the sympathy of a lot of people. At the very least, that would make my father think twice before he orders his men to arrest Rainha or anyone in her family and friends. I know my father. He might be passive most of the time, and he might be able to endure those talks about him being a mediocre leader, but being regarded as the villain by his own people is another story. That would affect him and I was counting on the fact that forbidden love usually gets supporters. "What is your plan though?" she asked me. "I hope you have a solid plan, Your Highness. Rainha has been through a lot. I can't let her get more trauma. I don't even know how she feels right now that she already knows that her Aunt is already dead." That stirred something inside of me. Why did I not think of that? Rainha already knows that her aunt died. And in the case that she doesn't, there is her brother with her who will tell her about it when she wakes up. I bet that she will have a breakdown once everything sinks in her. She wanted to see her aunt again so badly. I am sure that it will break her heart once she realizes that the house where she will wake up will never be the same now that her aunt will not come back there anymore. I stood up abruptly and almost spilled the rest of my tea when I realized that I could not let her feel all the pain by herself right now. I needed to be with her, even though I am scared that my presence there will only make the matter worse. I might just be imagining it, but I think that some men had been tailing me ever since I left the Palace. I wish that they are not actually real because they are good at what they are doing. I didn't even know that something was weird until I reached this part of the forest here in Aurville where Mitaur lives. I thought someone was following me here, and it did not help that all I could see was the white blizzard that was now blowing outside. "Where are you going, Your Highness?" Mitaur asked as I walked towards the door. "I thought that you were going to stay here for a while?" I nodded. "I will just visit Rainha. I just wanted to make sure that she is okay." I saw Mitaur scratched her head at that. "Oh no. Young love always is admirable, but it is usually foolish too. Your father might have people spying and following you right now. Once they find the chance, they will p[ounce on you so you just better stay here, Your Highness. And the people here might see you too." "But I need to see her." "Okay, I understand that, but at least wait for the night so that no one will see you going over there." I had no choice but to agree with her suggestion because it makes sense. So I waited until it was dark enough to get to Rainha's house without getting seen. But just as I expected, I felt other people's presence as I strode into the snow here in the middle of the forest. Someone materialized a few steps away from me. It was a man. "You never learn, my old friend. I thought that you would have run away by now, but you are still here. I guess you really love that court servant," said Jack, and he was holding a long ax-like weapon and swung it towards me. Something hit me even if I was still far away from him. I coughed up blood and saw that there was a cut on my chest.

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