The Dark Mind of a Demon Spawn

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            The battle went on until the defender managed to win, forcing the hellhounds and their allies to retreat. They were surprised by the use of demon cleansing weapons by the defenders, which they did not have when they were attacked before. That, and the demons apparently fearing Ifrit, made things easier to dispatch them. They managed to defend Summinat without too much of a damage, but the damage was still done.             There were people unfortunate enough to fall victim to the demonic attack, with their body torn to pieces and mangled. It was harder for the survivors to realize that the people they knew died in such a gruesome way. The rest tried not to be caught by the wave of deaths and tried their best to recover. Yet, with everything that had happened, recovery would take a while.             The one who needed the most recovery, however, was Ifrit. He could helplessly watch as the demon inside him did what he did to the two hellhounds and the demon. It was needlessly cruel and disgusting. Ifrit never liked making people hurt, so when he was forced to kill, he usually did it swiftly. The demon enjoyed seeing his enemies squirm and despair before he tortured them with a painful death.             He never wished to see them scream like that. He never wanted it. Yet, it happened, and he had no one to blame but the demon that took over his body.             After Anubis and Anarim took Ifrit to comfort him, Rhynsa approached Sammael. The Barghest was still trying to process what happened when the Fuzandre said, “(Hey, Barghest).”             “(What?)”             “(In case you need an explanation, one of Schelkz’s leg looked like it was grafted from a goat. Then again, its size was proportional to his body, meaning that the goat must’ve been humanoid).”             “(Did you say goat leg? Then, it is as I feared).”             “(That he made a contract with a demon to revive himself? Schelkz may have been a survivor, but he’s not that desperate. Even if I don’t know him that well, I can tell you can vouch for him).”             “(But, what if he did?)”             “(Then, it’s forced by our enemies. There is no other explanation).”             Sammael refused to believe that was the case. The demon that Ifrit became clearly did not work for their enemies and he clearly helped Ifrit fought the Drurach (the armored demon) using something fiery. The goat leg confirmed that the demon possessing Ifrit was not just any demon.             It was an Infernal.             Sammael kept thinking about how a Fifth Circle demon of Wrath managed to possess Ifrit without a certain side effect. Infernals were known to be straightforward and less cunning than many other demons. They were made from the image of Belial, the prince of Violence, and with what limited knowledge the Barghest had on Belial, that prince reveled in violence. An Infernal would do more chaos to feed the violence to their prince than to bargain.             So, if a hapless person managed to summon an Infernal, they would only be possessed with no bargain. While bargaining with a demon was generally a bad idea, an Infernal was even worse. The only way a demon could be properly used was if they were subdued by a sealing rite. Sammael had a sad distinction of being the example, owing to his lesser status as a First Circle Demon.             Sammael wondered on why the Infernal possessing Ifrit would relinquish his control over to someone who did not wish for unnecessary violence like his host. That would be against what the Infernal was supposed to be. Unless he missed something.             Ifrit was still shaken from what he witnessed, even after being offered tea by Anarim in Eshdar’s home. Anubis, as he sat waiting for the tea, noticed the red aura around Sammael and asked, “(You a demon?)”             “(It’s not that obvious at first glance, but yeah),” said Sammael. “(I’m Ifrit’s friend. It’s a long story).”             “(Doesn’t look like you’re malicious. Your aura is demonic, but it felt restrained somehow. It was as if you’re sealed).”             “(Aura? What are you…?)”             Sammael turned to Anubis and noticed that the Jackal was blind. His faded golden eyes and the long stare were obvious indications. Sammael wasn’t sure about how the Jackal could sense aura given that Jackals did not have that ability.             “(Jackals don’t usually sense aura),” remarked Sammael.             “(I just can. It’s the only thing I can see in the darkness),” said Anubis.             “(Hmm…well, that is strange. But it’s very helpful in many situations. What’s your name?)”             “(Anubis Caropus).”             “(A Caropus prince? So, your family’s the guardian of the gates of hell?)” said Sammael.             “(Well…not really at the moment. Haven’t got the training, either. I’m blind since birth and I’m one of the youngest).”             “(That doesn’t mean you’re out of the game).”             “(I appreciate your encouragement, but I know myself better than anyone else).”             Anubis’s sigh was enough to tell Sammael that he was aware on how helpless he was without someone else’s help. The Barghest chose not to make things harder for the Jackal and focused on the conversation with Ifrit, who had been trying to explain to the others what he did wasn’t himself.             “(I killed hounds before, yes, but only for survival),” said Ifrit. “(And I never enjoy it. If they die, they die. I don’t need to make them suffer because of it).”             “(But you did not stop, even when that hellhound begged for it),” said Rhynsa.             “(It wasn’t me! Yes, the body’s mine, but it wasn’t me!)”             “(We never said it was you, Ifrit),” said Anarim. “(There are cases of possessed individuals who could only surrender their control to the demon possessing them. However, the main problem is the demon possessing you. That leg of yours wasn’t from any goat and there is no evidence of a graft. That is your own leg).”             “(But how? I already questioned why one of my legs is not mine, but I can’t think of anything significant).”             “(How about if we ask the demon inside you instead?)” asked Rhynsa. “(Maybe he can explain).”             That sounded like a bad idea for Ifrit to the point he quickly said, “(What?! No! I don’t want him to get out again!)”             “(We can’t get the answer unless you do it, Schelkz),” said Rhynsa. “(Do you want answer or not?)”             Ifrit was reluctant in doing this, but just as everyone in that room needed answer, he needed it to. In fact, he had the trigger, and it was fire.             Before that day, he never wondered why he was healed by fire, thinking that it was a hellhound thing to be rejuvenated by fire. He never lost control when he used a fire. Now, he started to become wary of it not because it would hurt, but because he did not want to hurt others he cared about. His mind started to turn to Lilac on how she would react when she found out that he became a demon just by the very thing that was supposed to heal him. The thought of it made him wish that he would just die.             “(Alright),” said Ifrit after a moment of silent deliberation. “(I’ll do it. But, just in case, you need to restrain me).”             “(Already ahead of you, Schelkz),” said Rhynsa as he produced a rope, which made Ifrit wonder if he already planned to do what he suggested from the start.             Ifrit tried not to struggle as Rhynsa tied him to a sturdy chair, but then found that the Fuzandre might have tied him a little to tight. Ifrit made this point to the Fuzandre, who simply shrugged and said, “(Hey, you said you don’t want your ally’s blood on your hand. You don’t bargain with your allies’ lives).”             Rhynsa had a point. As Ifrit tested the bindings, he found that he was unable to move an inch.             “(Right),” said Anarim. “(When that demon appeared, what did you do?)”             “(I tried to heal myself with fire),” said Ifrit. “(I know it’s not a hellhound thing, but that’s how it is).”             “(Are you sure you’re being healed by fire? Be certain. We can’t risk causing permanent injury).”             “(I did this all the time ever since I discovered it).”             “(It did not heal your ear, as I noticed).”             “(I wasn’t being healed by fire that time).”             “(Right).” Rhynsa then pulled out his combat knife. Ifrit noticed the blade and was a little disheartened.             “(W-wait. Maybe you should just...).”             “(Nope).”             And with that, Rhynsa stabbed Ifrit’s thigh with it. Ifrit tried his best not to scream, especially noticing that Rhynsa was careful not to stab his combat knife through Ifrit’s bone. Sammael, ever the guardian, tried to intervene, but Ifrit said, “(It’s alright! I just need fire to heal it! f**k! It’s burning me!)”             “(Yeah. Forgot to mention that it’s anti-demonic),” said Rhynsa as he pulled the knife. “(Molten cleansing silver coat).”             Without skipping a beat, the Fuzandre pulled out a pocket lighter and put the fire so it burned the wound. To everyone’s amazement, the wound started to heal, leaving almost no mark. Rhynsa turned to look at Ifrit, who only felt the warmth of the fire and not the burning sensation.             “(Anything?)”             “(Uh…I’m supposed to witness a hellish landscape right about--).”             Ifrit stopped as he started convulsing. Everyone was more fixated to his convulsion and struggle to get out of the bond. Anubis, however, ‘saw’ the red demonic aura coming out of Ifrit. It became more and more intense to the point that the blind Jackal became worried that Anubis was burning from the inside.             Then the convulsion stopped, with Ifrit slumped to the chair. Everyone was worried that something terrible happened to him when he quickly jerked his head up. His red eyes glowed an unnatural color and his slit pupil became more apparent. He looked around, apparently checking on his prey as he bared his sharp teeth.             “(He could’ve just asked),” said a dark, menacing voice. “(Then again, it comes as a shock to him).”             “(You’re the demon, huh?)” said Rhynsa as he leaned on the wall nearby. “(Well, I expected something more…).”             “(Violent? Wrathful?)” continued ‘Ifrit’. “(Well, I’m no demon, if you’re talking about it. Not in a…possession sense).”             “(It’s the only way to explain what you are),” said Anarim. “(Yet, you claim to be something else).”             “(How about if you change your perspective and consider the history of my family?)” said ‘Ifrit’. “(Unlike my other self, I know more about his family. I am aware of it ever since he was conceived in this world, and I have always been watching their secrets).”             “(What secrets do they keep again?)” said Rhynsa with a sigh. “(Seriously, it always is their fault, isn’t it?)”             “(Hynorsi and Leahn…the hellhounds he called father and mother, have a dark secret that not even Ifrit knows. I…am a spawn of an Infernal).”             “(The spawn of an Infernal?)” said Sammael in disbelief. “(But, Infernals don’t mate! They revel in chaos! And don’t say I’m wrong because I am a demon myself. We do not procreate).”             “(Yet he did),” said ‘Ifrit’. “(I am not what you say a true demon, which is why I am kept locked in Ifrit’s psyche for his own protection. I…am his demonic side. I am the chaos of his tranquility. The black to his white).”             “(A separate personality),” concluded Rhynsa. “(One borne from a demon’s seed).”             “(Whatever you want to think about, Fuzandre. Thus, our memories are the same. He knew what I knew, and right now, we both share everything, except his voice and his body is mine).”             “(Why do you show yourself now?)” asked Anarim.             “(Maybe you should ask the Fuzandre about it. He and that gal saw his death).”             “(So, Ifrit was killed on that bridge),” said Sammael. “(And his death…).”             “(Released me from his mind’s prison, and the moment my body was healed by fire…is the moment where I am free to sow chaos among my enemies).”             “(Your enemies?)” said Rhynsa.             “(Ifrit’s enemies are mine. His darkest desire was to see those who hurt his Lilac die and suffer. Well, he has his limits, but then…he forgot where he dumped all that darkness. And, oh boy, did it feel great to finally be able to stretch and smell the air. Their blood tasted like wine, and their screams were music to my ears. To see them in disarray and scattered, then to do it again…oh, how marvelous).”             “(Damn. I guess a Schelkz can be a psycho, after all),” quipped Rhynsa. “(Well, there’s ruthless, there’s kind, and there’s the crazy one).”             ‘Ifrit’ chuckled. “(Well, thanks).”             “(It wasn’t funny),” said Rhynsa as his expression turned serious. “(While what you did gave us a chance to regroup, it doesn’t mean you have the rights to use his body to do it).”             “(Why not? It’s mine, after all).”             Sammael had enough. He never felt so much anger hearing how this second personality turned Ifrit into an unrepentant killing machine. He was going to pounce ‘Ifrit’ and make the demon stop talking, but Anubis, sensing the aggression, stopped Sammael by grabbing him.             “(Wait! That’s still his body!)” said Anubis.             “(Yeah. What are you going to do? Scratch me in the face? He is still listening, you know. He’ll…oh, I guess my time’s up. Turned out main personality’s the stronger of us two).”             There was another convulsion, then the head slumping. But, instead of jerking up, he kept slumped. Rhynsa noticed tears coming down from his eyes.             “(No…I didn’t do it),” pleaded Ifrit. “(I didn’t know! I didn’t…oh, no. What have I done?)”             “(Ifrit…whatever the case, you did not do it),” comforted Anarim. “(It was…simply a moment of lapse).”             “(But he is my darkest desire! Everything I did was all because I wanted it so! Deep down, all I wanted was to go back and kill the hellhounds who wronged me! They killed my foster parents! They destroyed Lilac’s life! They…they…).”             Everyone could only see as Ifrit cried, realizing that it was all because of him. His darkest desires fueled the demon inside him, and his quest for vengeance was bloody and beyond his control.             And to make it all worse, he heard a voice. He wanted to think that he was imagining it, but it was the deep voice that talked just now. He taunted him.             “(Just accept it, Ifrit Schelkz),” said the voice. “(You’re the same as them).”   ***               The revelation that Ifrit was half-Infernal shook the group in a way that they never felt before. While they did not harbor an ill will towards him, Ifrit became depressed once he knew he could possibly lose himself in any time. For Ifrit, his true enemy was himself, and he never felt so helpless before.             The others did not mind the other personality that much since he did not seem to be a danger to Ifrit’s allies. His confession also gave them a clue that Ifrit was the same demon that caused the chaos in the incursion, indirectly delaying the advance from Tragoria so the opposition could regroup. They would thank him if only it wasn’t such a twisted way to do it. In any case, the revelation of his heritage and his dark personality made it harder for them to understand him after his resurrection.             This Ifrit, while retaining the memories of the Ifrit before his unfortunate demise, was a different Ifrit.             They did not know how to break this news to Albert, Eshdar, and Lilac, his three closest surface world friends and lover. If they heard that Ifrit, in return for his second chance of life, awakened a dark personality, they would be devastated. But Sammael tried not to think of it that way. Of the others in that room, only he had a considerable time travelling with the three, and he knew what they would do.             “(They’d try and believe that Ifrit is harmless to them. To all of us),” said Sammael. “(But…I cannot be sure about the shock of knowing that he returned to life).”             “(You know what?)” said Rhynsa after sighing. “(Let’s not make things complicated and just assume that Schelkz and whatever demonic personality inside of him can control themselves).”             “(No, it’s best if I…stay out of everyone’s way),” said Ifrit, feeling depressed. “(He may claim so, but what if…).”             “(Hey. If your own darkness is causing you problems, maybe you ought to start distracting yourself from it),” said Rhynsa. “(Try to find something you think is meaningful and don’t stop. I know I did).”             “(But you still don’t like me).”             “(It doesn’t count, alright?)”             Everyone tried their best to give the depressed hellhound words of encouragement, but Ifrit felt differently, especially now that he heard voices in his head taunting him. He tried to believe that it was his own dark desires getting out of control, but what if it was his own heart speaking? What if he was actually the sadistic, despicable, and demonic creature, and only used the excuse of a different personality to explain it? Maybe it was his own desire for revenge.             If that was the case, he was so sure that meeting Lilac would feel different. If Sammael, a loyal demon, could move on and assume he was resurrected by the demons as their servant, what would Lilac, a mortal, do? Three years were such a long time.             But Lilac was no longer his immediate concern. Right now, he had a demon he needed to control: himself. And to start with that, he chose precaution. Knowing that the trigger for the other personality was attempting to heal with fire, Ifrit decided that he would heal without using fire, at least until he knew that he would not be taken over.             Yet, even with all that precaution, only interacting with his acquaintances could help him relax, knowing that everyone were trying to help him and not distancing him. In the days after the revelation that he was a half-Infernal with a second personality, while the others were busy rebuilding Summinat, Anubis and Sammael were the ones who primarily took care of Ifrit after the shocking revelation, followed by Rhynsa, who came from time to time.             Anubis did not mind Ifrit for having dark thoughts. He could relate after five years of abuse. In fact, he did act on his vengeance when he ripped his latest tormenter’s heart out, and he never regretted that moment. So, he related about it, and to his relief, Ifrit felt that it helped him understand his current peril.             “(But, I still can’t understand why I developed a second personality),” said Ifrit. “(It’s like I snapped one day and…it was just there. It claimed to always be with me since birth, but…I can’t understand how).”             “(Whatever the case, if you know he can’t hurt anyone else, then you won’t),” said Anubis.             “(To be honest, suddenly knowing that there is an Infernal blood in you is…overwhelming. I can’t even imagine that all this time, I’m a hellspawn with split personality issues).”             “(Well, for a supposed hellspawn, both of your voices are alluring),” said Anubis with a smile. “(I must admit…that deep, menacing voice…suits you).”             “(Hey! Don’t encourage him!)”             “(Come on, now, Ifrit. I bet he’s blushing, too),” teased Anubis.             Ifrit knew Anubis did not hide the fact that he was flirting with him. The Jackal had recovered from his traumatic experience ever since they escaped from the prison with Rhynsa. In just four days, the previously malnourished and traumatic Jackal had regained weight and even composure. He was still physically slim, but not unhealthy slim. He even found a great appreciation for tea due to Anarim.             Seeing how Anubis managed to recover in such a short time made Ifrit even more determined to conquer the darkness within him. He was trying not to hear his inner voice taunting him that it was useless, that being half-demon, it was part of his legacy to seed chaos. But, at his present, shaken state, it would take a while for him to actually start understanding himself.             And as he worked on this, the rest of the continent were gearing up for a possible return of the offense from the enemy. The hellish incursion was not over yet.
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