01. At One Glance

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ONE YEAR LATER. Many believe that life will always have its biggest turning point. That moment when one thing we saw ourselves in the lowest state of life and the next thing we knew, we are already in the highest where all the burdens are out of our chest. And when that time comes, only one thing matters already and that is aiming for our real happiness. The world of elites has always been nothing but a pure burden for many and pure relieving for others. There are advantages that many like because it allows them to do things freely without needing to think a single thought whether it will leave them penniless, but also disadvantages that many are already aware of because they are forced to put themselves into situations against their will. To simply put it, not everyone likes being in such a world. …and that includes me. Adrianna Rae Garcia. Since I was born, I was indeed given all the privileges just like what those in my level of status receive. I have studied in a private school since I was a kindergarten and studied in one of the ivy league schools for college while taking a fixed course, Business Management. I have lived in a comfortable home with several rooms that I do not even have any clue who will occupy those empty rooms. I have eaten at Michelin Stars restaurants a couple of times and have traveled across the world for I don’t know how many already since I was young. All that privilege was perfect, until the reality of the world I live in comes in. “Don’t worry! I already had that all in my mind. I will be careful.” I said over the phone as I turned the steering wheel to the right. The arch with the lettering of Heritage Memorial Cemetery greets me as I take a deep breath, putting on a smile, as in a few minutes, I will be seeing the person I have badly wanted to meet since last month. As I drive my way inside to find his mausoleum, the whole place just seems so familiar to me by now. Since he left this world, I never miss a month visiting his grave because visiting him felt like comforting myself. Whenever I am near him, it feels like all of my problems just seem so small as I talk about everything in my life as if he was there to actually give me the response that I need. But maybe, it is also just my way to accept that he… he is really gone. A year after my brother’s unexpected death, my life almost took a big u-turn. For some people, the first few months after losing someone is the grieving period that they badly need, but for me, the first few months after my brother left the world is nothing but pure chaos. The pressure that was once put on him was transferred to me. The anger and the pain he had back then, that is what I all felt after he left me. But on top of that, the responsibilities and burden that he decided to leave behind because of how heavy it is… I had to bear it all myself. In a span of one year, I had to be the newest heir of Garcia Group even if it is against my will. For some, having that kind of title is probably the happiest and the proudest thing they can ever be. It will be some kind of a pride and power that they will forever fight for. However, not for me. Since then, my brother and I were already meant to be the future of the Garcia’s, the face of the Garcia’s. The burden of Garcia Group has already passed to us since then, and everything that could turn us into that perfect being who deserves such a position, our parents will force it as long as it will be beneficial in the future. For them, we are like puppets whose futures were already set, and that is to be part of our family business and to continue the long-term legacy our family has had. However, that was only when we were kids. Compared to my brother who has all of his achievements lined up, making him the perfect son and man he really became with an assurance of being the future of Garcia Group, I was different. Surely, we are both attractive in many ways after inheriting our parents’ exquisite features and intelligent in our own way, our paths are just meant to be different. He was meant to inherit our family business as he should be while I was meant to go my own way in the modeling industry. But no matter how different the paths we choose for ourselves, we remained one and became each other’s helping hand, which is why his death… it was the biggest slap for me that the future I want for myself can be impossible now. “They surely maintained the place.” I commented as I looked around the exterior of the mausoleum. It is a two-storey mausoleum in shade of white with a cross sign in the middle top of it. Under the cross has the letterings of our surname, Garcia, to help identify the owner of the place right away. Looking at it from the outside, it does look like a regular home that a living person can live in whenever they want. I think the only difference it has from an actual home is that the interior of the mausoleum does not consist of the typical furniture, but a vault which is occupied by my brother’s coffin. As I enter inside, I place my bag on the table as well as the snacks I bought for myself since I plan to stay for more than an hour or so. I took the flowers with me as I approached his vault, placing it on top. My eyes went to the tombstone as that familiar name written in it still doesn’t feel so real. In Loving Memory Of Tobias Gregory Garcia July 3, 1996 - June 30, 2022 That name still remains both as a nightmare and a precious memory that will be comforting. Reading the length of time he spent in this world, it still remains hard to accept that he only had 26 years here with not even a family to at least continue the legacy he had under his name. Come to think of it, that 26 years is probably the best he could ever put up this shitty life we have since we were kids. If it weren’t for me persistently asking him not to leave my side, he probably wouldn’t last that long. “How are you, brother? I guess you are resting really well there, huh? You don’t even mind giving your younger sister a little visit even in my dreams. How cruel of you.” I speak up as if he can actually hear me well with a small smile plastered on my lips. As a public figure who walks on the runway, in front of the public eye, the stage should be the most comforting place I can be. It allows me to show who I really am and what I can be. But, who would have thought that the place that is much fitted to be comforting for me is part of a cemetery? “You are probably busy spending time and enjoying that peace up there while I am gone, aren’t you?” I let out a sigh and proceeded to simply sit on the ground, just inches away from his tombstone. “Well, while you are enjoying your time there, I have to become a busy buddy here. Things are hella hectic these days.” “Did I mention to you already that I was given the chance to be the main star for the brand that I have been wanting to model for? I just walked on the runway for them last week in Milan during the fashion week, and it was the most fulfilling feeling I ever had since I wanted to become a model.” A big grin formed my lips as the memory of that walk lingers in my mind still. I could still remember all the attention I had and that overwhelming feeling I had while standing on that stage with the person I idolized the most way back in my college days. I didn't even know it was possible until I was already there next to her. My gaze went back to my brother’s photo in the tombstone. “You weren’t really lying when you said that my dreams will indeed come true one day.” I said. If I remember it well enough, while our parents are the only ones against the idea of me being on the runway instead of handling one of the subsidiaries of our company, my brother was the only supportive person I have. My ambition of only wanting to do some random modeling jobs for local brands turned into a pure desire and a dream because of him. He was the reason why I found the place that I wanted to belong to, the only reason why I found out what I truly want in life. Thinking about it, everything I have accomplished so far in the industry I am in would not be possible without my brother’s support. He was the one who encouraged me to walk a different path than his. I had the courage to fight for what I want because he had my back, willing to take all the burden with him just so I could have what I truly want. He sacrificed a lot for me when he was still alive just so he could fulfill his promise. The promise that my life will only be decided by me, and me alone… but that is only up until he was alive. I gulp as I lower my head. “I was away for almost the whole month, but the first thing that I have heard from Dad is… I should leave my job already and take over the CEO role you left behind.”I whispered enough for him to hear, if he is even listening from up there. “It was fascinating actually! It has been a year, but Dad’s only words towards me is when I will quit my job even though I already gave him my answer a couple of times.” A heavy sigh escapes my lips as I look up to look at him. “He really is such a cruel man like you said.” “I can still remember it well, during your funeral. Instead of grieving and showing their sorrows because you are gone, they choose to do business in the funeral home. It was f****d up and embarrassing, and I really hated it, but I had no choice. I didn’t want to ruin your burial more.” I said in anger in my tone. I was well aware of what our parents saw us as—a puppet to control. What I was not aware of is how bad they really are until our death came. It was frustrating for me to watch my parents approaching those who visit my brother’s burial to offer their condolences to talk with them about business. They have turned a f*****g funeral home into damn conference room to secure such partnership or even investors. Seeing them cry on the last day of the burial was irritating for me. That is because I know a thing or two, and that includes knowing when my parents are faking their expressions and acting just to get the sympathy of others. I didn’t even have the time to grieve properly because right after my brother’s coffin was put inside the vault, they immediately reminded me of my new found responsibilities! If only I could really change my parents, I would, but destiny is just so hard for me. “But nonetheless! I am still keeping my promise to you in mind.” I smiled bitterly. “I promised that I will live well and won’t hold any grudges to our parents as much as I can no matter what happens, and that is what I am trying to do… because you are that important to me, brother.” As I remained seated on the floor, facing my brother’s tombstone, it felt like I was indeed away from all the troubles for a moment. Those untold stories of mine during the past month and the unforgettable memories I had while I was away, I let it all out as if he will give me a proper response later on. May it be a year ago or now, may he respond to my stories or not, talking to him about my problems will still and forever help me calm down. I stayed longer than I expected because the stories just kept piling up that I had no choice but to say it all. That is because if I leave the mausoleum without saying everything, it will feel like there is a hole in my heart that I was not able to fill during my time here. Besides, I can only visit once a month because of my busy schedule. An hour will never do justice. “What is it, Martha?” I answered the call as soon as I hopped in my car, ready to leave. “I hope you are on your way back already because we still have a party to attend. Your stylist and makeup artist are already here, waiting for you.” She remarks with a stricter tone, making me giggle. “Then, thank God you only called now because I am just about to leave the place.” I tease with a small laugh. “I will be there in 20. Can you do me a favor and ensure that my father wouldn’t dare to disturb my night? I don’t want his secretary calling once again.” “You don’t need to worry about that. I already informed you that your father’s secretary is well aware of the party tonight. Besides, he and your mother are in Dubai for business. Just get here as soon as you can so we won't be late, okay?” She lastly said. After the call ended, I immediately left the area and used a shortcut that can bring me back to my residence as soon as I can because tonight’s party is an important one. My management, Metro Crown Management, who handles all of my activities and schedules, will be hosting the annual Metro Crown ball. It is a ball which will be attended by all the artists under the management as well as the important investors, business investors, sponsors, brand owners, and the owner of the management—whom we have not met still. Technically, it can be considered as a form of making connections in the industry which is why it is an important party. It took me almost half an hour compared to the expected time I set because of the traffic until I managed to arrive at my residence, the Miller Residence. It is an exclusive apartment building with high security because most people who reside in it are public figures who require their own privacy. It has also been my home since I decided to leave my parents’ mansion and live on my own to pursue the career I really wanted for myself. I parked my car in the parking lot then used the elevator to reach the 40th floor where my place is. There are only two of us living on one floor so it was so peaceful the moment I arrived up there. As soon as I entered my place, several clothing racks greeted me by the living room with a few people sitting there, waiting for me. Martha really prepared well for tonight’s party. “Here I thought it's only you, me, my stylist, and my makeup artists.” I commented to get their attention. Martha did not bother wasting any more time and just simply pushed me to the direction where my room is. “You have a massive place, and you also need more people to make sure that you are going to be the main star tonight, so inviting more people to ensure that wouldn’t be such a problem.” She exclaimed while pushing me until we reached inside my room. “Isn’t my presence alone enough to make me the main star of the night?” I joked with a playful smirk, making her roll her eyes. “We can say it is, as always, but please, Anna. Ms. Annalee says that one of the biggest investors of the agency will be present tonight. That is why, we need to get you in your most captivating self.” She took my things with her, placing it to my bed, before pushing me again towards the bathroom this time. “Now, go get some bath! We will wait for you in the walk-in closet.” Like I was told, I took a short bath and got myself ready for the party. Lottie and Reece, my makeup artist and hairstylist, immediately get to work as soon as I sit on the chair while I just scroll on my phone as usual. They know what fit me best and what needs to be emphasized so they have my full trust by now. It took them at least an hour to complete my look before I changed into my silver satin dress with its strap tied in an x form at the back, exposing my upper back, showing off my curves well. My makeup remains simple yet eye-catching with my hair styled in a bun. I wore silver stilettos to complete the look and pair it with a small purse. “As always! A simple plain satin dress can still make you a Goddess!” Reece exclaimed as he wiped his fake tears, making me laugh softly. We left my place a few minutes after I was done and luckily made it to the venue before it even started. My team knows how to make sure that I arrive on time and even better before it, so I don’t have any worries at all. The moment the doors opened for me, all eyes turned to my direction. With me being the set main attraction for tonight, as said by Ms. Annalee, I have to bear with all those gazes for the rest of the night. Besides, it wouldn’t be such a problem. “Adrianna!” Two feminine voices call for my name as my head turns to my right where my friends are coming from. I immediately put a huge smile on my face as I approached them. We exchanged kisses on the cheeks before having to look at each other’s dresses. “Well, don’t you look stunning in that burgundy dress you have on, Blair!” I complimented as I looked up to down the floor-length burgundy dress she has on. “I had to make sure I still get to stand out despite not being the main star of the night, Anna.” She wink, laughing afterwards. “We really need to stand out as well considering we will be on tonight’s main star side the whole night.” Ry in her gold dress says. “Then, let us just wish that nobody dares to ruin the night.” I exclaimed with a sigh, making them giggle softly. “Is the most expected person to come tonight already arrived though?” “You mean the biggest investor in the company, right?” I nodded my head to Blair. “They said that he had already arrived, but we hadn’t had a glance at him yet. Pretty sure he is around here. Why?” I let out a scoff upon feeling their suspicious glance at me. “Why are you both looking at me as if I will do something out of hand?” I shake my head as they shrug in return. “It’s just Ms. Annalee said that she will be introducing me to him. So, I had to get myself ready before that.” “Oh please! You don’t need to get ready! Everyone always ends up fascinated by you anyway.” Blair commented with a proud smile plastered on her lips. “But we need to forget about that for now! Look who is here,” She pointed to our left side, making me directly look on that side to follow her direction. There, a man dressed in a navy blue suit with his back facing us standing there while talking to some of the known brand owner’s. As I look around him, I noticed that some women had their eyes on him just like Blair does. “No one expects that he will come tonight, but he suddenly arrived just a couple of minutes ago. Now, everyone is trying their best to find ways just to talk to him.” Blair continued her words while I remained confused. “Who are you talking about?” Ry questioned, being in the same position as I am. Blair looks at us in disbelief. “Are you guys for real? Don’t you know the well-known casanova?” My gaze went to that man right away upon hearing Blair’s only definition. “I can’t believe you guys don’t know the CEO of CVS Group!” I only know one CEO of CVS Group, and I swear that he is the last person I wanted to see tonight. But my luck is not with me. Slowly, as if it was on the right timing, he turned his head to our direction, glancing at me for a moment until our eyes met with one another completely. However, instead of seeing some remorse in it, I only saw the smirk slowly forming his lips. Why now? Why here? “Bloody hell! It’s—” “Zachary Auguste Cuevas.” the culprit behind my brother’s death.
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