Chapter 2 The Princess Y——’s Hint

2561 Words

Chapter 2 The Princess Y——’s HintI never use the same stratagem more than once. It is to this rule that I attribute my success. On previous missions to Russia I assumed the disguises of a French banker, of the private secretary to Prince Napoleon, of an emissary from an Indian Maharaja, and of an Abyssinian Maduga. I now decided to go thither as an Englishman, or rather—for there is a distinction between the two—as a Little Englander. It appeared to me that no character could be more calculated to gain me the confidence of the Anglophobes of the Russian Court. I anticipated that they would smother me with attentions, and that from their hypocritical professions I should stand a good chance of learning what was actually in their minds. No sooner had I taken this decision, whic

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