Chapter 4: Beaten and Chained

947 Words
My aching body now sat chained to a chair. After my incident of getting caught while running away, the three men beat me and locked me in this room to rot. I could still feel Derek's punch across my jaw and Nate's kick to my stomach. Dozens of brown hairs had been torn from my now bleeding scalp that was Bob's fault. These torturers did this and more to me. They said it was to make me obedient. It was to break me. They had almost succeeded. When they had finally chained me up and left with a click of the lock, I felt beyond broken. I didn't dare fight against them or scream for fear of a worse punishment. I felt like a piece of meat in their hands and nothing more. A play toy that they could do whatever they wished to. Derek's final words to me still echoed through my mind. You're nothing more than a worthless slave now. You'd better get used to it. That's what set me off.  I had concealed my anger but the more hours I spent alone in this room the more it kept bubbling up inside of me. I knew who I was. I wasn't Mrs. Popular, the jock, emo, or even the nerd. I fit in nowhere and I was actually happy with that. I didn't particularly like people anyways. I am myself and nothing more or less. I was no one's slave, pet, toy, or doll. I refused to be. I would never call myself a slave or be called one. Even if it meant being tortured until my dying breath. I realized something over the past few hours while I've been in this forsaken room alone. While I may have nobody, no friends or family left, I have myself. They could never take that away from me.  I was just musing over these thoughts when Derek came in with a smile on his face.  "Good morning, sunshine! I hope you slept well. I know I did!" He was certainly overjoyed today. "Well today dollface is the day you finally get out of my hair. I'm going to explain something to you and you had better listen because I'm not gonna say it twice." With each word Derek spoke his tone got more menacing. "You are about to be walked out on a stage and sold to someone. You will be their slave. They will be your master. Now if you make one wrong move out there you will sorely regret it for the rest of your life. Am I clear?" He practically spat the words in my face. "I am no one's slave." I glared as hard as I could into those coal black eyes. Apparently I had been amusing because he responded with a laugh. "Oh Samantha, doll. Maybe not yet but in just a few minutes you will be!"  "I am not your doll!" I spat into his ugly face. He simply sighed and wiped it off.  "Nate! Dex!" Derek yelled from my prison out into the hallway. Soon enough Nate and the man I named Bob came into the room, each of them holding an article of clothing. Without another word Derek left and the other two advanced towards me. I shrunk back into my chair for fear of being punished for what I said earlier.  Bob, aka Dex, now spoke to me. His voice was surprisingly soft for his overpowering frame, but just as harsh as the other two’s. "You need to change into these. We will unchain you but the door will be locked so don't try anything stupid." With those words Nate pulled out a key and began to unlock the many chains that surrounded my arms and legs tying me to the chair. When he was done I stayed sitting. Dex handed me a crumpled up piece of clothing and a brush. "Be ready in 5 minutes." With that they left. When they were gone I held up the clothing in front of me. It was a dress, short, black, and plain. Nothing too bad, thank goodness. I quickly shed my old clothing with my sister's blood stains and slipped on my new dress. I didn't want to wear it but I also didn't like sitting in Haley's blood. I took the brush they had given me and detangle my hair making sure to get the remaining remnants of blood out.  After about 5 minutes had passed Derek came back in to find me huddled against a wall.  I kept my head down and refused to look him in the eye. "Oh Samantha, doll. Why such a long face? You're radiant in that dress." He cooed mockingly.  I just continued to look down. Then a thought struck me. "What did you do with Haley's body?" Derek seemed surprised by the question, but quickly wiped the expression off his face. With no emotion he told me, "I don't think you really want to know. And before you protest, I'm not going to tell you. Maybe yesterday I would've, but today you have an audience waiting and I don't want your eyes red with tears." He said this matter of factly like I should have figured it out by myself. I had no response for him. Hatred still filled my body and I didn't exactly feel like getting beaten for it.  "Well it's time to go. I'm not sorry about this." Derek looked at me with malice in his eyes. I shot my head up just in time for it to be knocked to the side. I tried to stay awake but blackness overcame me and I was out. 
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