1236 Words
"Ken wake up! It's 3:30, take a bath if you take a bath, maybe Rita will be ahead of us at the opening, what a pity for the coffee makers! "My sister's voices woke me up from my deep sleep, hayss. Ate Rita, on the other hand, tends to snatch customers and why is it that mama spends so much time with daddy. Three days since after mama's birthday when she left until now she still taking care of daddy, was my father's fever really that bad? As usual, I immediately took a shower and put on black striped pajamas and a shirt tucked in. I took some cotton and put micell air on it and rubbed it on my face. After what I was doing, my sister and I left for the market but this time, I didn't bring our postpaid wifi because I loaded my phone yesterday. After we opened the stall, I saw a familiar man talking to alen maritez, aleng maritez was the old man with a stall at the other end inside the market where I collided with someone the other day. As I stared at the familiar guy, he was the one I bumped! Oh my god, why am I so unlucky? I saw aleng maritez going to me... I mean in our place so I went back to my seat and it's a good thing that she didn't catch me looking at them. "Ken, two great taste white, no sugar then just send it to my place, thank you!" aleng maritez said. "All righty!" I answered. On the other hand, my older sister is busy watching t****k videos on her cellphone. I immediately brewed two great taste white coffee but I'm nervous. I delivered the coffee mixed by aleng maritez but she wasn't there, only the man that I bumped. I just handed it to him. "This is your coffee," I said, he immediately took the two coffees and then ... "Oh its you again?" he asked. "Y-yeah,"I nervously replied. "Why are you so nervous? I won't do anything to you," he asked again and smirked. "Sorry, I'm just hm...shy?" I responded. What kind of answer is that ken?! You're so dumb! He laugh silently then asked me again:"How about your shoulder? Is it still hurts?" "A little ... but don't worry, I'm totally fine," I answered then smile. "Okay" he said and smiled too then aleng maritez came back and look at us. "Hey Ken, where are the coffees?" She asked. I'm about to answer but the guy that I bumped spoke up. "Here nanny!" He shouted and he looked at me. I raised my eyebrows, waiting for him to say something. He just stared at me for a while then he finally released his eyes on me. I said to aleng maritez that I'm about to leave and she just nodded. "Nice to meet you, Ken." The guy said and smiled at me. "Nice to meet you too, hm..." I responded but I don't know what name to say since he didn't say his name. "Ace." He said while smirking and blink his right eye. "Okay, nice to meet you too, Ace." I said again and wave my hand and leave. Oh gosh! What's wrong with that guy? I went back to my seat and my older sister look at me and she suddenly said: "Why are you blushing?" I look surprise on what she asked. I put my hands on my cheeks. Blushing?! "I don't know." I responded coldly then went to my seat. What's going on?! *** It's already 12:30 pm so my sister told me to call angel to change us so we can eat and I obeyed immediately. When I got home, I immediately told angel to go to the store so that my sister could eat as well so she left immediately. I immediately cooked the pork liver and then I put it in the bowl and then I went up to the second floor to feed bruno, my pet dog who is too big, brave and still stubborn, because he doesn't go down to the first floor anymore so I'm used to second floor to feed him. After I fed him, I ate well too and while eating I watched t****k videos on my cellphone. I was on the second floor and right after I ate, I heard a knock on the door that I feel was my sister. I went down immediately and then I immediately opened the door and I didn't make a mistake, it was my sister but mama was with her too! I was mentally shocked but it disappeared immediately. I just had no reaction when I saw mom. He brought shampoo, soap, toothpaste and a bowl full of dried fish. I already know where those came from, daddy. It was my daddy's relief goods but in the prison, they called in rancho since they are prisoners and they are still accompanied by government. They just came in and then I put the plate I used in the sink and then I washed it as well. I ignored mama because I knew what she would say and it was all about daddy that I don't want to hear so I just went up to the second floor again and read the stories on w*****d. Mama and my older sister,Cathy, are already eating at the chin. I also lay in my bed for about an hour while reading a story entitled Hell Universty by KIB from w*****d on my cellphone. Suddenly my sister came into my room. "Mom and I are going to the divisoria tomorrow, I'll take you with me," she said. "Okay," I replied and then I just continued reading. *** *Dog barking* I suddenly woke up because of bruno's barked. I saw him biting and pulling my blanket. It's already 6:54 am so I already know what this dog wants. I immediately took his leash and put it on his collar and then I also wore a face mask. After I wandered around bruno outside, I fed him immediately and then I ate as well. After I ate, I took a bath because I remembered that we were going to the divisoria today. After I took a bath, I took a bath towel first and then I went straight to my bedroom to get dressed. As usual, when I came to my room, I immediately took some cotton and applied micell air and wiped it on my face. I don't really know what this micell air causes on my face but I'm used to putting it on every after I take a bath. I also wore black and yellow stripes pants and a black shirt. Right after I got dressed, my sister and mother arrived. They got dressed right away because they were also in a hurry. Hopefully no traffic later. I've been wearing shoes since I only went out once. When I put on my shoes, I first facebooked while waiting for my sisters to call me to leave. I opened my f******k and I was shocked co'z someone added me even though my account is private. "Ace Pierce Gonzales sent you a friend request," I c****d a brow on what I saw. Ace Pierce Gonzales? I lay down on my bed. Looking at the ceiling. Ace...Ace... Oh my god, don't say it's him?!
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