Chapter 3

1084 Words
One week later Tara was discharged and Dallas carried her out to his truck. He looked like he was carrying a prize as he sat her beside me. She leaned on me sighing a tired sigh. "I'm sorry Kansas I'm so tired",she mumbled closing her eyes. Dallas hopped in and she switched to lay on him. It was cute seeing this tiny beauty leaning on such a big guy. She yawned and closed her eyes. "she asleep?",Dallas asked looking at her or trying to. "yeah she keeps saying she is tired",I mumbled covering her with a blanket I brought along. She sighed and clutched at his shirt. "bro we got the shipment in and s**t is still messed up. Dakota thinks we have a member ripping us off. I put in cameras secretly to see what we catch",I said as he drove us home. Once there he pushed her my way before getting out. I carefully opened my door and pulled her out and into my arms. Dallas took her and carried her in and straight to her room. "just sleep baby you will be safe just sleep",Dallas mumbled after laying her in bed. Coming out her room I quietly closed her door and ran into my brothers. "how is she?",Dakota asked looking at me. I sighed and sat at the table. "good just exhausted and sleeping in her room",I offered back. "I'm glad she is home cause being in the hospital was dangerous for us. The Orions know we got her and the leader Rich wants to trade for her",Kansas said. I growled and shot up anger filling me. "no one is touching her she is mine damn it",I said through gritted teeth. Both my brothers chuckled as I sat down running my hands through my hair."so you are in love with her. Is that why you bought her?",Dakota asked earning a growl from me. "yes okay I couldn't stand the thought of someone taking her so I wiped that fuckers debt and in exchange took her. Look what he did to her Kansas imagine what those fuckers would do if they got her",I growled before going quiet. Hours later Tara woke up to Dallas sitting in her room staring at her. He had that angry glare that made her nervous and scared. "good your awake", he said watching me sit up. "I'm sorry I slept so long I'm just so tired", I said looking away from him. He stood and came over to me making me flinch. "here take these",he said handing me pills. "thanks Dallas",I said taking my pain pills. Getting up I stumbled and he caught me with a growl."be f*****g careful Tara you could injure yourself further. I need you to heal so you can start your jobs here",he said harshly making me flinch. "I'm sorry",I said looking down. Cupping my face he made me look up at him and before I could object his lips were on mine and I felt butterflies explode in my belly. Before he could deepen the kiss a loud voice outside my door broke us apart. "baby are you in there?",a girl called out before knocking on my door. Sighing Dallas stepped back and looked down at me. His angry glare was back and all I could do was head to my bathroom. "that never happened",he said grabbing me and waiting till I nodded in agreement. As he opened the door I got a good view of his girlfriend and slut is the only thing I can say for her. She glared at me before mumbling how ugly I was to Dallas and the sad thing is he didn't object or take up for me. They walked away and I could hear her saying how I was ugly, fat and deserved to be thrown out. I showered and cried the whole time but as soon as I finished and got out I stopped my pity party. I dressed in my shorts and tank top before walking out to bed. I felt sad knowing he was with her but I let it go and finished my homework. I also sent a message about graduating early to my principal. I headed out to find food and clean up cause when bored I cleaned or baked. "Tara what are you doing?",Kansas said making me jump and fall from the stool I was standing on. He caught me and chuckled. "falling for me already sweetheart",he murmured softly and gently put me on my feet. "sorry Kansas I was looking for snacks while cleaning. I didn't mean to",I ranted and he chuckled at me. He stopped laughing and looked at my face anger clear on his. "were you crying?",he growled out. "no I got shampoo in my eyes", I lied. He didn't look convinced as he stared at me. "you met his b***h Amber she is rude and hateful don't let it bother you sweetheart she knows your way more beautiful then her",he said stroking my cheek. "I doubt that",I said softly. Kansas got a evil smirk before pulling me close to him."how about we make my brother jealous cause I hear them coming. Play along Tara I promise you won't be hurt",he whispered as Dallas and Amber came into view. "you need to be careful, Kansas said steadying me,you could of really hurt yourself Tara. Don't climb till your healed",Kansas ordered holding my waist. I blushed as he kissed my forehead before hugging me. Amber snorted as she saw him touching me." should of let fatty fall",she said earning a glare from Kansas. "shut up slut at least she is a lady unlike you who opens her legs for every d**k",Kansas snarled. I flinched and he pulled me closer to him. I turned and Dallas looked pissed and barely in control. "back off",he growled at Kansas. "no at least I care enough to defend her. You let slut here talk to Tara like trash. Wake up Dallas she won't wait forever",Kansas said smugly. "I'm not hungry anymore Kansas I'm going back to bed. Thanks for catching me when I fell",I said hurrying to my room and laying on the bed. I heard arguing before a squeal and a door slam. My door opened and whoever walked in shut it behind them. I stayed still and felt a nice warm body lay against mine. Large arms wrapped around me and warm breath hit my neck before lips kissed it. "I'm sorry sweetheart",Dallas mumbled hugging me tight to him.
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