Chapter 1

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1 “Prepare the cleanup,” Razor’s deep voice ordered as he watched the fires burning in the remains of the city far below. “I want reconstruction of the city to begin within the month.” “Yes, sir,” the male standing behind him replied. “Was this really necessary?” the human male standing next to him asked in a shaken voice. The huge Trivator warrior, known only by the name of Razor, stood in rigid silence on the bridge of the observation warship. The advanced command ship was overseeing the demolition of the city below. The human city that was once called Mexico City was now a pile of burning rubble. All life, all buildings, everything had been wiped clean. Razor had earned his name. He cut through the resistance like a fine scalpel slicing through a life-giving artery. He was brought in when all others failed. He was one of three High Chancellors for the Alliance and was in charge of the vast military structure. He was also one of the most controversial members among the council. It was his job to oversee the vast number of Trivator troops that made up the security forces of the Alliance. Their job was to initiate first contact, subdue any fear, and establish a safe environment for additional members of the Alliance to begin the process of bringing the new world under their protection. He was used to the fear when they first made contact with a new species. Most beings soon realized that the Alliance was there not to harm or control, but to help bring them into the larger and often more advanced star systems surrounding them. For young, unprepared planets such as this, it could be frightening and some resistance was to be expected. Still, the humans had been surprisingly stubborn to the point they would rather destroy their world than accept the visitors they had unwittingly invited through the messages they sent out. Razor’s eyes narrowed on the ruins below him. This was a perfect example of the waste of resources and life. He had no regrets for his actions. The humans below had been warned that the Alliance had reached the end of its patience with those that continued to rebel against them. The Alliance had finally decided it was no longer willing to waste time and resources to bring the last of the major cities on the planet under control. The rebels were warned to cease fighting and work with the new world government that was established or be erased. Those controlling the city below had refused the twelve hour grace period. Exactly one minute after the deadline, demolition ships began flattening the city. Razor stared calmly down at the destruction. Since his arrival on the planet six months before, he had already resolved the issues with the rebels on the other side of the world that continued to resist integration into the Alliance. The small rebel groups in Cairo, Paris, and Riyadh had agreed to lay down their arms and the cities were currently being rebuilt. Of course, those agreements had come after he had ordered the Ukraine’s city of Kyiv leveled after rebels there opened fire. He had warned them what would happen. Those that refused to leave at first had fled in desperation as the huge destroyers began demolition of the city. Those that continued to resist died. “Yes,” he replied coolly to the human representative that had been assigned to the region. “You should have…” the man began. “Resistance will no longer be tolerated. It is time to accept that your world is no longer alone in the universe. The Alliance’s decision is final. It is time to rebuild your world and move forward.” Juan Rodriguez, the new Mexican representative to the Alliance, swallowed as the large alien next to him turned and walked away. His eyes moved to the city where he had been born. It had taken less than an hour for the city to be leveled. The power and precision behind the destruction left him shaken. His eyes moved to the dozens of large Destroyers that scanned for remains. A shiver of fear ran through him. It was hard to believe it was only six short years since the alien warships appeared in the skies around the planet. Since then, he had moved from being a simple, newly graduated University of Mexico student in Political Science to being the representative for his people. His eyes clouded as he remembered his passionate plea for peace. He had been shocked when the Alliance heard of him and approached him about being a representative for his people in the New World Government. They said they were impressed with his determination to calm those that continued to fight, his courage to face his opposition head on, and his willingness to face the council. “What have we done?” he wondered under his breath as he gazed down at the devastation and thought of the men and women who refused to leave. “They should have listened to me when I warned them.” Silence was his only answer. Around him, members of the Trivator troops worked seamlessly to guide the command ship over the remains. He glanced at the massive males that towered over his own five foot nine frame. Their bodies were built for killing. He knew from experience that they were fast, agile, and deadly. His eyes swept over the leader of the Trivators. Razor… no surname… just Razor. He was actually slightly shorter by comparison, if you could call being close to seven feet tall short. There was something about him that made him seem more threatening than any of the others. There was a coldness, a stillness that spoke of barely controlled violence. Juan turned back to stare down at the fires and sighed. If this is what the man was like when he was calm, he hated to think of what he could do if he ever lost control. He wouldn’t be surprised if the world did come to an end then, this time from the aliens instead of mankind. God in heaven, he thought as he remembered the cold yellow-gold eyes, I feel sorry for anyone who makes him mad.
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